Official Discussion Thread for "Introducing Endeavors, A New Way to Acquire Crown Crate Items"

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This is the official discussion thread for the blog article "Introducing Endeavors, A New Way to Acquire Crown Crate Items"

Complete new daily and weekly activities, called Endeavors, and you can earn a new currency to acquire Crown Crate items. Learn about this new system and currency here!
Staff Post
  • Ghostbane
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Wise_Will
    Nice, though i think this was added to get around any upcoming gambling legislation that may come.

    But it is a welcome addition! and i look forward to doing it
  • SantieClaws
    Will this affect twitchy crates in any way? Will that source of gems still continue?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • hbillhas
    Will you be able to combine gems and seals for purchases?
  • Gilvoth
    "This is to ensure that everybody, regardless of their play style, has an opportunity to earn the new currency without having to complete activities they don’t necessarily enjoy."
    End Quote:

    what about pvp? everything listed in activities choices was for pve only.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Will this affect twitchy crates in any way? Will that source of gems still continue?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    This does not affect the Ouroboros Crown Crates gained through Twitch Drops.

    hbillhas wrote: »
    Will you be able to combine gems and seals for purchases?
    No, Gems and Seals of Endeavor are two separate currencies and cannot be combined.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • relentless_turnip
    Absolute respect for doing this!
    It's so nice to see an mmo moving away from monetisation rather than towards it.
    I think next is to make a safe way for players to exchange crowns for gold even if they can just be put on guild traders.
    Then almost all the items in ESO can be earned via in game gold.

    Amazing move though ZOS 😁👏
  • Nisekev
    I wonder how soul-crushing will be the grind. I guess 3-5 seals per day, while crate item prices will be around 10000 for anything beyond bottom-tier consumables.
  • Amarthiul
    No, Gems and Seals of Endeavor are two separate currencies and cannot be combined.

    Could you go into a bit of detail as to why they're separate? I really like the idea of topping off gems I get from Crown Crates or Twitch drops with in-game activities.
  • Firstmep
    Ok im blown away. That being said im fairly certain getting a single radiant apex mounts worth of Seals will probably take a better part of a year of doing these.
    Still, i really like this, the devs didnt have to do it, and for lesser items im sure it will be worth our while.
  • xpolilla
    Nisekev wrote: »
    I wonder how soul-crushing will be the grind. I guess 3-5 seals per day, while crate item prices will be around 10000 for anything beyond bottom-tier consumables.

    It doesn't matter! Free is free! Moving away from monetization in game is a free benefit for players (so we win), a smart workaround future gambling laws, and a fabulous marketing asset for ZoS (so they win). Any new idea that is a win/win is a GOOD IDEA. Props to ZoS for doing this.
  • thegreatme
    I'm assuming that Endeavor dailies will uniquely be capped account-wide rather than per character as normal dailies are?
    Thank You ZoS!:
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  • Elsonso

    1. Is this ZOS backing away a little from loot boxes?
    2. Is this Microsoft telling ZOS to back away from loot boxes?
    3. Is this a misdirection so that future legislation won't apply to Crown Crates?

    Honestly, I never would have pegged ZOS for backing away from loot boxes outside of some external stimulus. This seems to go against the tide. I am waiting for the asterisk. The catch. The fine print.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • SantieClaws
    Will there be a daily or weekly cap on the seals you can obtain?

    Can you get them from doing daily crafting writs?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • albumoculus
    You can't tell me that this is not incredible coincidental with the fact that Microsoft bought Bethesda just recently, since microsoft offers in game rewards. Still incredible decision on your side folks, huge respect.
  • JN_Slevin
    Will these seals be tradeable? Or are they like crown gems / event tickets etc? (not much hope but i figure i ask)
    Work hard, and you will be rewarded. Spend wisely, and you will be comfortable. Never steal, or you will be punished.
  • Elsonso
    Will there be a daily or weekly cap on the seals you can obtain?

    Can you get them from doing daily crafting writs?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    My interpretation is that there will be a cap, and that cap will be _lower_ than the number of daily and weekly quests that are available. Once you hit the cap, the remaining quests are unavailable until they reset (daily or weekly)
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • RedMuse
    Wise_Will wrote: »
    Nice, though i think this was added to get around any upcoming gambling legislation that may come.

    But it is a welcome addition! and i look forward to doing it

    Lol, the cynic in me is thinking the same thing. Still I'll take it.
  • RedMuse
    Will there be a daily or weekly cap on the seals you can obtain?

    Can you get them from doing daily crafting writs?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws

    @SantieClaws As there's a both daily and weekly cap on how many endeavors we can do I'd say there is an implicit cap.
  • Ghostbane
    Elsonso wrote: »

    1. Is this ZOS backing away a little from loot boxes?
    2. Is this Microsoft telling ZOS to back away from loot boxes?
    3. Is this a misdirection so that future legislation won't apply to Crown Crates?

    Honestly, I never would have pegged ZOS for backing away from loot boxes outside of some external stimulus. This seems to go against the tide. I am waiting for the asterisk. The catch. The fine print.

