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Dark Talons & Inhale killed for PvE in effort to balance PvP

  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    kosten07 wrote: »
    • Nerfing PvE abilities for PvP ruins the game for players that enjoy PvE over PvP

    I say this as a PvE player that enjoys PvP but mostly focuses on PvE. When changes like this come out and my ability to play the way I've enjoyed in PvE is changed because of PvP, it is very frustrating.

    Instead of nerfing they should be looking a buffing the other abilities in all classes to make them useful in both PvE and PvP.

    Also, seriously the fire effects were amazing in Destruction and I often commented to my friends about how great it looks. The "new" fire effect for Wall of Elements (morphed into Elemental Blockade) look terrible. Just some poorly designed cracks in the ground.

    Stop complaining and learn to play with the new rules.

    I don't get these types of comments from players. Don't you think we should be giving input back to Zenimax on what we like since its our money we are spending. Besides developers need to be taken to task and pressured to deliver what we want.

    Do you honestly not feel that your PvE abilities, when far more powerful than other players, don't affect other players PvE as well?

    I will be completely honest with you: I am far less bothered by nerfs, than I am when I watch a player run past me in a dungeon, pull 5 or more mobs to them, and simply spam an AOE which kills all those mobs. That pisses me off to no end.

    Players who feel that PvE is somehow immune to affecting others, that it's their own little world ... they don't understand what an MMO is. It's so much more than a solo experience.

    And you want to see calls for nerfs and balance passes? Wait till you see what Trials (a completely PvE experience) will generate. When players compete, they want fairness. PvP and PvE are both multiplayer experiences where people compete.

    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Head.hunter
    Been seeing non-stop complaints in the forums about dk's but a fairly balanced pvp when actually in-game. Don't see dk's spamming anywhere near as much as when these whine-fests started. Could you people grow a pair and come up with something that actually still affects everyone?
    I'm just a banana from another dimension.
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Sadae wrote: »
    @ruze84b14_ESO - I would agree except for the most important thing: These two skills were fine for PvE the way they were, and not overpowered at all. (In fact, Inhale was still mostly useless even before the nerf.) Making PvE abilities suffer in an effort to balance PvP is not a valid solution. Besides, isn't Talons maxed at 6 targets now? (Assuming it wasn't before, I've never actually tested that myself.) Why the need to reduce the radius as well?

    They were fine for the players using it.

    They were not fine for those of us who were NOT abusing the mechanics, but had our performances completely overshadowed by those who were.

    Players who feel that balance passes only come from PvP are a bit naive, and I don't mean to be insulting. There are PvE-only games where players call for balance changes. Hell, many mods in Skyrim (a single-player game) were designed for nothing more than to create balance, either by reducing the effectiveness of something (a nerf) or increasing the effectiveness of something else (a buff) ... all in the name of a perception of balance.

    PvE was NOT fine with bash, vampire and talon abuse. At least, not for those of us who weren't DK's, sword and board or vampires. For those that did abuse these mechanics? I'm sure they were perfectly fine!

    Just like I'm sure CEO's who scam their employees out for millions would tell you the laws that support that mentality are perfectly okay. Abuse like that never looks bad when your the one doing it.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • PBpsy
    I do not even play dk and agree balance for pvp is the worst thing that can happen to a mostly pve player. Soul Harvest had nothing OP about it in pve neither did shield bash ,pulsar and aoe ultimate builders. They should have made the skills have different effects in PVP and let PVE alone except for the truly broken exploitable skills.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • hk11
    Now none of the classes are fun to play.
    It seems like anything fun cannot exist in the ESO world.
    Edited by hk11 on 22 May 2014 22:15
  • Dahkoht
    Dark Talons is "killed", as in it does zero anything ? It doesn't damage and root a group of mobs close around you any more? I missed that in the patch notes.
  • JosephChip
    Talons still work. They will only be a lot less useful against groups of mobs.
    Edited by JosephChip on 22 May 2014 23:13
  • ShadowEve
    I haven't yet downloaded the patch but between this and the Impuse thread you are making my night.
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    hk11 wrote: »
    Now none of the classes are fun to play.
    It seems like anything fun cannot exist in the ESO world.

    Is your definition of fun 'feeling like a superman'?

    Not to hate on it at all. Would just like to clarify what you define as fun. My nightblade archer is fun, else I wouldn't be playing at all.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • ElSlayer
    Sadae wrote: »
    @Nox_Aeterna - Taunt is a MUST for every tank too. Should they nerf that too then? Your argument is still invalid. Dark Talons is a DK's only measure of AoE crowd control, we don't HAVE other options.
    Volcanic Rune
    Trapping Webs
    Ash Cloud
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • kosten07

    And you want to see calls for nerfs and balance passes? Wait till you see what Trials (a completely PvE experience) will generate. When players compete, they want fairness. PvP and PvE are both multiplayer experiences where people compete.

    I see your point, I still think that instead of nerfs all class abilities should be made better, as it is right now every class has abilities that no one uses because they are useless, add that to the fact that you have 5 skill slots and 1 ultimate then your left with more and more players using the same skills.

    Edited by kosten07 on 23 May 2014 01:00
  • psychoman88ub17_ESO
    So your logic is ... one class should have a OP must have skill , in order for people to do dungeons?

    If ONE skill like talons is a MUST for dungeons , then it past the time zen also look into those fights.

    It is a must for dungeons for its root ability, but i doubt this nerf will even matter for pve. Don't get why OP is whining.
  • kosten07

    I will be completely honest with you: I am far less bothered by nerfs, than I am when I watch a player run past me in a dungeon, pull 5 or more mobs to them, and simply spam an AOE which kills all those mobs. That pisses me off to no end.

    Players who feel that PvE is somehow immune to affecting others, that it's their own little world ... they don't understand what an MMO is. It's so much more than a solo experience.

    Do you see the irony in mentioning something that pisses you off and in the next paragraph calling out someone else for something that bothers them?

  • monkeymystic
    Inhale before the nerf:

    Inhale after the nerf:

    GG on nerfing the already subpar ability into useless
    Edited by monkeymystic on 23 May 2014 01:06
  • pknecron
    The classic problem of balancing every MMO that has both forms of play style. It's never right for somebody. The only time balance is correct for both, is when both type of players are unhappy.

    It's pretty easy to balance both actually but devs are lazy. How you ask? Skill A does X versus PVE mob and does Y versus PVP players. There, totally balanced and PVE didn't take it up the butt for the same of PVP.
  • Maverick827
    pknecron wrote: »
    The classic problem of balancing every MMO that has both forms of play style. It's never right for somebody. The only time balance is correct for both, is when both type of players are unhappy.

    It's pretty easy to balance both actually but devs are lazy. How you ask? Skill A does X versus PVE mob and does Y versus PVP players. There, totally balanced and PVE didn't take it up the butt for the same of PVP.
    Yeah, it's pretty amazing that more developers don't do this.
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