Hi all!
So the problems I am having post today's patch are:
1) funny load screen. during logging in b4 i get to toon select I get a black screen with elder scrolls in big letters. kind of the same font as when u start ur PC in safety mode. I have had it every log in so far.
2) High memory usage. My mem usage post patch has shot up to 1-2 mill. I haven't changed any settings and I have a high spec gaming rig. Also I have had 2 total PC freezes post patch. During one it froze and wouldn't even let me open task manager so I had to force a shutdown. On the other one I ended up turning off my pc at the plug as nothing else worked. not good for my PC ;(.
3) worse latency than before. so when i hit an action button it is either super delayed or doesn't register. This is causing me to die a lot more than I normally would.
4)Npcs disappearing mid quest stopping me from finishing the q or leaving a quest dungeon. I actually had to do /stuck to get out of the dungeon. it ported me to the opening way-shrine and I was then able to leave.
so that's my lot so far. I'm most concerned about the memory usage and total PC freezes.
Anyone else have same or similar issues. Would love a reply from ZOS if possible