In case you haven't noticed ZOS, there have been many problems reported with the new Craglorn patch, and so far we've had very little feedback from you. Currently the patch is on the NA server, and seems to be causing massive problems all over the place. Also, EU is down for maintenance, whereby this server will also be affected.
It would make sense that you communicate with us about what's happening .. and quick. Just a plan of action for the NA server, and the EU one too if you continue to patch it with something clearly reported as being FUBARed. People are frustrated, and were before this patch came, and your lack of communication is only adding to it. If anything, some clear communication might save a few unsubscriptions.
Please talk to us!
They don't give a squat about your wants/needs. They just bank your 15 bucks and LOL at you every month.
@kameekazee you can always dream but thats not it. Before they can comment on all the bugs they have to verify the bugs first. So do not expect anything before Monday.
Question is though who are the *** on the PTS that can't write bug reports? ZOS need to make PTS available to all players. And they should also allow you to copy your main character from live servers to the PTS so you don't have to level it up.
In case you haven't noticed ZOS, there have been many problems reported with the new Craglorn patch, and so far we've had very little feedback from you. Currently the patch is on the NA server, and seems to be causing massive problems all over the place. Also, EU is down for maintenance, whereby this server will also be affected.
It would make sense that you communicate with us about what's happening .. and quick. Just a plan of action for the NA server, and the EU one too if you continue to patch it with something clearly reported as being FUBARed. People are frustrated, and were before this patch came, and your lack of communication is only adding to it. If anything, some clear communication might save a few unsubscriptions.
Please talk to us! wrote: »Break out the Ouji Board if you want to summon ZOS... the God of Elder Scrolls
Ruddertail wrote: »And you better believe they're having some power meeting about the V5-10 issue right now. They don't want to lose your subscription.
Ruddertail wrote: »And you better believe they're having some power meeting about the V5-10 issue right now. They don't want to lose your subscription.
I agree mate, I think they'll definitely be doing that. But here's the thing, they need to talk to us. They made a mandate a while ago saying they wanted to be more transparent with information, including reacting to feedback they were sent. Well given that a lot of beta testers and those on the PTS have reported problems that have made it into the game with significant frequency it would suggest there's a problem. Also, most of the communication since the patch went live on the NA servers has given the impression they have no idea what's going on, why it's going on, or any plan to resolve it despite regular and numerous reports. To me that's not transparency.
The game's not in beta any more .. and we're paying for the privilege of a bit of a mess each time something new or apparently 'fixed' comes along. In my opinion them opening up their communications would be one way to keep people informed more, rather than this lackluster approach that really tells us nothing.
I don't believe they don't care about us, our subscriptions, etc, but i can easily understand why some people think that .. often they give us no alternative by dropping badly tested stuff on us, or not checking it thoroughly before release.
I'd just like one week where I can play this game without coming into contact with a gaping problem that should've been fixed in beta or similar. As for PTS, well, I have no idea wth is happening there .. but clearly it's not doing what it should one way or the other.