Master Suggestions List for Improving Crafting Systems and Interfaces

  • Rodario
    About the master titles, I feel there needs to be a grand master title for researching all traits as well, if you're a master for just reaching 50. Let's be honest, apart from enchanting that's pretty effortless.
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Doskias
    I agree with you on that there should be a little bit more involved with titles so not to be freely given.
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
  • LordNowe
    •A filter to check/uncheck "Hide unknown traits" so they are not accidentally deconstructed.

    Currently can be done by Item Saver or Item Lock.

    •Include the motif style on tool-tip of armor and weapons. Either by icon or words.

    Currently done by a number of addons.

    I'd still like them to be default features, of course.
  • Alephen
    2 things i would like to see:
    1) more titles and achievements. currently the only crafting achievements are in enchanting, and they arent even for crafting. master title and a costume are nice for 50 but why not apprentice and journeyman titles, too. I PVPed for 3 hours and got 2 titles, titles can be more common in pve.

    2) seeing as we hae the costume slot, it will be less likely we actually get appearance slots for really customized look, but how about being able to change an armor piece into a costume. for example: like the look of the medium t2 bosmer set? click on the chest piece and select make into costume in the drop down menu (much like the convert to imperialism.) then you get the costume of a full set of that armor, i would probably make it not convertable back, but in EQ2 you could take special items, make them a trophy for your house, then make them back tothe usable item. even if they had a 'costume designers charge' to drain money, would allow some additional customizations and variety. could force you to collect a full set of the item - maybe it only works from worn inventory, and the entire set needs to be worn/converted.
  • Doskias
    @LordNowe‌ @Alephen‌

    Thanks to you both for your input. I will work on doing some rewording on the suggestions/feedback.
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
  • LonePirate

    Thank you for creating this awesome thread. I agree with every suggestion. I definitely would like to see Hirelings send Motif Books and Recipes. Creating quests around certain areas like Fishing or creating recipes that require caught fish are wonderful ideas. ZOS should bring you on as a Crafting Consultant for their design team.
  • Doskias

    Thanks for the compliments. I can't take credit for much of what is listed. I have primarily just organized the Original Post and maintained it with suggestions from the community. Some things I did put in there myself or reworded to be more clear and precise.
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
  • Doskias
    So the new Craglorn patch is out today. Will do some testing on the runestone frequency and see how much it is better as well as finding more aspect and potency as stated in patch notes. If it appears to be what was wanted from the suggestions, I will remove it from this list.
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Vandril wrote: »
    Rather than increasing the number of enchanting nodes, I feel that they should remove the Aspect and Essence nodes, baking them into Potency nodes in such a way where, when you gather a potency rune, you have a large chance at gaining an Essence rune and a moderate-low chance at gaining an Aspect rune. Optionally, also update the Aspect Extraction talent to also slightly increase the chances of gaining higher quality aspect runes from gathering nodes, to go along with this change.

    Don't get rid of all enchanting nodes, just make the potency and aspect runes much more prevelant, we are currently inundated with useless aspect runes. Great idea on the talent.
    Vandril wrote: »
    This change will do two things: put Enchanting's node system logically in line with many other professions and increase the number of essence nodes you get while farming enchanting.

    We don't want to line up enchanting with other professions as they are all far far to easy to level. Enchanting is where everything else should be.

    ESO has made huge mistakes in setting the expectation bar way to low so people expect everything handed to them and when it's not they complain.
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Enkil wrote: »

    1. Hirelings should send blue and purple recipes. Other professions receive rare materials up to legendary and are also able to obtain them from deconstruction. Looting should not be the only source of recipes.

    2. Add a grocer vendor that sells ingredients. It's annoying you have over 100 of two ingredients each but zero of that third.

    3. Include the appropriate provisioning items in the monster loot tables. Items such as meat should be available from mobs.

    4. Make plant derived items gatherable from nodes in the world. There are a lot of plant type items such as wheat, grapes, apples, etc. Elder scrolls has had gatherable wheat in games since Morrowind. Just look at Skyrim for an example. Farms have wheat, cabbage, gourds, etc. Jazaby grapes grow in the wild.

    Great ideas, you know, a lot of these issues would be solved easily if they just did things that made sense, like WoW has bear meat that drops from bears, and GW2 you can pick strawberries from strawberry patches...

    They dumbed the game down way to much and it feels really unfinished, really rocky start Max, get it together.
  • Cogo
    OP, while you wrote a GREAT post and explained why. I love it!
    Some points are good. Some even are coming in the game like fishing.

    But I cant get away from the feeling that most suggestions is how to make thing easier.

    There really are to many MMO thats easy. One of the main reasons I am here, is because ESO describes itself as do whatever you want, but this is not an easy game. (Short disciption)

    There are coming additions to crafting. All crafting. Lets see what that brings eh.

    And no more making stuff easy.....
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Evil_Argonian
    Soul Shriven
    Ability to craft in Woodworking a 'handle piece' or similar-concept item, as an off-hand for two-handed and staffs. It's purpose would be to enable two hand weapon users to have the same 9 potential slots for craftable item set items, and would provide very little or no benefit otherwise.
    Edited by Evil_Argonian on 3 June 2014 14:24
    Vehemence Healer

    Elinri Pelori of Lions - DC Templar

    Elinri Pelori - EP Templar
  • Doskias
    @kelley.medleyb14_eso @Cogo @Evil_Argonian‌

    Thanks for the suggestions and feedback.

    I try to be as unbiased as possible and meld things together to suite multiple opinions and collaborate things while making it streamlined but not necessarily making things easier unless it actually needs to happen. No one is going to agree with every point. Everyone has a different play-styles. Thanks for keeping it civil and respecting others opinions. I have to say I am quite impressed with the civility of this thread so far.
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
  • Doskias
    Also I will be doing some editing to the suggestion pertaining to this that were changed in the Craglorn patch and can either do away with them or edit them to adjust to said changes. Thanks again to everyone's feedback. I will be sending this shorting to the devs.
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
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