Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

ruined game and bank holiday weekend = canceled subs

  • tanthil
    Where's the facepalm emoticon at?

    "I can no longer solo mobs in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" -- :'(!!

    How dare ZeniMax make the game require teamwork, shame on them. Please do unsubscribe though, without being rude, if you're going to cry over every change I'd much rather you did cancel your subscription and went back to playing Call of Duty.

    You are a real tool if you expect people to group up for every moment of questing between vr1-10 when they have designed it so quest phasing and overall questlines make it nearly impossible to actualy do a quest with another player, but hey kudos to them for making grouping for quests almost impossible in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, right??

    Although im not playing one of these classes zenimax decided to *** over, heres my experience last night... group for a group boss, about to pull.. group boss despawns... wait... kill him... no experience/credit.. do a quest.. dc'd and rolled back all experience.

    so keep defendng zenimax because apparently everything's working fine guys

    For a good 24hours after the patch is you had a toon between vr2-10 it was unplayable because absoloutely every 2-3 pack in vr zones would kill you, good job

    Please understand they just took the lowest dps class in the game and nerfed its biggest dps ability into the ground, good job

    Edited by tanthil on 24 May 2014 11:20
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    I feel the same way. I don't mind the length of the Vet content as I wasn't planning on alts anyway...But for Dogcat's sake please fix the difficulty!
    Solo content is supposed to be soloed.

    I dislike grouping because it breaks my immersion when people just skips the text without reading it and goes to the next step making my text end prematurely.

    It ruined a very important quest for me, and after that I have never grouped in solo content again.
  • Unknown_poster
    Here is what you do..take all the canned response emails you've gotten, remove any identifying account information, put together a nice little package, and fire it off to every game reviewer, magazine, and online site that you can. I'm sure they were happy to see the google results starting to pop up positive about their new content release. Get a couple interested sites to start looking at the billing issues still ongoing, the login issues, the crash issues, and everything else. If when you do a search for eso news and the first 10 results are reality of what is happening in game again maybe they will start trying to save their jobs before the real world nerf bat swings towards their car and house payment in 6 months.
  • skarvika
    skarvika wrote: »
    Where's the facepalm emoticon at?

    "I can no longer solo mobs in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" -- :'(!!

    How dare ZeniMax make the game require teamwork, shame on them. Please do unsubscribe though, without being rude, if you're going to cry over every change I'd much rather you did cancel your subscription and went back to playing Call of Duty.
    You realize with the majority of modern day mmos, group content is typically only dungeons and pvp right?

    What an amazing assumption, that's player mentality, not the developer mentality.
    It's not hard to type in /zone "Anyone want to come group with me to kill some mobs? :)" 9/10 someone will want to join you, hard content makes people work together, which is what MMO's need, need to get away from FPS and WoW mentality.

    I've played almost every MMO released, and I have never seen this much crying over such little things.
    Do people really group up to do solo content? m1703.gif
    I've never seen anybody looking for groups to do solo quests or kill random mobs aside from grinding parties. If they need a group to do the solo content, they must really suck!
    Edited by skarvika on 24 May 2014 19:34
    QQing is a full time job
  • GougedEye
    Soul Shriven
    There is definitely something very wrong at Zenimax. Quality control on this game is ZERO. It's not even just the poorly thought out changes they are lobbing in everywhere. Every patch is a disaster of new bugs, new exploits, memory leaks etc. Feels like they are starting to panic big time. Not something I would expect from a professional organisation at all. It's almost like they are doing it on purpose. I mean, who is this repeatedly incompetent?

    Pity. The game had so much potential. Struggled through all the bugs etc, but after this patch enough is enough. I would be showing disrespect to myself if I continued to give these clowns money. It's not like there aren't lots of alternatives out there.

    I have a feeling that there are going to be some "emergency" meetings of the executive on Monday when they get in and have a look at their unsubscribe numbers over the weekend.

    Really hope some senior managers get fired and they manage to turn it around. Would love to be able to come back in 6 months time and find a functioning game. But in reality I know that in this market you get one chance to shine and they have blown it.
  • Sakiri
    Erm.... this sounds like the complaints from the EU crowd about maintenance on a holiday.

    Theyre working on it. Go get some sun, spend time with the family.

    You werent guaranteed bug free anything, nor was anyone guaranteed access.

  • Memnock
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Erm.... this sounds like the complaints from the EU crowd about maintenance on a holiday.

    They're working on it. Go get some sun, spend time with the family.

    You weren't guaranteed bug free anything, nor was anyone guaranteed access.


    I have to ask did you actually read the post and the comments ? InstantDnB said that he doesn't enjoy his class because of the weird stuff they did in the Craglorn patch and you say that EU people complain about maintenance on a holiday...

