Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Wondering why?

  • Zorrashi
    As much as I agree with the OP, it is to my understanding that ESO is adding more content in order to keep the interest of some of their devotees. Endgame is major part of MMO longevity, and despite the fact that the game is young, "first impressions" can last until the end of the year as far as some players are concerned.

    That being said, I really, really want to see a lot more bug patches. In fact, I want an entire patch dedicated to nothing but bug fixes.
    Edited by Zorrashi on 23 May 2014 19:44
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Bhakura wrote: »
    Im NB, trust me, i know all about game breakers. So its bugged, wait for a *** fix and have some patience instead of making one thread after the other.
    We get it by now, you not happy, usually if im not happy with a situation i change it, cant change it, like games and such, i leave em behind instead of moaning non stop.
    And yes i have delays on skills, and yes i had bugged quests i had to leave behind because of not being able to finish, not like theres nothing else to do.
    But i guess im some sort of delinquent because im like the only person left alive with some patience apparently.

    Well, that's awesome Bakura, so you were here to show how adult & in control of your own destiny you are by brushing off your concerns & moving on, whilst you argue that others should do the same because you have.

    Glad you're a Nightblade, that tells me you feel some of the pain expressed here on the forums, even if you're better at controlling your emotions than the rest of us.

    I play a Nightblade as well' as well as four sorcerers, a Templar, & a DragonKnight, stretched across multiple levels on all Pacts.

    & I'm 'splaining to you..

    This game is buggier than a salvation-army blanket from 1875; & it needs cleaning before anyone decides to put it in a museum & honor it for it's backstory.
    Edited by Jim_McMasterub17_ESO on 23 May 2014 19:44
  • Bhakura
    once i thought of taking extra schooling for game programming. If i see how people behave nowadays towards new releases im glad i didnt go that way.
    Must be extremely stressfull and demoralizing having thousands of people pissing all over your efforts to make a decent game.
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Sunk in 3..2..1
  • Anath_Q
    Great post OP, spot on.
    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • Bhakura
    & I'm 'splaining to you..

    This game is buggier than a salvation-army blanket from 1875; & it needs cleaning before anyone decides to put it in a museum & honor it for it's backstory.

    If thats the case then why linger. get going already and find a better place to spend money and time on :)

  • tordr86b16_ESO
    They don't have or lack internal QA testers. This is why the patches have been so *** poor (probably not the only issue).
  • Zxaxz
    Must I show a "clear understanding" of development to make a suggestion? Not sure why this is a requirement, but I currently "DO" work in a development company that supports many areas of development. The creation, test breaks, fixes, updates, and etc... No I do not code, but I have had my fair share of C# and Java to have a "basic understanding" of the code itself.

    And so just let me get this right, you have a fair share of C+ and Java training in a Development, project. And that would somehow allow you to work on my (using as example) veteran Class balance team, and that you could just walk in and start changing my CODE? ROFL, you would not be allowed with in an arm reach of my Debug.

    Also, as @mike.gaziotisb16_ESO stated.. Adding more breaks to an already broken game is not good. Common sense 101. How do you prevent that? Delay the added content that may contain the additional problems is a perfectly reasonable way to achieve this.

    No one, no one, knows exactly what will happen when the Patch goes live, look at DHS's website. All the planning and all the money in the world will never change this. Something that works with 1000 people testing in can blow the *** up when 1,000,000 test it once.

    I am simply making a suggestion. Have a nice day :smile:

    Yes, things are broken in the game, but a gaming company, can not halt new content to completely fix current bugs, SOME OF WHICH will NEVER be fixed (See Lineage 2 - Giran Castle Crashes - WoW has hundreds of bugs still to this day from OB.} Some of them, especially when a developer builds their own engine, are just plain HARD coded into the game, and only a re-write of the entire (lets say) - DW system will fix it, a complete re-write for 2 points on a passive or some lame shiat like that ( example only ). This example will never be fixed, it's tool tip will be re-written or the skill changed completely to save the existing code that works perfectly.
    Edited by Zxaxz on 23 May 2014 20:16
    Darkness is the natural state of the galaxy. A light will not shine forever; one day it will burn itself out. Darkness, however, is everlasting and never expires.
  • Liquid_Time
    Zxaxz wrote: »
    Must I show a "clear understanding" of development to make a suggestion? Not sure why this is a requirement, but I currently "DO" work in a development company that supports many areas of development. The creation, test breaks, fixes, updates, and etc... No I do not code, but I have had my fair share of C# and Java to have a "basic understanding" of the code itself.

