Okay so I logged in excitedly last night for the new patch and it's fixes. After pulling a larger group of mobs and Puncturing Sweeping them to death ( I won't even mention the utterly absurd global cooldown), I noticed my ultimate bar didn't budge AT ALL. I use Dawn's Wraths Nova morph. Usually with Prism, my ultimate bar will go up at a steady pace while using any Templar ability. After investigating, I noticed the tooltip for Prism now reads "When using a Dawn's Wrath ability" instead of what it said before- "When using a Sun ability".
The Patch Notes simply said:
Prism: Fixed an issue where the Prism passive wasn't properly adding Ultimate when the Dawn’s Wrath ability was cast.
That doesn't mention in any way shape or form that Prism now only affects Dawn's Wrath abilities. This severely cripples my particular builds survivability, as I could rely upon my trusty Nova morph to get me out of a jam.
I did test the rate at which my Solar Barrage was bestowing ultimate for Radial Sweep, which costs significantly less ultimate to use. While the ultimate did seem to be ready much faster, I attributed this to the fact that it costs about 3 times less to use and determined that it was still taking much too long to use.
So either there is a bug crippling the rate at which we gain ultimate, the devs decided that Prism should only affect Dawn's Wrath abilities and not mention it in the patch notes, or I missed something in the patch notes that mentions significantly reducing the rate at which ultimate can be gained.
And if the devs did really decide to go ahead and make Prism only affect Dawn's Wrath abilities, I think, nay, demand that the skill points put into Prism be refunded as they were refunded for other passive abilities that were nerfed. Like Master Ritualist and Deadly Bash.
EDIT: A customer service rep has refunded those particular skill points for me so at least that part has been resolved. However, the Patch Notes still need to be more clear. And I noticed in the Patch Notes that damaging AoE's now bestow less ultimate. But this seems like a huge nerf to ultimate gain for those not trying to exploit AoE's to gain ultimate.
Edited by RonnieJay on May 23, 2014 10:01AM