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Why I stopped doing jewelry dailies

  • JiubLeRepenti
    Many people here keeps having their eyes wide shut and don't want to see why the game's economy is broken.
    BE/FR l PC EU l CP2400
    Just fell in love with housing! House vid: TES III Morrowind biggest fan!
  • Pevey
    I also do writs on my characters most days, but I don’t look at it the same way. I look at it more as recycling. I get tons of mats from deconstructing. Gear loot is plentiful in this game. After just 2-3 dungeon, you have an inventory full of stuff to decon. Without the writ system, there would be no use for most of those mats. I guess I would just vendor most things. But with the daily and master wrist system, I recycle the mats into writs, which in turn give me more mats, including gold upgrade mats. If I do surveys, it’s self-sustaining. I never have to buy mats to do writs. I have thousands. Plenty for my own use and also plenty for master writs. The writ vouchers I view as a separate currency like gold, although like gold I’m running out of use for it now that I have all the attunables. Still, nice to do the master writs for XP, I guess. I find it a fun system, and it costs me zero gold. The gold from the daily quest rewards adds up and is a nice bonus.

    The only way I can imagine running out of platinum ounces for writs is if you’re playing the game in a way that you’re NOT getting any gear loot to decon (like if this is a second or third or tenth account that is used only for writs).
  • Thoriorz
    XSTRONG wrote: »
    I think Daily crafting writs are just fine, I do them on 10 chars almost every day and I get so much for so little effort!

    I think your overlooking the effort to get a character to be a master crafter where they can do the daily writs and get the master writs, plus the effort to get all those skill points to keep your crafting skills leveled up while also having enough skills to fill out your character.....

    That takes quite the effort. I'd say its a reward well earned IMO.

    I'm a relatively new player in ESO (I started in April or so), I have around 900 hours played and a good half of those hours are spent on alt characters.

    When I started playing I looked at various things to see if the game had some form of daily stable income. I soon found out that everyone was talking about daily writs + master writs. I did a bit of research and at first I didn't know anything about it but the more I looked into it the more I realized how this system works and I started to think it was cool to have a steady daily income this way.

    I finished level 50, craft professions to the max including passives but I still didn't have many master writs and I soon found out that I needed (or rather a good thing) to learn the traits of each profession. Simple is alchemy/enchanting, also JWC is good because you only need 18x research and now master writs started to appear. Now I started to find out that there are writ vouchers and soon I found out that this can also be used as a form of profit , possibly a form of xp or to get nice stuff for yourself.

    Then I thought, hmm, it's quite easy and how about having more characters? So I started making alt characters (not for play, but purely for writs), lvl 50, necessary passives, traits, etc. About a month ago I finished the last one with the only thing they lack is 4 traits in cloth, bs, ww and teach them some motifs (I do this continuously) and now I'm doing daily writs on 20 characters.

    Yes it is time consuming, however I look at the whole process as a permanent form of solid daily gain/form of xp that is forever (unless ZOS revamps the system of course). So the time investment is ok and worth it in my opinion.

    It takes me about 45min a day to do writs on all characters and the gain is great. I'm not some hunter of expensive "style mask" etc stuff so this is a great system for me and I don't regret the time invested.

    As for the JWC writs, I'm fine with them and I'm doing them too and so far I'm self-sufficient. I do surveys (got CP for a chance at double yield, also CP in metallurgy), sell the ornate jwc, deconstruct the rest and don't need to buy platinum ounces yet for writs.

    I have no more account, just one, no spreadsheets for profit etc, I am happy for both daily cloth writ and jwc or ww writh.

    I do writs for a decent profit, xp through master writs and vouchers I keep (I want to have my own craft station including learning all the sets) and the fact that gold material at jwc costs less that at cloth doesn't bother me.

    I don't see it as abusing the system etc, it's part of the game that ZOS has implemented into the game and the player just uses the system.
    If someone has multiple accounts, let them have them, if someone plays the game to accumulate gold, ok, everyone has something they enjoy about ESO, as long as it's not RMT or something along those lines that is explicitly against the rules, ok by me.

    Every free day I have to play ESO I do daily writs on one account, run 2 arcs in IA, and go Leads hunting (antique is what I enjoy most about the game). This is my take on writs and how I feel about it.
  • GuuMoonRyoung
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    We just need a jewelry hiring to help out with the supply of platinum. Especially since it's now equal to the other crafting writs. Honestly it is needed because platinum shares the same resource nodes with ore.

    Stay safe 🙂

    We need both jewelry and alchemy hirelings. As for price of Chromium Plating, they are still going for 6K on average, used to be more but lets face it, everything is coming down in price and that is a good thing.
  • Pevey
    @Thoriorz mentioned jewelry intricates, and I think that’s worth highlighting. A lot of people sell those. I’m not sure which works out to more gold, the intricates or the platinum. I haven’t looked at the prices in a while. But it’s a pain to sell all the intricates, and aside from giving increased inspiration (worthless to max level crafters) they also give more mats when deconstructed. I always deconstruct mine to stay self-sustaining. If you’re passing them to a new alt to level up crafting, and that alt does not yet have the extraction passives, that could also temporarily affect whether you are self-sustaining.
  • Trier_Sero
    Have you tried actually playing the game instead of just abusing the daily crafting rewards to the limit?

    People like you + the 14 day change for guild listing are the reason for the price crashes.

