so since this update
#1 huge load screen wait times
#2 u messed up the graghic settings
#3 all my addons are now out of date and un-usable
#4 while downloading the patch for some reason it went from 100% aka finished patching to 167% and continued downloading telling me that there are obviously serious issues going on. when did we change the standard 100% matrix? does this mean u sent out files for download that werent ment to be downloaded? were u hacked by the gold farmers? is my account info at risk?
#5 the obvious one is, veteran mobs are all wtf super unholy world boss's
#6 u launch patch and go home and go to sleep......... this should have been rolled back before your work day ended.
#7 this is the first time the game has crashed for me ever and it keeps crashing randomly epic fail
im sure there are more but i felt the need to stop playing and post this
would my fellow gamers please add the other issues they find that i missed below this
and lets keep this thread discussion free, lets just have this be a simple list of wtf did u do zenimax....
thanks for reading