Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Great, new patch coming up...wait? you are not working on fixing the mac client?

  • Monsoon
    Will this be a last minute save? Only a handful of days left before May 4th

    Coincidence? I think not...keep up the good work ZOS
    Edited by Monsoon on 29 April 2014 17:02
  • Randay
    just so you know , Chris himself , the ONLY mac developer has spoken ...
    just look at my post , and be grateful that Zenimax offer us a native mac osx version , and he have said that Zenimax had beenTRYING to HIRE mac developer for over a year but NO ONE show up ... :o

    is there any official statement proofing this ?
    if less really is more, then maybe nothing is everything
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Monsoon wrote: »
    Will this be a last minute save? Only a handful of days left before May 4th

    Coincidence? I think not...keep up the good work ZOS
    The plot thickens... DUN DUN DUUUUUN!

    Moderator Edit: Removed comment attacking another user.
    Edited by ZOS_AmeliaR on 29 April 2014 20:07
  • LavaDrop
    Guess we're not getting that @KhajitFurTrader‌ :

    We have a few additions to these patch notes, specifically for the Mac client. We'll be updating the original post with these changes as well.

    Mac Client
    Fixed an issue that would cause a gradual memory leak during long play sessions.
    Fixed an issue where using dual monitors and bumping the edge of the second screen could inadvertently switch you to windowed mode.
    Fixed an issue where the keyboard language could be set to non Latin on startup.
    Gina Bruno
    Assistant Community Manager - The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Monsoon
    Hey, just as a reminder, I have never lied or made comments without official proofs unlike others. If seeing negativity on a support forum annoys you, you can always stop reading a particular topic. What you see as negativity is actual real issues that impact all of us.

    Just think about this: What would have happened if the crashing in Cyrodill issue was a PC issue and not a Mac issue? What do you think would have happened then?
    Edited by Monsoon on 29 April 2014 19:35
  • LavaDrop
    Monsoon wrote: »
    Go ahead...focus on the person and not the issue
    Yeah, talk about logical fallacies...
  • Monsoon
    LavaDrop wrote: »
    Monsoon wrote: »
    Go ahead...focus on the person and not the issue
    Yeah, talk about logical fallacies...

  • LavaDrop
    Backtrack to when you were focusing on @Moonraker about wether technical terms were included or not in patch notes.
    Edited by LavaDrop on 29 April 2014 19:58
  • ZOS_AmeliaR
    We would like to remind everyone to keep this discussion on-topic and civil. Attacking other members of our community is not allowed on our forums.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | ESO Knowledge Base
    Staff Post
  • Monsoon
    I think this thread can now be closed as the issues that brought this thread are being fixed in the next patch

    Spoke too early apparently
    Edited by Monsoon on 2 May 2014 20:07
  • Monsoon
    ouch 2 days left until one needs a sub to play. To tell the truth I am really on the fence. I did remove my CC details but I am not sure what to do.

    One one hand I want to play PVP exclusively but the crashes and the fact that one gets one-shotted by maxed level vamp makes PVP very painful to level in.

    I also feel that one must rush to max level to be able to compete in pvp as there is zero balance. I thought that a level 20 would be boosted to level 50 in Cyrodill but you still get utterly destroyed by talons+shieldbash+shieldbash+swarm unable to do in essence PVP is a pain unless you are max level and this pushes me to level as fast as I can so I can at least live longer in pvp.

    As for PVE, well this is where the game shines. It is like the Reddit of mmos where you can just waste time forever doing almost anything you want...from fishing just because to cooking like a French Chef to eating herbs or forging armors to interacting in the wild by /nakeddance or /flirt or /layonanimalruginfrontoffireplace. There are a lot of opportunities for RP or ERP and I am glad Speech bubbles are finally going to be put in.

    For PVE I can stomach the crashes. For PVP I can not... so I have two days to decide if it is worth spending $15 for PVE'ing when it is not the reason I bought the game.