    Sorry, must've been me. I started doing daily writs on 40 chars across 2 accounts just 3 days before the Jubilee event ended and boom, just a few weeks later the economy collapsed. But don't worry I'm gonna take hiatus for some time soon so economy will be back to normal in no time!

    More seriously though, if writs contribute to anything that's inflation, not deflation we are having now, since writs can generate up to 100k gold everyday.

    Regarding OP's topic I agree that's just overthinking it. As long as I do my surveys at least every week I never run out of resources.
  • robertlabrie
    Have you tried actually playing the game instead of just abusing the daily crafting rewards to the limit?

    I 100% AvA including Grand Overlord and Emperor does that count?
    If you want to help the economy, start buying things too and not just sit on your gold like a dragon.

    Before gold road I had 100% style motifs and 100% furnishing plans (waiting for the zone event to get back to 100%). I've spent 10s of millions of gold on both (now pointless since jewelry master writs are a voucher candy store that don't require style pages). None of that compares to the 700M I spent - pre-economic collapse - on that damned unobtainable White-Gold War Torte recipe. A transaction so massive I had to broker it because it exceeded the in game gold x-fer limits. Today I help fund a guild trader - my very expensive end-game hobby. Still want to accuse me of hoarding?

    The point of the post was just to highlight that jewelry dailies barely break even based on gold mats sales. Seems some people get it, others don't. Appreciate all the feedback even the criticism.
  • robertlabrie
    Pevey wrote: »
    I’m not sure which works out to more gold, the intricates or the platinum.

    Technically selling them is more profitable they sell for around 1000 ea. Deconstructing them gives you ~3 oz so figure around 400-500g worth of plat. I keep my slots filled with more valuable loot - master writs and motifs mostly - so I just scrap it.
  • loosej
    Have you tried actually playing the game instead of just abusing the daily crafting rewards to the limit?

    People like you + the 14 day change for guild listing are the reason for the price crashes.

    Edit, since i dont want to argue here with people, that have 3 accounts:

    Just because you are "allowed" to do something, doesnt mean the devs "want you" to play like this. There are several reasons for the economy crash, oversupply is one of them. Yes of course there are factors like the 14 days change and the events, but people flooding the market with their daily crafting rewards every single day and then complain, that the jewelery crafting isnt "yielding" enough anymore, are part of the problem. If you want to help the economy, start buying things too and not just sit on your gold like a dragon.

    Apologies for keeping this sidetrack going, but I would like to first respond to the edited version of this. I'll get back on topic in the next paragraph. Your added argument that jewelry crafting yields less because of oversupply is, again, wrong. This has started even before the general economy crash, when the changes from grains to platings was introduced. As for buying things and not sitting on your gold, I'll try and be transparent: I'm currently "sitting" on a comfortable 8-digit amount of gold. Over the past year I've spent 25M on guild donations for trader funds, over 100M at traders (buying motifs, furnishing plans, expensive recipes and sometimes mats), and traded about 50M with other players in exchange for crowns. What you need to realize is that you don't earn all that gold overnight, and by the time you have gathered a big stack, there are no more "cheap" things left to buy. As a result, your expenses scale with your income. If I need to buy dreugh wax, I'm not buying 1 or 8 of them, I buy a full stack (current pc/eu price: 2M+). Assuming people who earn a lot of gold from trading are just hoarding it is just that, an assumption. You might be surprised people react badly to it, but that's just a result of your condescending tone towards players you clearly don't know or understand.

    Coming back to the topic of jewelry dailies: I personally tend to break even on platinum if I do all my surveys and deconstruct all the intricate gear. Selling platinum has always been the exception though, never had a surplus either. I still do all dailies on all 20 characters, but I no longer sell my mats. Nearly all of them have 100% research done, and the master writs are what's currently generating wares worth selling. If people don't want to buy mats, I'm happy to use them myself. Instead of selling perfect roe, I'm running aetherial ambrosia 24/7 on all characters (CP3600 starting to look like a possibility if I a play a few more years). Instead of selling dreugh and chromium, I've started outfitting all 20 characters with a full gold set. Dragon rheum worthless? Watch me pop those heroism pots.

    My biggest direct gold gain from dailies is currently the quest reward itself. If I dropped 1 of the 7 dailies, that would work out to 100k gold per week in quest rewards. If you're already running your circle at the crafting tables anyway you might as well do jc just for that I think.
  • CrashTest
    The return on jewelry mats for turning in daily writs is also lower than other crafts, so that doesn't help with platinum supply either.
  • Bradyfjord
    While playing ESO, I never once wondered if anyone was doing any particular thing related to crafting. When I needed more mats, the traders had them. I recently sold a lot of mats as well. So if someone wants to take a pause, go right ahead.
  • kaushad
    the game's economy is broken.

    That's a curious statement. What does it actually mean for an economy to be broken? In real life, I would consider the inflation of house prices relative to typical incomes to be a serious flaw of our economy, but the economy itself keeps growing and presumably someone is benefiting from it. In this case, being a professional jeweller (and not a miner-jeweller) in ESO is apparently no longer (that) profitable. But it's pretty good for players who dabble in jewelry and source their own materials. Can abundance of a resource be a bad thing or do we have a responsibility to adapt for the greater good, if necessary by abandoning industries?
  • Veinblood1965
    The BOTS outdo all of us together, they are gathers mats 24/7 in several zones on PS4/5. It's one reason ZoS doesn't move to a central trader system that would make it even easier for them to sell their mats.

    Betnik is overrun with them every day all day as well as several other zones.
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