Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

patch 1.1.2 improvement feedback

Hey guys!

The patchnotes states that an issue has been fixed that caused to crash because of not enough system memory.
As the mac client had some major memory leak issues, i would like to you know your opinion whether or not this fix improved the gameplay (especially in cyrodil)

I won't be able to play the game until sunday afternoon. I will test Cyrodil as soon as possible.

if less really is more, then maybe nothing is everything
  • Moonraker
    I am unable to update due to download issue currently. I'll post when I can.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Well, still in the first 1.1.2 game session after one hour. No issues so far, except...

    what has happened to textures? Take a look at this:


    First thing I did after starting the game was setting the graphics quality to Ultra-High. New defaults for UH are View Distance on 100 (62 before) and Water Reflections on Medium (High before).

    I set Shadow Quality from the default Ultra to High, the rest is on defaults for UH quality.

    And the horses... oh, the horses. They surely weren't high-res before, but now?

    Anyone else seeing similar things?
  • Moonraker
    They did have higher res textures for non player humanoid NPCs in PTS notes so guess those went in for horses.

    Yes, IMO mistake to reset the Ultra-High to that was it's too much really. I have to set as before.

    Generally I would suggest everyone check Video settings to make sure it is not set higher than before.

    On memory, well looks like Mac client is more stable than PC client after patch so... ;)

    Not seen memory being worse on Mac but do check if you can and for hotter running if you check PC threads on it.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    So, I quit (not crashed) the game client and did a repair from the launcher. Can't tell whether anything was fixed, it was too fast. After relaunching the game the ground texture issue had cleared up. I guess it came from changing the graphics quality without closing and restarting the client, loading screen aside.

    Here's the horse from before (*shudder*):


    And here after restarting the client:


    That's better, but I wouldn't call that high-res either.

    So remember, better to restart the client after fiddling with graphic quality settings, the loading screen doesn't always seem to cut it.
  • Moonraker
    And the horses... oh, the horses. They surely weren't high-res before, but now?
    OK I took it that it was much better LOL Yep, second seems normal.

    I guess they didn't roll out the higher textures as I think they had some issues on performance with them which is probably a good thing for Mac client right now.
  • Windshadow_ESO
    things do seem better except for my toon in Davons watch is constantly being kicked to char select and of course yo get a rollback for up to 10 or `15 min each time so you have to log out and in after every action like buying empty soul gems or any crafting… almost unplayable for that toon but I think this is a server side problem
  • Moonraker
    things do seem better except for my toon in Davons watch is constantly being kicked to char select and of course yo get a rollback for up to 10 or `15 min each time so you have to log out and in after every action like buying empty soul gems or any crafting… almost unplayable for that toon but I think this is a server side problem
    Hopefully they will have a hotfix out soon for this as posted here for Stonefall.

  • Nevergrims
    Soul Shriven
    And the crashes-in-Cyrodiil-every-10min still not solved....
  • Vengeance_Esq
    Not at cyrodil yet but my systems crashed to desktop six times in an hour. Before the update settings all on high, tried now lowering, but still laggy and unplayable. Any ideas? Oh and iv not installed any add ons or anything either. Thanks
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    Texture issues here as well - horses (and other various things like boxes, cabinets, and backpacks) are all very low rez now. I'm on an iMac as well, but I did not have this issue before the patch. Horses never looked awesome, but this ghostly white blob that is now my horse is definitely new since the 1.1.2 patch.

    I tried logout, restart comp, and repair game client, like some others mentioned. Things did improve for a bit after that, but as soon as I zoned, they went back to crap and my horse became a white blob again.

    27" imac late 2013
    Processor 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB
    Software OS X 10.9.2 (13C1021)


  • Emrani
    Since the patch I have noticed than when the memory creeps up to about 2 or 2.1 GB, the ground/wall/grass textures switch to low-res. If this was deliberate, I presume that this was to reduce the chance of a crash due to memory leaks. Now, I don't crash any more because the graphics look so horrible once I get close to crashing that I quit and restart the game to fix it.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    I had one funny incident late night yesterday: I used the Wayshrine to get from Sentinel to Northpoint (i.e. zone change), and suddenly the whole world was in low-res, very much like in the first picture @curlyqloub14_ESO‌ posted above.

    I had a flashback to a very memorable quest back in Oblivion, where you had to enter a painting in order to rescue its artist; they used some kind of cell-shading to give that environment a very unique look.

    Restarting the client fixed the issue.
  • Moonraker
    I suspect something changed with the LOD system. If you have similar issues please post here. I don't think it is related to the PC memory issue and is different from previous Mac behaviour.
  • Windshadow_ESO
    based on a notion the foundry forum I tried the EU server today I am in Maine USA and other than a chopy rendition of the prophets welcome to the game animation things are a good deal better here than on the USA server I have higher frame rates as well as being at a higher graphics setting I do see the things mentioned in this thread but i just too 2 new toons from creation to 7 over the last 6 hours with no incidents and the yesterdays problem with Davons watch seems fixed as well (on the EU side anyway I have not been on the USA server today) far fewer bots as well
  • Seedier
    Not at cyrodil yet but my systems crashed to desktop six times in an hour. Before the update settings all on high, tried now lowering, but still laggy and unplayable. Any ideas? Oh and iv not installed any add ons or anything either. Thanks

    I had same problem... resolved it by doing a fresh install (yeh i know the pain of downloading 20+ Gb several times). The 'repair' function didn't rectify the problem, but after a fresh install i crash much less frequently...
  • Randay
    So do I get this right? Mac had no more memory leak but PC now has? Hah! Hilarious.
    if less really is more, then maybe nothing is everything
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Randay wrote: »
    So do I get this right? Mac had no more memory leak but PC now has? Hah! Hilarious.