    The good news is that ZOS is learning and is making changes and improvements that would have taken Blizzard years...this gives me a lot of confidence in them. ESO in 6 months is going to be a very different beast. Slowly leaning towards subscribing...
    Edited by Monsoon on 2 May 2014 20:19
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Monsoon wrote: »
    ouch 2 days left until one needs a sub to play. To tell the truth I am really on the fence. I did remove my CC details but I am not sure what to do.

    From what you're writing the game works only 50% for you. I can see where you're coming from, that PvP is important to you, and unfortunately this is the field where the Mac client still has the most apparent weakness. If you could only pay 50% of the sub... but that is, of course, not an option. So, what ARE your options?

    Some good folks here suggested running the Windows client in Boot Camp. While I personally don't endorse this for reasons I've explained elsewhere, this is of course a viable alternative for playing the game's AvA for the time being. Don't get me wrong, I want the Mac client to come through and succeed. But you might want to think about whether this option could work out for you or not.

    You could also unsub, and simply wait until things are fixed. My experience with software development tells me that the issues will be fixed one day, one way (bug squish) or the other (64-bit client). Thing is, no-one knows if this day is in three weeks from now, or in three months. But no-one expects you to pay a 100% price tag for a service you can enjoy only 50% of, also.

    Or, you could stay, and enjoy the parts that work for you to the best of your ability. This is an exciting time for ESO, as is the launch period for all MMOs. Lots of tweaks, balancing, changes, fixes, in rapid succession. A PvE content update soon(TM) with new stuff to do and to see. You'll miss all of this when you're not around to experience it firsthand, and if you're coming back later, the game might seem unfamiliar (hopefully not unrecognizable) to you. You're saying yourself that you're seeing progression on ZOS' part, so you could set a personal bet on them. Bet that they're able to overcome the initial difficulties in an amount of time that seems reasonable to you. Show them your support by staying subbed. Hardly anyone now remembers the serious problems WoW had at its launch ten years ago, as they have become the stuff of legend. Maybe we'll say the same about ESO in the years to come. But then we can also say that we've been with it all the time.

    I would now like to eat my own words, and offer an apology to you for what I said in that other post. I hope you stay around, and enjoy playing ESO for a long time.
    Edited by KhajitFurTrader on 2 May 2014 22:26
  • sSolutionSs
    rebelcoder wrote: »
    Monsoon wrote: »

    It should have read 'HUGE PVP BATTLES' *

    *We cannot guarantee pvp battles of any size with any amount of reliability. Especially for you mac folks.

  • achimb16_ESO3
    No fix again in 1.0.7. This is sad news.
    Buying Windows for Bootcamp at the price of ESO itself is not an option, the IE was expensive enough (and I'd hate to reboot every time I'd like to play). The idea of buying a complete second PC is even more ridiculous. I bought a Mac client of ESO and expect it to work as advertised without (costly) workarounds.
  • beng
    No fix again in 1.0.7. This is sad news.
    Buying Windows for Bootcamp at the price of ESO itself is not an option, the IE was expensive enough (and I'd hate to reboot every time I'd like to play). The idea of buying a complete second PC is even more ridiculous. I bought a Mac client of ESO and expect it to work as advertised without (costly) workarounds.

    I totally agree
    iMac mid 2011 - 2,5 Ghz Intel Core i5 - RAM 12Go - AMD Radeon HD6750M 512Mo - OS X 10.10.2
  • Monsoon
  • canuck1975
    I'm only finding crashing in strange places... like I'm riding my horse or walking in town. So far I've been lucky it seems. Mind you, I haven't tried to PVP (trying to level up first and the crashing would suck).

    At the end of the day, Zenimax needs the recurring revenue so if enough Mac players get fed up and stop paying they'll fix it. That's the joy of capitalism.
  • Moonraker
    canuck1975 wrote: »
    I'm only finding crashing in strange places... like I'm riding my horse or walking in town. So far I've been lucky it seems. Mind you, I haven't tried to PVP (trying to level up first and the crashing would suck).