    And so just let me get this right, you have a fair share of C+ and Java training in a Development, project. And that would somehow allow you to work on my (using as example) veteran Class balance team, and that you could just walk in and start changing my CODE? ROFL, you would not be allowed with in an arm reach of my Debug.

    Also, as @mike.gaziotisb16_ESO stated.. Adding more breaks to an already broken game is not good. Common sense 101. How do you prevent that? Delay the added content that may contain the additional problems is a perfectly reasonable way to achieve this.

    No one, no one, knows exactly what will happen when the Patch goes live, look at DHS's website. All the planning and all the money in the world will never change this. Something that works with 1000 people testing in can blow the *** up when 1,000,000 test it once.

    I am simply making a suggestion. Have a nice day :smile:

    Yes, things are broken in the game, but a gaming company, can not halt new content to completely fix current bugs, SOME OF WHICH will NEVER be fixed (See Lineage 2 - Giran Castle Crashes - WoW has hundreds of bugs still to this day from OB. Some of them, especially when a developer builds their own engine, are just plain HARD coded into the game, and only a re-write of the entire (lets say) - DW system will fix it, a complete re-write for 2 points on a passive or some lame shiat like that ( example only ). This example will never be fixed, it's tool tip will be re-written or the skill changed completely to save the existing code that works perfectly.

    Response 1:
    I fail to see where I stated I could fix an issue?
    Response 2:
    I won't feed that one. You can have this however :cookie:
    Response 3:
    The overall topic has already been discussed with someone earlier in the thread and it appears they had a better understanding of what a "suggestion" is more so then yourself.

    Overall.. I do not see any value in your post to continue a further discussion. I appreciate your feedback on my statement however. Thanks
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • ShadowsLibertyT
    I have recently started a post called Money Back
    Thats the only answer
  • Asava
    "-Why are you putting in more content when what you have is already broken?"
    Yes this.

    Maybe then posts like this that show an utter and complete lack of understanding in how games are created and maintained will stop showing up.

    True but this patch wreaks of an utter and complete lack of understanding of what player test servers and quality assurance in games are.
  • Zxaxz
    Zxaxz wrote: »
    Must I show a "clear understanding" of development to make a suggestion? Not sure why this is a requirement, but I currently "DO" work in a development company that supports many areas of development. The creation, test breaks, fixes, updates, and etc... No I do not code, but I have had my fair share of C# and Java to have a "basic understanding" of the code itself. ..........

    Overall.. I do not see any value in your post to continue a further discussion. I appreciate your feedback on my statement however. Thanks

    Ditto, have a good day =)
    Darkness is the natural state of the galaxy. A light will not shine forever; one day it will burn itself out. Darkness, however, is everlasting and never expires.
  • JessieColt
    Bhakura wrote: »
    Im NB, trust me, i know all about game breakers. So its bugged, wait for a *** fix and have some patience instead of making one thread after the other.
    We get it by now, you not happy, usually if im not happy with a situation i change it, cant change it, like games and such, i leave em behind instead of moaning non stop.
    And yes i have delays on skills, and yes i had bugged quests i had to leave behind because of not being able to finish, not like theres nothing else to do.
    But i guess im some sort of delinquent because im like the only person left alive with some patience apparently.

    I don't really think it is about patience.

    I am on your side, and I agree with you.

    Posting upset threads, to me, is an indication that the player is invested in the game. They honestly do care about what happens.

    They dislike downtime because it means they cannot play.

    The dislike silent changes because they do not know to expect them and adjust their gameplay accordingly.

    The dislike large changes (small nerfs to balance is fine, just not large ones that completely change the way something works), because those changes directly impact the way they play. It upsets their personal balance.