    No catch, ( #2 )

    Some of us pointed this out a while back, but didn't think something would be established so quickly by ZoS. Hats off!
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Recremen
    Oh cool. Granted, I still wish we could just buy the items with cash like normal consumers, but this is good harm reduction compared to the gambling box system as it originally existed.
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • VaranisArano
    Naturally, the answer to all the loot crate concerns is daily/weekly tasks designed to get us to log in and do stuff.

    I should be happy. Finally, there's a way to get items without gambling real money on them. This is great for a lot of players.

    And yet I'm sitting here thinking about Warframe's Nightwave system of daily and weekly tasks. It's no coincidence that it's all about getting our butta in the chair, fingers on keyboard/controller/gamepad, and logging in every day. ESO is an MMO - its all about spending our time in game. This is right in the MMO wheelhouse.

    I shouldn't be disappointed with this system. Yet I am.

    Maybe that's because I burnt out on Warframe's Nightwave system within a couple months. Their tasks were too long, too time-consuming, and didn't actually live up to the idea "Often, they’ll be things you’re already doing in your regular ESO adventure." Warframe used their tasks exactly like ZOS uses Events - to strongly encourage players to get out of their comfort zone. It was basically weeks of Warframe hammering on the "fear of missing out" button. Over time, Warframe scaled back some of the tasks, but Nightwave absolutely contributed to my burnout with the game. There's something exhausting about getting tasks, then having to decide to go out of your way to do them, or if you decided not to do them, it's not like the tasks went away. There was a constant tension of "if you don't do me, you miss out" that's the essence of "fear of missing out."

    I hope ESO does better. But I'm not that hopeful. I fully expect that a lot of players who don't like getting out of their comfort zone are going to be complaining about these Seal tasks.

    Because this is an MMO. It's designed to get us to log in every day and spend time doing stuff. That's exactly what this system does, coupled with the "fear of missing out" if you don't.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    "This is to ensure that everybody, regardless of their play style, has an opportunity to earn the new currency without having to complete activities they don’t necessarily enjoy."
    End Quote:

    what about pvp? everything listed in activities choices was for pve only.

    Those were just a few examples. We do intend to make sure all playstyles are included, including PvP.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Sylas_Orin
    How costly would the items bought with Seals of Endeavor be? How many seals would a motif cost, for example, assuming a price of 5k Crowns or gem price of 100 gems? Would the seal:crown:gem ratio be equal across the board?
    Edited by Sylas_Orin on 15 April 2021 15:04
    Former completionist with all achievements unlocked up until Update 29 (Flames of Ambition). Avid RPer, writer, and former Breton lover. Then Legacy of the Bretons was released and I realized just how boring and uninspired the Bretons are according to the writers.
  • Starlight_Whisper

    Would like to see

    Run a dungeon
    Harvest certain food items
    Kill world boss
    Battle in duel
    Travel on horse x distance
    Open treasure chest
    Send mail to friend
    Swim in water
    Blade a woe a npc
    Kill dragon
    Swim in lava
    Jump off cliff and survive

    Attack test dummy
    Heal 3 allies at once
    Cleanse negative effect on all
    Have ally use synergy
    Apply minor buff to ally

    Run craglorn trial...cause nobody ever does those anymore
    Run an arena

    Repair a siege
    ally usessynergy
    Heal 10 allies in cydrolli
    Repair bridge
    Use oil on enemy
    Use siege on enemy
    Repair door/wall
    Be healed by an ally in cydrolli

    Note remember healers please 😔🌹
    Edited by Starlight_Whisper on 16 April 2021 22:55
  • Olauron
    I like it. I like especially the intention to give every playstyle a way to get seals.

    I wonder whether we will be able to test it on PTS. As far as I remember, there were no crates during last PTS builds.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Streega
    Why introduce ANOTHER ingame currency? Just use gems, ffs. One would think they need to reduce the stress on the servers, and yet there will be new numbers to juggle. Well, I like the idea, but I'm highly sceptical - nothing is free and nothing happens without a reason.
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
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    Master Angler
  • hands0medevil

    Those were just a few examples. We do intend to make sure all playstyles are included, including PvP.

    yessssss, new pvp content ;)
  • Elsonso
    Ghostbane wrote: »

    No catch, ( #2 )

    Some of us pointed this out a while back, but didn't think something would be established so quickly by ZoS. Hats off!

    This is the "catch":
    Items in loot boxes can always be earned through play. All items available through paid loot boxes in our games will also be available through unpaid opportunity by gameplay (i.e. grinding).

    The catch is the Grind. The are no restrictions on the brutality, or pointlessness, of the Grind. If ZOS RNG has taught us anything, they love the grind. I expect that the grind to get Seals to buy desired loot box items will be brutal. Perhaps not at the "impossible, for all intents and purposes" level, like the Ciphers and Dust, but brutal.

    In this case... the brutal grind is the long grind, not the hard grind.

    This is why I want to see the details. How many daily and weekly quests will someone have to do in order to buy a Radiant Apex mount with Seals? 100? 1000? This is the asterisk, and what they are not saying.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • VaranisArano

    Those were just a few examples. We do intend to make sure all playstyles are included, including PvP.

    Yep. There's the "strongly encourage players to get out of their comfort zone" I was expecting.

    While I'm glad to hear that PVP players are included, I am not looking forward to the complaints of players who feel "forced" to go into PVP zones or else they'll miss out on their Seals.
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