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Players lacking manners in dungeons

So during the event (and before too) i was surprised how many players are lacking basic manners. So i would like to remind some of you, that manners are important for the future of the game and the community of Eso. For Dungeons i suggest the following. Your opinion or different views on it the topic is welcome of course:

- Greet at the beginning
- Inform the other players if you need the quest, so the group knows you might fall behind or need specific quest bosses
- Dont aggro all minions and rush to the next boss without communication. Noone wants to "wipe", just so you get through your falkreach dungeon faster by 2 minutes
- Dont play half-afk - everyone can notice quickly, if you just do one autoattack in every fight, then switching to youtube again to watch a video
- Dont fakeheal in Dungeons, where the group needs heal. (Some dlcs and most veterans)
- Dont fakeheal with low cps - if you arent even a good dd, you should not dare to queue as a fakeheal
- Saying goodbye or thanking for the run would be nice at the end
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 18 August 2023 03:24
  • Amottica
    When asking the game to find a random group of players to run a dungeon together one will get randomness. Many of those random players are concerned about one thing, clearing the dungeon to get a reward. They are not concerned about the wants and desires of the rest of the group which include the list posted above.

    For anyone looking for a friendly group with a specific composition (tank, dd, heals) that will run the dungeon in a specific manner I suggest forming the group with all of that in mind before queueing for a dungeon.

    Otherwise, one will get randomness when asking for randomness.

  • dcam86b14_ESO
    Maybe I am just jaded by ESO but been here since BETA. It's always been this way and I doubt it will change.
    No one says much in dungeons and I don't expect them to if it's a solo queue (idc what's going on behind the screen)
    I play healer like a legit full-time healer, so I've gotten used to all the goings on in this community and its dungeon queues.
    Again if you're doing a solo queue dungeon don't expect anything and you won't get hurt or upset.
  • Braffin
    I agree. Sometimes it's astonishing how people hurt their own gaming experience by outright refusing to communicate in group content. As a lot of those players don't mind to write several pages of ranting in this forums, we aren't talking about shy folks tho.

    I still think there are no changes needed game-wise, as we're already able to enter content in premades, bypassing the bad-mannered crowd.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • valenwood_vegan
    Sorry you're having bad dungeon experiences. Posting a list of your grievances / preferences for how people should act in a random dungeon unfortunately isn't going to have any effect, one (of many) reasons being the infinitesimally tiny chance that that the random strangers the dungeon finder groups you with will have even seen this post.

    And I mean while I do personally agree with you that people should have good manners, unfortunately no one is under any obligation to act a certain way - these are just random people and they will run the entire gamut from kind, helpful, and highly skilled... to less desirable traits. Also they're not guaranteed to all speak the same language and may not be able to participate in chat in the desired way. Plus a hundred million other issues with grouping with randoms.

    Best thing is to take control of your experience and find friends / guildies to do dungeons with, instead of relying on the game to group you with randoms. I and many people I know use the random finder as a last resort (or to find a fill when we can't get a full group together), never as a go-to option. It takes more effort to form your own group, yes, but it's worth it and it solves the problem of random people acting in random ways.
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on 15 August 2023 15:32
  • zaria
    Join an friendly and active guild and ask there, this tend to get way better groups and you get friends you can help you later.
    Karma tend to be returned with interest.
    It also open other aspect of game play like trials and organized pvp.
    Never been an PvP player but love Cyrodil, but its no fun without an guild group.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • illusiouk
    Welcome to ESO.
  • Soarora
    I agree. Luckily, most groups I get check all the boxes. Ones who at least don’t ever communicate sour my mood and make it more likely I’ll quit if something goes wrong. Their risk to take.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • Necrotech_Master
    just one of the reasons i avoid using the dungeon queue lol, i would rather solo the dungeon (if possible) than deal with randoms

    i know not all randoms are bad, but the ones that are definitely ruin the experience

    just last night i was with my gf and a friend and we did a random normal got 1 random person (fake tank, no communication, didnt even let my gf pick up the quest and proceeded to speed their way through the dungeon) which just reminded me how much i dislike the queue with random people

    the next dungeon i had another friend come to join so we had a group of 4
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Snamyap
    illusiouk wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO.

    Frankly, welcome to the internet, where most people are actually ok human beings, but the bad apples can really spoil your day.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    I tend to agree, OP.