    Making a change from something like 10/15/20 to 4/8/12 is a huge change in stats. This throws everything into imbalance from the way they have been playing. In and of itself, this change, while huge, isn't a game breaker, except that not everyone has spare skill points set aside to respec. In order to pay for a respec, you have to pay out 100g per skill, paid in a lump sum that resets EVERY skill you have. So many users may be stuck with what they now deem as broken skills/abilities that they cannot change until they manage to fight their way through a quest, find shards, or level up.

    Do I agree with the language, manner, and way they are expressing themselves. Nope.

    I think whining, throwing verbal temper tantrums, rage-quitting, and name calling serves them nothing, and from a game developer/customer support standpoint, I am less inclined to either listen to, or be willing to help, those who do act that way.

    I am, in fact, more inclined to believe that they are just a bunch of whiny babies who somehow think they are entitled to be catered to just because they breathe air on this planet (or in the case of the game, pay 15$ a month).

    However, through years and years of dealing with childish behavior in games, I have evolved the ability to see through their ranting to understand the underlying cause of the frustration.

    Next time you see a ranting, whiny, rage-quit threatening post, just imagine that the person is an ill or under educated teenager who has not yet learned a proper grasp of communication, who is completely lacking in social communication and interaction skills, and has never opened a proper book that will expand their vocabulary, and it may help you to understand their posts. :)

    If it doesn't help you to understand their posts, you will at least know you are not as big of an uneducated ranting lunatic as they appear to be.
  • Vorkk8383
    "-Why are you putting in more content when what you have is already broken?"
    Yes this.

    Because clearly neither of you understand that there are 2 completely different teams involved with 2 completely different skill sets that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

    People who write dialog for quests do not deal with code issues/bug fixes and they shouldn't be expected to either.

    Want to get an understanding of what different people do within the company, go read the job postings and look at the Job Duties and Skill Requirements for each.

    Maybe then posts like this that show an utter and complete lack of understanding in how games are created and maintained will stop showing up.

    I understand that. I also know that someone makes the final decisions. People who are writers are hired to keep writing. The designers keep designing. However, every game has someone who decides what goes in and what doesn't. That person needs to say ''This new content will be great and be added once we've fixed the game as is.'' Adding more just because more is available doesn't really make sense at this point. Sure, be ready for more...when more actually makes sense to be put in. At this point, it doesn't. Let's add more content when most can't finish the content we already have due to bugs! So I think you may want to rethink your post. We understand things a bit more than you think. We're not morons.
  • Vorkk8383
    "Why are you putting in more content when what you have is already broken?"

    I think they were already working on that content before launch, and after launch people started to find bugs and glitches so they put another part of the team to fix that. They probably are still working on all the fixes.

    You've got to understand that programing isn't easy at all, it takes time. Also, not everything can be done by more than one programer...

    I'm not saying we don't need those fixes asap. but we gotta try to understand that they don't have a button named "Fix bugs", "Balance Classes".

    That's fine. Content was being worked on and more will be worked on. Different teams do different things. It's normal. What isn't is if they keep adding more and more now that we know there are so many issues and that people can't finish the current content due to bugs. Let those who are writers and designers keep going...but that content doesn't have to go live even if it's deemed ''ready'' until what is already there is fixed.
  • JessieColt
    "-Why are you putting in more content when what you have is already broken?"
    Yes this.

    Because clearly neither of you understand that there are 2 completely different teams involved with 2 completely different skill sets that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

    People who write dialog for quests do not deal with code issues/bug fixes and they shouldn't be expected to either.

    Want to get an understanding of what different people do within the company, go read the job postings and look at the Job Duties and Skill Requirements for each.

    Maybe then posts like this that show an utter and complete lack of understanding in how games are created and maintained will stop showing up.

    I understand that. I also know that someone makes the final decisions. People who are writers are hired to keep writing. The designers keep designing. However, every game has someone who decides what goes in and what doesn't. That person needs to say ''This new content will be great and be added once we've fixed the game as is.'' Adding more just because more is available doesn't really make sense at this point. Sure, be ready for more...when more actually makes sense to be put in. At this point, it doesn't. Let's add more content when most can't finish the content we already have due to bugs! So I think you may want to rethink your post. We understand things a bit more than you think. We're not morons.