    You think karma's a... dog of the female persuasion? ;)

    Nah, I think the two events are unrelated. Besides, the memory management related crashes of the Mac client still exist (to a somewhat lesser extent than in 1.0.8), but they haven't gone away completely.

    No, people on Windows report that the process gobbles up more and more memory over time just by sitting in the character selection screen. And what's weird, it even seems to grow above and beyond the 4 GB limit of the 32-bit address space, if the reports can be believed.
  • Randay
    well, i definitely see improvement. i am in cyrodil now for almost 1 hour without a crash. okay. have only been in one big fight yet. but hey.. earlier i crashed every 15 minutes.
    if less really is more, then maybe nothing is everything
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Randay wrote: »
    well, i definitely see improvement. i am in cyrodil now for almost 1 hour without a crash. okay. have only been in one big fight yet. but hey.. earlier i crashed every 15 minutes.

    That's certainly good to hear. Did you by chance notice any oddities with low (or rather lowest) resolution textures?
  • Randay
    Randay wrote: »
    well, i definitely see improvement. i am in cyrodil now for almost 1 hour without a crash. okay. have only been in one big fight yet. but hey.. earlier i crashed every 15 minutes.

    That's certainly good to hear. Did you by chance notice any oddities with low (or rather lowest) resolution textures?

    yup, indeed!! after a certain amount of playtime the graphics got worse and worse. sometimes only for a couple of seconds but sometimes they stayed bad.
    quitting the client and restarting it resolves the issue. Relogging or /reloadui does not help. you have to completely restart it.

    it is possibly to play with these low graphics but it is certainly a pain in the ***.
    Though, i prefer this rather than constant crashes.
    Now i can at least play as long as i want. and if i have a minute time i can restart the client.

    so i stayed in games for quite some while. wanted to restart because graphics were really bad. even one inventory item was blurred.
    Game crashed with memory leak issue just befor i was able to quit.

    •you are now able to play the game without crashed for quite some time
    •crashes still occur but on a lot less regular basis
    •graphics now get blurry after some time
    •you should restart game when you notice blurred objects and buildings all around you
    if less really is more, then maybe nothing is everything
  • Moonraker
    Randay wrote: »
    graphics now get blurry after some time
    •you should restart game when you notice blurred objects and buildings all around you
    From the above it seems that this is an issue even from launch of character, for some.

    Also, personally I enjoy good quality graphics with my Mac (which it is quite capable of supporting) as it adds immersion in PVE and makes the game more enjoyable. And don't find having to reboot every 2-3-4 hours too much of an inconvenience for that while things get sorted over time.

    If the answer in PvP is Low settings then a player can make that choice.
    Edited by Moonraker on 26 May 2014 11:32
  • Randay
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Randay wrote: »
    graphics now get blurry after some time
    •you should restart game when you notice blurred objects and buildings all around you
    From the above it seems that this is an issue even from launch of character, for some.

    Also, personally I enjoy good quality graphics with my Mac (which it is quite capable of supporting) as it adds immersion in PVE and makes the game more enjoyable. And don't find having to reboot every 2-3-4 hours too much of an inconvenience for that while things get sorted over time.

    If the answer in PvP is Low settings then a player can make that choice.

    from reading your posts in this forum i understand that you are running a high end performance mac with big GPU/CPU/RAM. maybe the game is performing better on faster machines.
    Although lower specs macs are really having big issues with textures after about 1,5 hrs of gameplay..

    though... game is improving... stay tuned ;)
    if less really is more, then maybe nothing is everything
  • Moonraker
    Randay wrote: »
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Randay wrote: »
    graphics now get blurry after some time
    •you should restart game when you notice blurred objects and buildings all around you
    From the above it seems that this is an issue even from launch of character, for some.

    Also, personally I enjoy good quality graphics with my Mac (which it is quite capable of supporting) as it adds immersion in PVE and makes the game more enjoyable. And don't find having to reboot every 2-3-4 hours too much of an inconvenience for that while things get sorted over time.

    If the answer in PvP is Low settings then a player can make that choice.

    from reading your posts in this forum i understand that you are running a high end performance mac with big GPU/CPU/RAM. maybe the game is performing better on faster machines.
    Although lower specs macs are really having big issues with textures after about 1,5 hrs of gameplay..

    though... game is improving... stay tuned ;)
    Maybe but then they also tend to have graphics settings lowered also and use less memory at initial launch than higher end Macs.

    Edited by Moonraker on 26 May 2014 11:49
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