    No one can seriously argue that taking the 2 seconds to type "hey" or "ggz" threatens your chance to "clear the dungeon to get a reward"- that attitude is indicative of something else, entirely.

    Which is their prerogative, sure. But let's call a spade, a spade.
  • vsrs_au
    Braffin wrote: »
    I agree. Sometimes it's astonishing how people hurt their own gaming experience by outright refusing to communicate in group content. As a lot of those players don't mind to write several pages of ranting in this forums, we aren't talking about shy folks tho.

    I still think there are no changes needed game-wise, as we're already able to enter content in premades, bypassing the bad-mannered crowd.
    There's a big difference between posting on a forum, and talking to people in a real-time chat in game. Some people are just uncomfortable with the latter.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Sarannah
    Snamyap wrote: »
    illusiouk wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO.

    Frankly, welcome to the internet, where most people are actually ok human beings, but the bad apples can really spoil your day.
    Agreed, this is why I hope ZOS fixes dungeons as soon as possible. So everyone can have a good experience in them.
  • wilykcat
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    I agree. Sometimes it's astonishing how people hurt their own gaming experience by outright refusing to communicate in group content. As a lot of those players don't mind to write several pages of ranting in this forums, we aren't talking about shy folks tho.

    I still think there are no changes needed game-wise, as we're already able to enter content in premades, bypassing the bad-mannered crowd.
    There's a big difference between posting on a forum, and talking to people in a real-time chat in game. Some people are just uncomfortable with the latter.

    I'm more comfortable posting on online forums then I am using the in-game chat.

    Voice chat makes me feel very uncomfortable which is why I don't use discord.

    I don't often communicate with players in the dungeon groups because I get so hyper focused on the dungeon and mechanics. I then forget the in-game chat is there.

    When players try to talk to me in the in-game chat and when I do see it pop up, it distracts me from the dungeon and then I mess up the mechanics only to respond to the other player (messages I sent have lots of typos). I only use the in-game chat once in a while.

    I'm not that good at multitasking.
  • mattaeus01b16_ESO
    Running 14 normals a day, I have seen bad players. And its tiresome.

    My personal exp? I find that a good majority of the new players are being taught to scream and run threw dungeons.
    Most people dont talk
    For every real tank. There are 2 DPSs fake tanking... and doing noone of there jobs well.
    For every real healer. There are 3 DPSs fake healer... Couldnt even manage a vigor on your bar, huh?

    I can excuse low levels for not knowing... but high levels that are just there to use you to farm exp for them? Yeah, I can do without those people.

    Take control of your own exp? I do... Either I leave the group if I am expected to heal, DPS and tank while the fake healer and fake tank run off and die while swinging their NERF 2handers around. Because Im not being paid to carry people threw dungeons.
    Or I try to explain to them that... while its impressive on how fast they can run and that they are the only ones in ESO that I know personally that can run sooooo fast and yet die so unflamboyantly, that they might want to read the room and stick with the group. THIS usually leads them to bum-rush the the next boss and pull everyone in... Because its NOW A FEATURE! (Also, toxic as hell)

    Personally, I would pick to leave if it wasnt for the fact that I just spent 10 mins in Q and I dont want to wait another 15 mins to reQ, so I can wait another 10 mins in Q, just so I can get people with the same attitude again.

    Problem is, there are no checks in place for players when they join. And it will keep on happening.

    Sooooo, we have endless dungeons coming out soon. Will all the good players be farming these? leaving the bad ones in Q to have to deal with each other? ... I digress

    How about we put in a solo mode in these dungeons! Let them play with themselves.
    Then, up Normal to a more MED base where it feels like you can actually see the mechanics before the bosses die. And forcing scrubs to do more then ruin others playing exp as a hole.
  • Braffin
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    I agree. Sometimes it's astonishing how people hurt their own gaming experience by outright refusing to communicate in group content. As a lot of those players don't mind to write several pages of ranting in this forums, we aren't talking about shy folks tho.

    I still think there are no changes needed game-wise, as we're already able to enter content in premades, bypassing the bad-mannered crowd.
    There's a big difference between posting on a forum, and talking to people in a real-time chat in game. Some people are just uncomfortable with the latter.