    Understanding a small snippet of time doesn't mean you understand the scope of the changes you are asking for.

    And I am sorry that you feel that my comments and posts mean I think you are a moron. I do not. But I also do not think that asking to have new content stopped in order to fix existing content is a valid option, and my comments reflect and explain the reason why I think the way I do regarding this issue.

    Not adding new content doesn't change the fact that existing content needs to be fixed and is being worked on.

    Adding new content doesn't make those issues get fixed any slower. And stopping new content from being added to the game will not fix them any faster.

    The teams that work on new content cannot magically help fix the issues that are broken today.

  • Vorkk8383
    Bhakura wrote: »
    Im NB, trust me, i know all about game breakers. So its bugged, wait for a *** fix and have some patience instead of making one thread after the other.
    We get it by now, you not happy, usually if im not happy with a situation i change it, cant change it, like games and such, i leave em behind instead of moaning non stop.
    And yes i have delays on skills, and yes i had bugged quests i had to leave behind because of not being able to finish, not like theres nothing else to do.
    But i guess im some sort of delinquent because im like the only person left alive with some patience apparently.

    If you're referring to my OP, I think that I was quite constructive about it. I didn't bash them. I didn't go all doomsday ''this will be f2p in...''. I didn't say I was quitting.

    Offering them advice is all I did. In as much of a constructive manner as possible. It was done politely as well and I told them that I believe in them. So I'm not too sure what you're talking about. I didn't say that this had to be done before tomorrow or else!!!. I gave them my ideas on what I would prioritize and how I'd do it. Seems like you're nagging whereas I was being constructive and trying to tell the team that I know they can do it and offered my opinion to help them achieve it faster. Because want too or not, they have pride in their game and what is accomplished. They too want fixes and want their game running smoothly. I think I was quite fair.
  • Vorkk8383
    "-Why are you putting in more content when what you have is already broken?"
    Yes this.

    Because clearly neither of you understand that there are 2 completely different teams involved with 2 completely different skill sets that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

    People who write dialog for quests do not deal with code issues/bug fixes and they shouldn't be expected to either.

    Want to get an understanding of what different people do within the company, go read the job postings and look at the Job Duties and Skill Requirements for each.

    Maybe then posts like this that show an utter and complete lack of understanding in how games are created and maintained will stop showing up.

    I understand that. I also know that someone makes the final decisions. People who are writers are hired to keep writing. The designers keep designing. However, every game has someone who decides what goes in and what doesn't. That person needs to say ''This new content will be great and be added once we've fixed the game as is.'' Adding more just because more is available doesn't really make sense at this point. Sure, be ready for more...when more actually makes sense to be put in. At this point, it doesn't. Let's add more content when most can't finish the content we already have due to bugs! So I think you may want to rethink your post. We understand things a bit more than you think. We're not morons.

    Understanding a small snippet of time doesn't mean you understand the scope of the changes you are asking for.

    And I am sorry that you feel that my comments and posts mean I think you are a moron. I do not. But I also do not think that asking to have new content stopped in order to fix existing content is a valid option, and my comments reflect and explain the reason why I think the way I do regarding this issue.

    Not adding new content doesn't change the fact that existing content needs to be fixed and is being worked on.

    Adding new content doesn't make those issues get fixed any slower. And stopping new content from being added to the game will not fix them any faster.

    The teams that work on new content cannot magically help fix the issues that are broken today.

    Adding new content= likely adding new bugs. People will want fixes for those. Right now, there's a ton of people who cannot even finish the content that is there or who cannot properly participate in PVP due to bugs. The classes are not balanced. These are things that we know and the Zeni knows as well. Some people are done but they did just add new content and there is (kinda pretty broken) PVP. Not adding new content isn't going to lose them many players. Some may play another game until more content is added but people who are waiting for more content are usually hardcore players who will stick around. The players they are losing now are the players who cannot do quests that are in game due to bugs, etc. Those players will leave. Want to or not, this affects the entire community. Less people=less money=less everything for the rest of us. 10 people may not make a huge difference but 1000 will...

