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Why are now VR5 npc's in Cyrodiil?

  • Tavore1138
    ZOS would say that neither Cyrodil nor VR PvE content is forced grouping.

    One can happily go into Cyrodil and roam around questing or dungeon diving or looking for lone enemies to pick off, you can tag along with keep raids without formally being in a group. But I would say it is more aimed at groups.

    VR level PvE is also supposed to be possible solo, and working through my VR7 area I would say that 95% is soloable. There are a handful of bosses who I have found it less rage inducing to do with a random passing stranger but I know my build has some vulnerabilities to certain types of opponent, others claim to have cruised through it all solo.

    So overall I do not think forced grouping is the intent in those areas, but... Craglorn makes me wonder if that is the future of the content.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Morticielle
    Sil wrote: »
    I ask just cause I don't get it... Why are now VR5 mobs/npc's in Cyrodiil?
    Cause of which reason?

    RTFM! Or better: Read the *** patchnotes!
    Lady Morticielle d'Aragòn |VR12| Sorcerer | PvP Rank 21 (Major Grade I) | EU-Megaserver | AD

    Subscription cancelled due to the following facts:

    - Zenimax implements more bugs from patch to patch
    - Zenimax does not care about the increasing instability of the game. People have more and more crashes Fix of memory bug decreased number of crashes considerably
    - Zenimax has still not fully fixed the fps drops they (!) implemented with patch1.2.3
    - Zenimax does nothing to fix the massive ability lags in PvP
    - Zenimax gives more attention to unnecassary 'content' like dyes for armors than fixing issues
    - In patchnotes Zenimax lies about bugs allegedly fixed
    - Zenimax has no plan as to how balance population in Cyrodiil campaigns
    - Support is ineffective and does not even speak in a way one can linguistically understand

  • Sil
    Sil wrote: »
    I ask just cause I don't get it... Why are now VR5 mobs/npc's in Cyrodiil?
    Cause of which reason?

    RTFM! Or better: Read the *** patchnotes!

    I don't know why you feel the need of swearing (besides you father and mother had no time to educate you in good manners), but I will do that. Perhaps "Look in the patch notes, there stands... would be an improvement not only online, also in social contact in real life.

    * auch wenn ich mich aufrege, rege ich mich nicht auf*
  • LonePirate
    For anyone reading this, do not believe anyone who claims the VR mobs or the PVE questing is no different or is even easier following the upgrade to VR5. The mobs are a lot tougher than they were at level 50. Before the upgrade, my VR6 was able to solo every PVE quest quite easily, even the dungeon quests and the quests involving elite mobs. I'm now a VR7 and the VR5 mobs hit much harder and take longer to kill than they have at any point since I was a VR1-2. I won't even attempt quests that send me to a dungeon as the payout and time required are simply not worth the effort.

    If you are VR3 or below, I highly recommend finding someone to group with for Cyrodiil questing. Dungeon diving and questing in Cyrodiil is easier, much faster and quite a bit of fun if you are grouped with someone else and you share quests. Not only that but there are some quests like the Croosford one which sends you to the goblin cave or the Weynon Priory one which sends you to the tower with the trolls inside it practically require more than one person to complete them, unless you are exceptionally lucky, skilled or over leveled.
  • zaria
    before 1.1.2 I and four other was running around deep behind enemy lines took resources.
    Come in from side, kill tower mage, rush to flag and aoe down the npc.
    Mount up and continue to next resource, this went on for over an hour until we run into an larger group of players.
    We was one VR8 and the rest VR1-3 resources went down in 1-2 minutes.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • reften
    Heraclea wrote: »
    This disappoints me, if only because the regular quest content left me at level 49. So I ground myself to 50 doing PvE quests in Cyrodiil. That apparently is not an option any more.

    not buying this at all. I hit level 50 about a week ago well before beating Molag Bol. I skipped many of the dolmen's...and I skipped all but two of the big dungeons.

    I did some PvP, but not much...and never camped a public/solo dungeon boss.

    Why ***...and even make up lies to support your whine? I just don't get this

    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and ESO...one of those will eventually kill me.
  • WhitePawPrints
    zaria wrote: »
    before 1.1.2 I and four other was running around deep behind enemy lines took resources.
    Come in from side, kill tower mage, rush to flag and aoe down the npc.
    Mount up and continue to next resource, this went on for over an hour until we run into an larger group of players.
    We was one VR8 and the rest VR1-3 resources went down in 1-2 minutes.

    Maybe resources and keeps fell easily but that's not reason to make the PVE monsters a higher level. It could easily be made to have only Alliance guards increase in their level instead of a across the board increase.

    The counter to small raid groups like that are supposed to be other players. It's supposed to be PVP, not versus NPC's. Granted this was issued because some players don't have jobs or lives so they play 24/7 and caused issues with the players that do have jobs or lives, but PVE could have been left alone.

    As frustrating as it is when my entire group gets wiped by NPC's and Mercs, I think Alliance NPCs are fine at this new significant buff. They're annoying but they allow for factions to hold keeps against superior numbers (countering the Caltrops negating defense siege equipment).

    But change the regular mobs back to level 50!

    I enjoyed going to Cyrodil for some PVE action with friends, but now because they're low VR levels, they don't even want to go to Cyrodil. I don't even want to do PVE anymore either.

    I have not seen a single Campaign on "High" population level by any faction at any time since the patch. All PVE players have certainly abandoned Cyrodil.
  • frwinters_ESO
    Sil wrote: »
    yes, i mean the pve mission npc's and animals. In the villages and dungeons. They are also VR 5. I mean... Why are you able to enter Cyro from lvl 10 on, but even as a level 47 now cyro is only a place where you can go with at least 3 ppl in a dungeon. VR5 npcs everywhere is... well... it is like noone has to enter cyro b4 he reaches V2 or V3... I don't get it as I said. And I was before the change with some people there taking a keep and some productions, it was pretty hard before. Now it is really senseless to go ther before V2 or V3 I think. What's going on in this game?

    you still get your stats bumped up to match so it isnt to big a deal.
  • AZSharksFan
    Personally I would like to have seen a scaling factor for the dungeons.. A few per alliance for lowbie PVPers, a few for mid, and then a few for Vet status.. Gives you a little something to strive for as you delve into PVP areas.. You could even make the quest hubs in similar fashion..
  • Sil
    [edited after decision to not envolve too much in this^^] :D
    Edited by Sil on 28 May 2014 21:53
    * auch wenn ich mich aufrege, rege ich mich nicht auf*
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