Would love to see more little lore snippets like this each month.
fwr.phoenixub17_ESO wrote: »
I'd prefer a full-pledged Loremaster's Archive. Miss them. Also, it would be nice to see the Interactive Map of Tamriel live and updated. @ZOS_GinaBruno ! If you hear that, please tell what've become of them.
when it is even said that the Nerevarine has risen among the Ashlanders?
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Wait...
"when it is even said that the Nerevarine has risen among the Ashlanders?"
...they look with fear on the return of the Nerevarine but look to Nerevar as an example to emulate? Someone explain this please?
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »On a mostly-unrelated note, it looks like we'll be seeing Failed Incarnate Idrenie Nerothan during our explorations.
TheRimOfTheSky wrote: »I think the general belief in Morrowind is that the Tribunal Temple are the only true gods, and that the original anticipations are false Daedra. Azura set in the Nerevarine Prophecy, so as it is associated with her, it is considered false by most Dunmer other than the Ashlanders, who still revere Azura as the Chimer initially did. In TES 3 Vivec mainly helps you because he knows that it is now the time for Morrowind to do away with the mortal gods and that you're the only one who can defeat Dagoth Ur. ESO is long before that, so any who are proclaimed to be Nerevarine are persecuted.
TheRimOfTheSky wrote: »
I predicted this a little while back, it's good to see Zenimax is doing something with the Failed Incarnates. Nerothan fought in the Akaviri Invasion, likely the second one which happened just 10 years before ESO, so it makes sense she is the current Nerevarine. Apparently she died in Kogoruhn, which is in the northern Ashlands.
Yes there will. No details yet though.Just curious, as I could not find the answer on the official page, will there be new housing available in the new playable area? And if so are they any details yet?
It kinda easy (or in fact not easy) and related to lie that Tribunal used about their ascension. According official Tribunal doctrine: Nerevar was greatest dude, etc. who upon death, betrayed by Voryn Dagoth, blessed creation of Tribunal. So, he became main saint of new faith. While in reality Vivec/Alma/Sotha betrayed and killed Nerevar, used Heart for what Azura cursed chimers into dunmers and propheted that by her power incarnation of Nerevar will return as Nerevarine and end reign of Tribunal. Ashlanders don't serve to Tribunal so they spread this prophecy, it became "ashlanders' prophecy" based on words of Alandro Sul, shield-companion of Nerevar who departed to ashlanders after his master death; while for ALMSIVI it symbolise threat so they were trying to expel any knowledge related to it as it uncover lie about their divine nature. Within Tribunal exists so called order of Dissident Priests who contest divine origin of Tribunal and spread ashlanders' prophecy of Nerevarine, being called heretics and tortured/killed/imprisoned for it by Inquisitors (in one of lore-book "The Battle of Red Mountain" you can read that Vivec himself was participated in those things).WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
That doesn't explain anything. Persecuting someone is not the same as being afraid of them. Persecuting someone claiming to be Nerevar when you respect Nerevar makes some sense--'Nerevar was a really awesome guy, how dare you lie about being him!' But FEARING someone you look up to for their courage makes no sense, not unless there's a healthy dose of context missing.
Yes, yes yes yes! Please let this be so!TheRimOfTheSky wrote: »I think the general belief in Morrowind is that the Tribunal Temple are the only true gods, and that the original anticipations are false Daedra. Azura set in the Nerevarine Prophecy, so as it is associated with her, it is considered false by most Dunmer other than the Ashlanders, who still revere Azura as the Chimer initially did. In TES 3 Vivec mainly helps you because he knows that it is now the time for Morrowind to do away with the mortal gods and that you're the only one who can defeat Dagoth Ur. ESO is long before that, so any who are proclaimed to be Nerevarine are persecuted. I predicted this a little while back, it's good to see Zenimax is doing something with the Failed Incarnates. Nerothan fought in the Akaviri Invasion, likely the second one which happened just 10 years before ESO, so it makes sense she is the current Nerevarine. Apparently she died in Kogoruhn, which is in the northern Ashlands.
And apparently it means that Kogoruhn was already dangerous place back than. Wonder who or maybe what killed her. Will be nice if it will be available for exploration and we can find answer by ourselves.TheRimOfTheSky wrote: ». Apparently she died in Kogoruhn, which is in the northern Ashlands.
And apparently it means that Kogoruhn was already dangerous place back than. Wonder who or maybe what killed her. Will be nice if it will be available for exploration and we can find answer by ourselves.
Kogoruhn... Ooh, that means those ancient dunmer strongholds will be present? Does this mean the strongholds are in the game as well? I really hope to go back to those places... Valenvaryon, Marandus, Falensarano,...
Oh, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom or @ZOS_GinaBruno one more question. You guys announced the Silk Striders... Will we have the Propylon chambers again?