    PS: Most people are being mature in this thread and expressing their views so it's enjoyable for once...Not a flaming thread which is good. Thanks to everyone for adding their say, even if their opinion doesn't match mine. I hope it remains mature! There is only one person who's ranting...You know who you are. Please don't derail the thread. And no, Jessie...I don't mean you. Sorry if it's said in response to your quote but I really don't mean you. You disagree with me which is fine but you're respectful and not trying to create flaming.
    Edited by Vorkk8383 on 23 May 2014 22:07
  • JessieColt
    "-Why are you putting in more content when what you have is already broken?"
    Yes this.

    Because clearly neither of you understand that there are 2 completely different teams involved with 2 completely different skill sets that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

    People who write dialog for quests do not deal with code issues/bug fixes and they shouldn't be expected to either.

    Want to get an understanding of what different people do within the company, go read the job postings and look at the Job Duties and Skill Requirements for each.

    Maybe then posts like this that show an utter and complete lack of understanding in how games are created and maintained will stop showing up.

    I understand that. I also know that someone makes the final decisions. People who are writers are hired to keep writing. The designers keep designing. However, every game has someone who decides what goes in and what doesn't. That person needs to say ''This new content will be great and be added once we've fixed the game as is.'' Adding more just because more is available doesn't really make sense at this point. Sure, be ready for more...when more actually makes sense to be put in. At this point, it doesn't. Let's add more content when most can't finish the content we already have due to bugs! So I think you may want to rethink your post. We understand things a bit more than you think. We're not morons.

    Understanding a small snippet of time doesn't mean you understand the scope of the changes you are asking for.

    And I am sorry that you feel that my comments and posts mean I think you are a moron. I do not. But I also do not think that asking to have new content stopped in order to fix existing content is a valid option, and my comments reflect and explain the reason why I think the way I do regarding this issue.

    Not adding new content doesn't change the fact that existing content needs to be fixed and is being worked on.

    Adding new content doesn't make those issues get fixed any slower. And stopping new content from being added to the game will not fix them any faster.

    The teams that work on new content cannot magically help fix the issues that are broken today.

    Adding new content= likely adding new bugs. People will want fixes for those. Right now, there's a ton of people who cannot even finish the content that is there or who cannot properly participate in PVP due to bugs. The classes are not balanced. These are things that we know and the Zeni knows as well. Some people are done but they did just add new content and there is (kinda pretty broken) PVP. Not adding new content isn't going to lose them many players. Some may play another game until more content is added but people who are waiting for more content are usually hardcore players who will stick around. The players they are losing now are the players who cannot do quests that are in game due to bugs, etc. Those players will leave. Want to or not, this affects the entire community. Less people=less money=less everything for the rest of us. 10 people may not make a huge difference but 1000 will...

    PS: Most people are being mature in this thread and expressing their views so it's enjoyable for once...Not a flaming thread which is good. Thanks to everyone for adding their say, even if their opinion doesn't match mine. I hope it remains mature! There is only one person who's ranting...You know who you are. Please don't derail the thread. And no, Jessie...I don't mean you. Sorry if it's said in response to your quote but I really don't mean you. You disagree with me which is fine but you're respectful and not trying to create flaming.

    I have been lucky. I have not run into any quest that could not be completed in a timely manner. This includes both quests that were not bugged, and ones that were that had to be fixed before I could complete them.

    I am also not a power leveler. A zone may take me 1 or 2 weeks, so if a quest cannot be completed immediately, I will go pick up and do others and then come back.

    Sometimes I have to come back anyway because I find that my current set up isn't strong enough to finish off a boss, or I get frustrated with my own playing and give it a couple of days before I try again.

    A couple of quests that I thought were broke were fixed by relogging a few times.

    As I said though, I have been lucky, and sitting at VR5, I do not think that there are any quests that I have not been able to complete in any of the PvE zones.

    Keeping in mind that I acknowledge that issues may have happened that set quests into a state that cannot be completed after I moved on from the zone, so that the issue is affecting new players to the area, but not ones who were there weeks ago.