    At the end of the day, Zenimax needs the recurring revenue so if enough Mac players get fed up and stop paying they'll fix it. That's the joy of capitalism.
    Or, decide that there are not enough paying Mac customers for it to be viable and stop supporting the platform...

    It cuts both ways in business.

    Why I am happy to pay for multi-month subscription. But mainly because it's a great game.
  • canuck1975
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Or, decide that there are not enough paying Mac customers for it to be viable and stop supporting the platform...

    It cuts both ways in business.

    Why I am happy to pay for multi-month subscription. But mainly because it's a great game.

    Possibly but they did put a lot of capital into developing the game. I don't know if they could afford to lose it. Maybe they could since we don't know how much they put into it but it would be a pretty big hit to their investors regardless.

    On a separate note, one thing I thought of after posting last night... isn't it kind of cool that they actually developed it for Mac in the first place? It's not a port so that's huge for our little community.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    canuck1975 wrote: »
    On a separate note, one thing I thought of after posting last night... isn't it kind of cool that they actually developed it for Mac in the first place? It's not a port so that's huge for our little community.

    I still think it's very cool. And it was a huge initial incentive for me to try to get into beta in the first place.

    There was only one other MMO for which I was willing to jump through the Boot Camp hoop, and that was only because I'm a huge fan of the works of Professor Tolkien.
  • achimb16_ESO3
    Zenimax might not even be aware of all the crashes in OSX - for me the CrashReporter itself crashes since the last update. I have to cmd-alt-esc and close it to be able to continue.
    The game still crashes every 1-2 hours in PVE for me (mostly when returning to town for selling/banking), but it never sends crashreports to Zenimax any more. So the problem might look much minor on their side as it actually is.
  • Moonraker
    Zenimax might not even be aware of all the crashes in OSX - for me the CrashReporter itself crashes since the last update. I have to cmd-alt-esc and close it to be able to continue.
    The game still crashes every 1-2 hours in PVE for me (mostly when returning to town for selling/banking), but it never sends crashreports to Zenimax any more. So the problem might look much minor on their side as it actually is.
    For some it doesn't work at all, for others (like me) it works most of the time. It's not so reliable but 'should' work. If not it does indicate some connection issue or problem fully generating the report. I posted some more details in this thread.

    So, at least some reports get sent and at this point the memory issue is well known and continues to be investigated and fixes put in for QA testing then live, as they are found. This would not just be in the Mac client but libraries , game engine etc.
  • LandoMoonHunter
    Soul Shriven
    great lots of fixes yea
  • anakaki
    This is ridicilous. Why is this game even sold for mac.
    Crash every hour.
    Death Recap for Templars
    Have you tried rerolling to a Sorcerer or Dragonknight?
    Templars do more dps than DK's.
  • Moonraker
    anakaki wrote: »
    This is ridicilous. Why is this game even sold for mac.
    Crash every hour.
    Because for a majority of Mac players it works great?! The time between crashes has extended since release and so most will get hours between crashes and can monitor and reboot to avoid this. In PvP it is the real problem still.

    It will be great when the memory issue is resolved but overall the client works great, as well as the PC client. There may be other issues in the game but that's not down to the Mac client.
  • UncleArkie
    Soul Shriven
    Oh that necro :pensive:

    Case in point with ZeniMax trying to hire more mac developers (I still haven't seen anything in regards to this) is that the game industry generally pays very poorly compared to the same jobs in another field. I normally get paid a little above 50k€ a year, the same job in the games industry (trust me I've looked) pays maybe 40. Good mac devs are rare, precious even, so... Yer if they think they can hire a mac-dev that can go to adobe or wolfram-alpha and make 25% more then ZM's is gonna have a bad time.

    I'm making silly, lack of coffee induced assumptions here of course.
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