Spending enough time in Pvp these past weeks I've come to two conclusions I believe are necessary to bring more reward for skillfull play by all classes.
Root needs to be changed so that a player under the effects of root is still able to freely move their reticle facing while remaining stationary. It its current form root is much more than a movement impairment, it is also a damage and counter CC impairment the moment an attacker stands beside or behind their rooted target. By allowing a rooted player to target around themselves in 360* root will be brought in line with snare mechanics while still being more powerful in that it prevents the use of gap closing abilities from being casted while under its effects.
In its current form root is more akin to stun than snare in its control utility which I believe is too powerfull due to the potential to chain CC using Root > Stun/KB rotations which share different immunity timers and different CC break skills. Root acting as a stun in this regard breaks the mechanical nature of it being a movement impairment, which is unbalanced when compared to the nature of snare mechanics, especially considering its chained CC potential.
Block needs to be changed so that it only protects from attacks in front of the player blocking, 180*. In its current form holding block while spamming instant abilities is far too effective in its defense and offensive utility. A player blocking should be punished for allowing an attacker to strike them from behind. A player should not be able to run away and pull up block to prevent CC and damage striking them from behind. This fix will bring a much higher level of skill to combat in that it rewards good player movement both offensively and defensively. In its current form block is a brainless end all be all defense and anti CC utility that has no draw backs when used in conjucture with instant abilities. This absolutely needs to be changed.
I believe with these two simple mechanical changes we will see a huge increase in the player skill cap reward for having good movement reflex while also bringing into line the more OP yet mechanically simple to use playstyles currently dominating PvP.