    I also do not PvP, so I cannot offer any opinions or comments regarding any issues affecting those players.

    I can, and do acknowledge, that I personally am affected by other issues. Mainly the NB/Vamp issues and will be happy for the day when those are addressed and fixed.

    But for me personally, those issues are not game breakers. I have a Sorc I could go play instead.

    But I can also group up, even though I am totally a solo player and usually avoid grouping unless I have to for things like Group Dungeons.

    I am also a crafter/provisioner. So all of my time is not spent questing. A lot of it is intermixed with exploration and farming. So when I do run into an issue, I switch up my game play style from questing to farming for a while.

    I say all of this not to move off topic, but so that others do not think I am some type of "fanboi" who thinks Z can do no wrong, or that I think that there are no issues just because some issues, like PvP, do not affect me personally.

    I just do not, personally, believe that halting the scheduled release of new content provides any real, measurable, benefit to either the players or the developers.

    Some people who are beyond the content that is having problems will get stuck in stagnation if new content isn't released.

    People who are stuck with content that is broken rightfully expect the broken content to get fixed in a timely manner.

    Game Developers must learn to balance both sides on a very fine edge without tipping too far to one side or the other. Otherwise, yes, as you have said, they will bleed users and that will result in a very real impact to the money they are earning from the game.

    None of us wants to see that happen.

    From a gamer stand point they need to throw more bodies at the issue.

    From a game developer stand point, you can only throw so many bodies at an issue before having those bodies causes more problem than they fix.

    If ZeniMax doesn't have the resources (bodies) to fix the issues in a timely manner, I hope that they get more people on their payroll that can help.

    Whether they do or do not need more bodies to help with fixing the issue, I will continue to maintain my belief that not releasing content is never a valid option when it comes to addressing current issues.
  • Vorkk8383
    "-Why are you putting in more content when what you have is already broken?"
    Yes this.

    Because clearly neither of you understand that there are 2 completely different teams involved with 2 completely different skill sets that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

    People who write dialog for quests do not deal with code issues/bug fixes and they shouldn't be expected to either.

    Want to get an understanding of what different people do within the company, go read the job postings and look at the Job Duties and Skill Requirements for each.

    Maybe then posts like this that show an utter and complete lack of understanding in how games are created and maintained will stop showing up.

    I understand that. I also know that someone makes the final decisions. People who are writers are hired to keep writing. The designers keep designing. However, every game has someone who decides what goes in and what doesn't. That person needs to say ''This new content will be great and be added once we've fixed the game as is.'' Adding more just because more is available doesn't really make sense at this point. Sure, be ready for more...when more actually makes sense to be put in. At this point, it doesn't. Let's add more content when most can't finish the content we already have due to bugs! So I think you may want to rethink your post. We understand things a bit more than you think. We're not morons.

    Understanding a small snippet of time doesn't mean you understand the scope of the changes you are asking for.

    And I am sorry that you feel that my comments and posts mean I think you are a moron. I do not. But I also do not think that asking to have new content stopped in order to fix existing content is a valid option, and my comments reflect and explain the reason why I think the way I do regarding this issue.

    Not adding new content doesn't change the fact that existing content needs to be fixed and is being worked on.

    Adding new content doesn't make those issues get fixed any slower. And stopping new content from being added to the game will not fix them any faster.

    The teams that work on new content cannot magically help fix the issues that are broken today.

    Adding new content= likely adding new bugs. People will want fixes for those. Right now, there's a ton of people who cannot even finish the content that is there or who cannot properly participate in PVP due to bugs. The classes are not balanced. These are things that we know and the Zeni knows as well. Some people are done but they did just add new content and there is (kinda pretty broken) PVP. Not adding new content isn't going to lose them many players. Some may play another game until more content is added but people who are waiting for more content are usually hardcore players who will stick around. The players they are losing now are the players who cannot do quests that are in game due to bugs, etc. Those players will leave. Want to or not, this affects the entire community. Less people=less money=less everything for the rest of us. 10 people may not make a huge difference but 1000 will...