    Having to pay for a game that is still in beta and patching it in a way that does more harm or that does not fix but actually breaks more is not my idea of fun.

    Yes you are absolutely right when you say that we aren't guaranteed bug free anything , but we expect to see the result of the fixes they promise in the damn patch notes , which are not there . An example of this is the fact that even though they said that the passives and the feeding stage bugs for the vampire skill line were to be fixed with 1.1.2 , they are still there , after you die , you reset to stage 1 starvation and the passives don't work either until you relog , a bug that was reported for some time before the damn game launch I might add .

    Add to that the other stuff like random rollbacks and the new and always nice to see Launcher and game memory leak ( something that apparently doesn't affect everyone , but it still happens to quite a few people ) that eats up all your RAM until the game crashes and you got yourself the perfect storm of pissed of people who are starting to leave the game and if that happens , i wish you the best of luck playing in ghost town servers.
  • p.hurst1b16_ESO
    Ruined Bank Holiday Weekend ?

    So you are in the UK. Well in the Uk we all have our Bank Holiday weekends uined by traffic jams and rain. All part of growing up and being British.

    I have had no issue in game at all and played a lot and had some fun. My class was a bit nerfed but I know why.
    <Enigmatic Name> Is poaching new guild members again ! Apply on our webby with your CV and proof of identity and we can arrange an interview with a panel of our officers.
  • wrlifeboil
    Sarenia wrote: »
    hard content makes people work together
    Hear, hear.

    Ha ha.
  • wrlifeboil
    Here is what you do..take all the canned response emails you've gotten, remove any identifying account information, put together a nice little package, and fire it off to every game reviewer, magazine, and online site that you can. I'm sure they were happy to see the google results starting to pop up positive about their new content release. Get a couple interested sites to start looking at the billing issues still ongoing, the login issues, the crash issues, and everything else. If when you do a search for eso news and the first 10 results are reality of what is happening in game again maybe they will start trying to save their jobs before the real world nerf bat swings towards their car and house payment in 6 months.

    I think eso is old news for the gamer rags by now. Only if something significant happened like a data breech or the servers went dark for days would it make the news.
  • StarlitVirus
    JKorr wrote: »
    skarvika wrote: »
    Where's the facepalm emoticon at?

    "I can no longer solo mobs in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" -- :'(!!

    How dare ZeniMax make the game require teamwork, shame on them. Please do unsubscribe though, without being rude, if you're going to cry over every change I'd much rather you did cancel your subscription and went back to playing Call of Duty.
    You realize with the majority of modern day mmos, group content is typically only dungeons and pvp right?

    What an amazing assumption, that's player mentality, not the developer mentality.
    It's not hard to type in /zone "Anyone want to come group with me to kill some mobs? :)" 9/10 someone will want to join you, hard content makes people work together, which is what MMO's need, need to get away from FPS and WoW mentality.

    I've played almost every MMO released, and I have never seen this much crying over such little things.

    Problem is when others have /zone off no one hears you. Last night there was a *not* fascinating discussion/monologue going on about how someone wasn't getting any dates, and was "dating his hand". Whatever happened I have no idea, because I shut down the zone chat. The person admitted in other zones people were cussing him out and telling him to shut up.

    My zone has been off since pre-launch. The conversations are absolutely atrocious at times. I've seen sexist, racist, idiotic and elitist conversations every time I've tried to turn back on zone. It always amazes me the things that people will say on line when they feel that there are no repercussions. Unfortunately, usually there are no repercussions for most.
  • AngryNord
    dcincali wrote: »
    The hot fix did not apply correctly. The HP was reduced, but the damage output stayed the same and the xp is now pre-crag patch.

    How surprising....
  • AngryNord
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Erm.... this sounds like the complaints from the EU crowd about maintenance on a holiday.

    Theyre working on it. Go get some sun, spend time with the family.

    You werent guaranteed bug free anything, nor was anyone guaranteed access.


    No offence, Sakiri, but this fanboying doesn't suit you...
  • DireKit
    Where's the facepalm emoticon at?

    "I can no longer solo mobs in a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" -- :'(!!

    How dare ZeniMax make the game require teamwork, shame on them. Please do unsubscribe though, without being rude, if you're going to cry over every change I'd much rather you did cancel your subscription and went back to playing Call of Duty.

    Most people tend to prefer to be able to solo content outside of dungeons and group-specific activities. Some of us just come to the game to play casually and don't really seek to do the super complicated 'this requires you to have a guild/knowledgeable' group content.

    Making everything require groups would destroy the game, it'd alienate all the casual and semi-casual players.
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