Death Recap How do I kill it.

I want it gone always. If I press Y it appears next time.I would expect it to be in Options>Gameplay but it is not.
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  • Lucifer66
    I totally agree!. I hate this pointless POS. If you can't figure out that something hit you with more damage that you got HP then you must be brain dead. I suppose some people might want this crap on their screen, but I don't need it or want it.

    I want to turn it off PERMANENTLY.

    Give me something useful, like something that says how many people are in each guild so I can join the 5 biggest ones.
    Edited by Lucifer66 on May 25, 2014 11:29PM
    My concern can be measured in micro-give-a-craps.
  • shadowz081
    Really...This doesn't even affect gameplay and we have people complaining about it...It is not like you can do anything when ur dead other than revive and if you don't care don't read it, and it only remain on the screen for a split second til you hit revive...Unless you are one of those people who like looking around when dead...
  • Lucifer66
    Yes, really. It's annoying to have your screen covered up with useless crap you can't get rid of. You know like spam, advertisements, stuff you didn't ask for. So we want to be able to turn it off. It says you can turn it off, obviously the devs realize that it's annoying to some people or they wouldn't have made the option.

    Yes I like to look around when I'm dead because I want to see what is still there before I use a soul crystal. I like to look at what I got left to kill before I jump back in a fight. That is much more useful information. There might have been 4 mobs and I killed 2 so I only have 2 to kill, or maybe I still got 4 left. Maybe I might agro more mobs using a soul crystal and would be better off respawning at a wayshrine.

    Whatever the case is I want it off and the option isn't working and we should be able to turn it off. You want it on then fine, just don't force the rest of us to have to have it too if we don't want it.
    My concern can be measured in micro-give-a-craps.
  • SilverWF
    ask for such addon at the
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  • MKLS
    Doesn't "T" toggle it off ?
  • Lox
    shadowz081 wrote: »
    Really...This doesn't even affect gameplay and we have people complaining about it...It is not like you can do anything when ur dead other than revive and if you don't care don't read it, and it only remain on the screen for a split second til you hit revive...Unless you are one of those people who like looking around when dead...

    Anything like this that is added should have the option to turn it off completely. Its a simple matter of catering to the wants of more players rather than forcing things on them.
  • frwinters_ESO
    MKLS wrote: »
    Doesn't "T" toggle it off ?

    Yes it does. NExt time you die, hit T and it will not come back again until you hit T again. Simple.
  • Liquid_Time
    Thanks, it does annoy me as well. Glad there is a way to turn it off :smiley:
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • liquid_wolf
    'T' is for TORTURE.

    You can toggle it on and off again.
  • Lucifer66
    'T' is for TORTURE.

    You can toggle it on and off again.

    "T" only works for a little while, it doesn't keep it off forever. When you relog (Something I find myself doing a lot to work around many of the bugs in this game). Like fixing doors that won't open and leave me stuck in a dungeon, or quest containers or NPC's that aren't there, even invisible bosses and enemies that can hit and kill me but I can't attack. All of these things happen to me quite frequently.
    SilverWF wrote: »
    ask for such addon at the

    Addons cause more trouble than they are worth. I already have about 20 of them fixing things that should already be in the game but if I have them all on it lags the game so bad I can't even play it. Plus I have to dismiss all the errors they cause every time I log in because the people that make them don't bother to keep them updated after every patch.

    Addons use up memory on your computer and I have 12gb of low latency ramm, so if it's lagging me out, I imagine people with less are really getting lagged. So when you say "Just get an addon to fix it" you are also saying "have some more lag" because addons work by calling on your computer to stop and follow instructions from other files from other folders. The more times your computer has to do this it slows everything down because it draws on resources from your video and sound.

    The game developers need to make an option in the game to turn if off in the game settings. That way your preference is saved. It also saves on your resources because it stops the whole process from happening in the first place. Same with all of the other stuff you have addons working to correct. If any of the stuff you use addons for were already written into the game it saves on resources because it doesn't have to be corrected afterwards.
    My concern can be measured in micro-give-a-craps.
  • Censorious
    I almost burst into tears when I saw they'd done this.

    It's patronising, virtually useless, ugly and it actually obscures part of the UI that you need to get rid of it.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • daneyulebub17_ESO
    I'm scared that if I kill it, I'll have to deal with a "death recap death recap" window.
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  • Mablung
    Fire. Fire is the only way to get rid of this abomination.
  • dietlime
    MMO players:

    "I literally can't play this video game if pen and paper numbers don't pop out!"

    "I can't stand this box showing me numbers on which attacks most damaged me!"

    As a very eclectic gamer genre-wise, I have to say my 2nd foray into MMO's hasn't done the playerbase any better justice than the first, EVE Online.
    Edited by dietlime on June 1, 2014 4:40AM
  • Strigoimare
    I like it, and this is far from useless. It can be helpful in a number of ways, since the game is usually a bit opaque in how it shows some numbers.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    The hints can be helpful, especially to someone expecting a WoW cheesefest. I keep mine toggled on, because just maybe I can get a hint that I might not have been aware of, even after playing since early release.

    But as mentioned above, yes, if you look to the bottom of your screen, you can toggle it off when it appears.

    Gee, I wonder how many folks noticed the quiet little DBM equivalent that pops up above your resource bars every once in a while?
  • PBpsy
    The toggle is only temporary what I was locking for was a permanent toggle. It does not remain closed forever. I pretty much said that in my OP . I am not completely against the concept I just want to be able to permanently toggle it off and not be reminded of it's existence.

    I have nice combat log addons that I can see in the chat box so for me the death recap is just useless and incomplete.

    I don't really care about it anymore though it just become a reflex to close the damned thing every time without even thinking about it.
    ESO forums achievements
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  • Yakidafi
    Lucifer66 wrote: »
    I totally agree!. I hate this pointless POS. If you can't figure out that something hit you with more damage that you got HP then you must be brain dead. I suppose some people might want this crap on their screen, but I don't need it or want it.

    I want to turn it off PERMANENTLY.

    Give me something useful, like something that says how many people are in each guild so I can join the 5 biggest ones.

    I actually died from too little dmg once, better check those numbers carefully :)
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • tinythinker
    I would also like to be able toggle it off permanently. It gives me no useful information ("bring a friend", "use a potion") and therefore is screen clutter. If folks can have the option turn off their helmet/hat, why not this?
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  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    It makes me want to punch a kitten. If we could get 3 or 4 more screens to pop up right when i am at my most irritated that would be fantastic, thanks.
  • Ageless
    Can we at least have an option to turn off the sounds on the death recap window? Ting, ting, ting, ting, tong, you're dead. Thanks. Ting, ting, tong. Oh a quick one. Ting, ting, ting, tong. Rub it in, why don't you?
    Edited by Ageless on July 3, 2014 10:04PM

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • jelliedsoup
    Don't die?

    Seriously, I like to see how much damage crystal shards or the talons did this time.

    That said a NPC mage was hitting for 2650. Killed me in one hit.
    Edited by jelliedsoup on July 3, 2014 10:07PM
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