    PS: Most people are being mature in this thread and expressing their views so it's enjoyable for once...Not a flaming thread which is good. Thanks to everyone for adding their say, even if their opinion doesn't match mine. I hope it remains mature! There is only one person who's ranting...You know who you are. Please don't derail the thread. And no, Jessie...I don't mean you. Sorry if it's said in response to your quote but I really don't mean you. You disagree with me which is fine but you're respectful and not trying to create flaming.

    I have been lucky. I have not run into any quest that could not be completed in a timely manner. This includes both quests that were not bugged, and ones that were that had to be fixed before I could complete them.

    I am also not a power leveler. A zone may take me 1 or 2 weeks, so if a quest cannot be completed immediately, I will go pick up and do others and then come back.

    Sometimes I have to come back anyway because I find that my current set up isn't strong enough to finish off a boss, or I get frustrated with my own playing and give it a couple of days before I try again.

    A couple of quests that I thought were broke were fixed by relogging a few times.

    As I said though, I have been lucky, and sitting at VR5, I do not think that there are any quests that I have not been able to complete in any of the PvE zones.

    Keeping in mind that I acknowledge that issues may have happened that set quests into a state that cannot be completed after I moved on from the zone, so that the issue is affecting new players to the area, but not ones who were there weeks ago.

    I also do not PvP, so I cannot offer any opinions or comments regarding any issues affecting those players.

    I can, and do acknowledge, that I personally am affected by other issues. Mainly the NB/Vamp issues and will be happy for the day when those are addressed and fixed.

    But for me personally, those issues are not game breakers. I have a Sorc I could go play instead.

    But I can also group up, even though I am totally a solo player and usually avoid grouping unless I have to for things like Group Dungeons.

    I am also a crafter/provisioner. So all of my time is not spent questing. A lot of it is intermixed with exploration and farming. So when I do run into an issue, I switch up my game play style from questing to farming for a while.

    I say all of this not to move off topic, but so that others do not think I am some type of "fanboi" who thinks Z can do no wrong, or that I think that there are no issues just because some issues, like PvP, do not affect me personally.

    I just do not, personally, believe that halting the scheduled release of new content provides any real, measurable, benefit to either the players or the developers.

    Some people who are beyond the content that is having problems will get stuck in stagnation if new content isn't released.

    People who are stuck with content that is broken rightfully expect the broken content to get fixed in a timely manner.

    Game Developers must learn to balance both sides on a very fine edge without tipping too far to one side or the other. Otherwise, yes, as you have said, they will bleed users and that will result in a very real impact to the money they are earning from the game.

    None of us wants to see that happen.

    From a gamer stand point they need to throw more bodies at the issue.

    From a game developer stand point, you can only throw so many bodies at an issue before having those bodies causes more problem than they fix.

    If ZeniMax doesn't have the resources (bodies) to fix the issues in a timely manner, I hope that they get more people on their payroll that can help.

    Whether they do or do not need more bodies to help with fixing the issue, I will continue to maintain my belief that not releasing content is never a valid option when it comes to addressing current issues.

    I do agree with most points and it was eloquently put. I understand that not adding any more content has issues. I never claimed it was a perfect solution and everyone knows that it's not. No matter what, someone will be affected. There's too much of a variety of players to not influence at least 1 person why any decision. They could add a purple cloud and I'm sure that it would create issues for at least one person. So I think that we agree that it's impossible to please the entire player base. Each decision will have effects of players. Some will be good, some will be bad.

    You've been lucky enough to make it so far without any MAJOR issues. However, there are a lot of issues and I'm glad that you're able to recognize that even if they didn't ''bother'' you that much, they can cause major issues for other players. The latest patch created a lot of issues.

    This need to add new content is taking over fixing things. It's obviously their mentality. If not, they wouldn't of added the patch on the Euro server after they were made aware of all the issues on the NA server. To me, this is the best example of why fixes are more important than more content. Yes, someone will be unhappy no matter what at the end of the day. Still, I really feel like if we only base ourselves on this situation, we can tell that people would rather not have the new content and would rather have fixes first.
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