Saw this mentioned by someone else. He linked some potion he made using Blue Entoloma, Columbine and Nirnroot
before patch 1.1.2. It had the 3 second invisibility and the restore health stats. Then he linked another he made after the patch, which only has the invisibility, no restore health.
I decided to test this myself and found it to be true, no restore health on it. Even went as far as testing a crafted potion to make sure it isn't a tooltip error, I did not receive any type of healing from the potion.
As you can see from the screenie, the restore health icon is glowing to indicate it should be on the potion, but the tooltip says otherwise.
"The day I start considering people's feelings before speaking my mind is the day my efficacy as a politician comes to an end. When that day comes, just kill me outright, I beg of you."
-Abnur Tharn