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Yay they fixed bows !!!

  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    I find bow quite viable in VR content especially against daedra/undead but you really have to change the way you were playing. Using a NB-bow I have a Rambow method where I charge a pack like a lunatic spamming bow skills and cast one aoe/ulti when I'm right in the middle then port back out to my shadow copy then recast shadow and Rambow all over again until they're dead.

    It looks nuts and it's fun. It's not the most time-efficient method but it's viable for something different. Kiting by charging AT your enemies is a nice change-up.
  • UrQuan
    I find bow quite viable in VR content especially against daedra/undead but you really have to change the way you were playing. Using a NB-bow I have a Rambow method where I charge a pack like a lunatic spamming bow skills and cast one aoe/ulti when I'm right in the middle then port back out to my shadow copy then recast shadow and Rambow all over again until they're dead.

    It looks nuts and it's fun. It's not the most time-efficient method but it's viable for something different. Kiting by charging AT your enemies is a nice change-up.
    OK, that actually sounds kind of awesome.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Regoras
    Question: Do others really think the Bow Skill line isn't that good?

    Seriously asking here, i love it and never personally found anything wrong with it.

    The knock back is nice... other than that, for a Nightblade it's pretty terrible.
  • apterous
    so what exactly is wrong with bow. i use bow as my first and secondary weapon. in first bar i use venom arrow to interrupt casting and do damage. second bar i use magnum shot to get distance and do damage. i have no problems, what is wrong with the bow?
    i'm vr7, nightblade, light armor.
    Edited by apterous on 22 May 2014 17:14
  • Spiritreaver_ESO
    One other thing. This is among my list of favorite things about TESO. You ask a group of folks about weapons and snide responses notwithstanding, you get a ton of valid responses as to preferences and such.
  • Csidron
    NiRN wrote: »
    I agree when people in groups I'm playing in are using bows as their main others tell them to change it out because it's pretty worthless as it is now.

    The magic 8 ball says ZOS will NERF the bow!

    I am well aware of the bow issues ... now i just have to come up with the money to respec AND decide, as a NB, what weapon would make me at least marginally effective. At this point it feels like my non magic choices are:

    Rebelle Nerf-dart launcher
    Wiffle-ball bat
    A fork and Spoon.

    oooohohh go with fork and spoon at least this way you can be a better provisioner :))
  • Greatfellow
    Yeah, I'm now level 42 NB, an archer with DW, and when I go back in game I'm dropping bow. I am SO frustrated with it, I am SO disappointed. I kept telling myself, just wait til you get higher levels it will get better. Well, it is actually getting worse. As I level the comparative strength of my bow against level-appropriate enemies is actually DROPPING: I use the the same strategies against the same mobs as at earlier levels, and somehow I and doing less damage % than before. It just sucks so big time I'm cussing in game, and I quit just so I could come over here and bit ch about it. *sighs* I swear i am working hard and being a strategist, and it just isn't helping. Sucks so bad.
  • tanthil
    I'm a melee player who likes to use melee weapons and when i use a bow on my sorcerer i have no melee attacks, i thought they said "play how you want to"
    Edited by tanthil on 24 May 2014 02:49
  • skarvika
    Bows need more range. They do f%$k all in terms of defending a keep.
    QQing is a full time job
  • Kuratla
    Perhaps by itself the Bow skill line is a bit meh but why play it solo? I combine it with DK skills to root and shoot or knock down and shoot or Mage's Guild skills to snare or stun and shoot. My snipe (and I'm not full stamina build) does around 1200 damage on a crit on vet mobs and that is significant. Use Volcanic Rune for
    more damage and stun. Talons for rooting if the mobs get close. I have no issues fighting 3 on 1 in pve with a bow.
    Edited by Kuratla on 24 May 2014 02:58
    V14 Templar Argonian Healer, V12 DK Orc Tank, V2 Sorcerer High Elf DPS, V1 Templar Breton DPS, V1 Nightblade Bosmer DPS, and 3 low levels.

    Check out my ESO journal[""]
  • MrBeatDown
    NiRN wrote: »

    HAHA! Duel wielding is like using a fork and spoon or maybe SPORKS!

    Made out of plastic.

  • Akhratos
    Basically, all of the weapon skill trees are utter crap besides Destro/Healing Staff (magicka? surprise!).

    2handed is laughable as well, and 1h/s being overlooked only because the bash-abusers in PVP while the other skills are either bugged or crap for soloing.
  • Aeradon
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • twistedmonk
    yeah I remember in DAOC being able to 1-shot people who were sitting down to regen or 2 shot most casters from snipe in stealth mode with a bow.

    this game, I mean...bow is horrible. the only option is to pair it with volcanic rune and even that is really not very smooth game play and it doesn't flow well. just seems really awkward.

    ZOS nerfed the bow damage from stealth right before it went Live and ruined the entire weapon line.

    I mean...if you are going to take 4 seconds to enter stealth mode and another 2-3 seconds just to get a full bow attack off...I expect it to be able to 1-shot casters like it did in beta. that's 7 your overall DPS is still pretty low lets say 2k damage / 7 seconds ~= 300 dps - which is pathetic.

    in 7 seconds, destro staff would wipe 3+ mobs out at once.

    sorry..I'm rambling.

    ZOS just upsets me because they screwed up the combat/classes/weapon skills so badly it makes the entire game not fun to play.
  • ramasurinenpreub18_ESO
    Yup, completely agreed with the OP, the bow does not scale properly at all in to the VR levels. At level 1-20 or so, it's pretty powerful and quite a bit of fun. Anywhere beyond level 30 though I might as well be throwing toothpicks.

    As someone who loves playing archers (and shoots a 70lb compound in the real world), the bows here are woefully underpowered.

    Seriously... being hit with a 3 foot long stick with a pointed metal head going 250+ feet per second? That should HURT.

    Not in ESO though.

    Also the draw speeds are stupid slow. I can draw twice that fast in reality, compound or recurve, and still be accurate.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    All I use is venom arrow (interrupts casters, or is supposed to) and draining shot (I have enough bad experience with a hunter's Disengage to not want to knock myself back). Silver bolts and class abilities fill out the rest.

    Still only 38, though. Hoping a bow buff happens while I creep along.

  • Aeradon
    Also the draw speeds are stupid slow. I can draw twice that fast in reality, compound or recurve, and still be accurate.

    I can't, the draw requires so much strength and positioning :( I envy you. Archery is so much fun.
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • ramasurinenpreub18_ESO
    Aeradon wrote: »
    I can't, the draw requires so much strength and positioning :( I envy you. Archery is so much fun.

    Archery IS fun, one of the best "live in the moment" zen experiences one can partake in, in the real world, but in ESO... it's kinda crap really. :(
    Edited by ramasurinenpreub18_ESO on 24 May 2014 10:13
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