The devs are just not listening to the gamers and while we address issues exploits and even suggestions to make them workable they don't seem to listen instead they turn a blind eye, look the other way and do exactly what they want to do. Like release crappy crag *** which also has bugs. Now I'm not saying they won't fix the crag *** bugs but for crying out loud fix the game before you make any drastic changes and break it even more. Your coding and planning suck!
If you design whole PvP for only Veteran ranks you can simply expect low population in the first months since the players rushing to highest level really a small portion in this game. There are really many people out there questing to be competitive in PvP, but raising cap level every month will not help them and will not help low population campaigns either. I didn't vote since i didn't see an option for level imbalance. Being one shot by a VR12 is really not fun at all.
Imbalance, yes. But mostly lag. Absurd lag that makes it almost impossible to play and general unresponsiveness of commands (swapping weapons requires 2 seconds ffs). Lastly, the mercenaries spam is currently dealing the final blow.
But I am still here, still playing, still alive. Never retreat! Never surrender!