shadowz081 wrote: »Really...This doesn't even affect gameplay and we have people complaining about it...It is not like you can do anything when ur dead other than revive and if you don't care don't read it, and it only remain on the screen for a split second til you hit revive...Unless you are one of those people who like looking around when dead...
liquid_wolf wrote: »'T' is for TORTURE.
You can toggle it on and off again.
ask for such addon at the
I totally agree!. I hate this pointless POS. If you can't figure out that something hit you with more damage that you got HP then you must be brain dead. I suppose some people might want this crap on their screen, but I don't need it or want it.
I want to turn it off PERMANENTLY.
Give me something useful, like something that says how many people are in each guild so I can join the 5 biggest ones.