    Sure, that may happen. But the affected players will have a bad time in group content then, because playing with other real people is always a matter of communication. On top of that said bad time isn't limited to the uncommunicative player but will also affect the whole group.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • Blood_again
    Posting a list of your grievances / preferences for how people should act in a random dungeon unfortunately isn't going to have any effect, one (of many) reasons being the infinitesimally tiny chance that that the random strangers the dungeon finder groups you with will have even seen this post.

    I double this. Intersection of {Forum visitors who read this post} and {Players who you met in dungeons} is just tiny.

    In an ideal world it would be very nice to have group mates who are polite, patient and caring.
    We can add something like "tank pulls first", "don't hide behind a healer", "stay closer to a boss if the opposite is not required" etc, that obviously makes any run smoother.

    In a real world you get random people. Most of them don't care. At least quarter of them don't give a shift what's happening around. One rushes ahead, another one tries to find a quest NPC.
    Pop! That was a sweet dream about group manners disappeared :)

    Also when we talk about random and pledge dungeons, we usually talk about routine. So you meet not just manners there. You meet habits.
    Honestly, I really doubt that players' bad habits could be changed with forum posts, however good and useful those posts were.
    I would rather work on common good habits with guild mates, running with them more often than with randoms. Then you'll have some group mates who are actually that polite, patient and caring as you expect, which is gold.
  • Galiferno
    I don't really even care about greetings or making conversation, I just wish if it was a person's first time in the dungeon or they were doing the quest, they'd speak up. That way, especially if it's on vet, we can explain mechanics to them or slow down during essential quest points. You don't really get to be mad at the group for rushing or leaving you dead while you repeatedly die to the same stuff if you never speak up in the first place.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Braffin wrote: »
    I agree. Sometimes it's astonishing how people hurt their own gaming experience by outright refusing to communicate in group content. As a lot of those players don't mind to write several pages of ranting in this forums, we aren't talking about shy folks tho.

    I still think there are no changes needed game-wise, as we're already able to enter content in premades, bypassing the bad-mannered crowd.

    Uh oh. Guilty, Your Honor.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Soarora
    Braffin wrote: »
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    Braffin wrote: »
    I agree. Sometimes it's astonishing how people hurt their own gaming experience by outright refusing to communicate in group content. As a lot of those players don't mind to write several pages of ranting in this forums, we aren't talking about shy folks tho.

    I still think there are no changes needed game-wise, as we're already able to enter content in premades, bypassing the bad-mannered crowd.
    There's a big difference between posting on a forum, and talking to people in a real-time chat in game. Some people are just uncomfortable with the latter.

    Sure, that may happen. But the affected players will have a bad time in group content then, because playing with other real people is always a matter of communication. On top of that said bad time isn't limited to the uncommunicative player but will also affect the whole group.

    This. If you're not comfortable typing to people, don't pug. It's a GROUP activity. I'm shy, anxious, and socially awkward but I don't let that stop me from communicating. This is why I don't think pugging trials using a queue will go well-- because if you can't say "(role) lf (trial)" or pm someone "x (role)" then you're not going to communicate during the trial either. vDSR for example would basically be impossible to pug because everyone except like 2 dps have mechanics to deal with, if it were possible to pug in the first place (tank swap mechanic ahehh). Of course, trials and dungeons are different but similar concept-- if you're not going to listen to mechanics then you're bringing the whole group down.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • Lumenn
    Gonna have to agree with the communication part that got brought up. I'm big on solo, but if you're pugging, you need to communicate. I can understand if you don't want to use VC, maybe you're shy(or in my case I have a special needs child who may serenade everyone with an 80's song or she may drop her playdough on the floor and yell expletives that'd make a marine blush) but if you're not speaking, learn to type quickly please.
  • CrashTest
    You're assuming everyone speaks English or whatever language you're speaking. ESO is a global game so even being on the NA server doesn't guarantee everyone knows English.
  • wilykcat
    CrashTest wrote: »
    You're assuming everyone speaks English or whatever language you're speaking. ESO is a global game so even being on the NA server doesn't guarantee everyone knows English.

    Speaking of your comment,

    I've been in a dungeon group and there was someone who spoke Chinese and another person who spoke Japanese, someone else spoke spanish, and I was the only one that spoke English. Luckily I only know a few words in Japanese so I...
    messed up a mechanic during a boss fight(not good at multitasking). Instead of continuing to fight the boss, I posted "anata bakadesu!" into the chat. It wasn't directly towards the player, it was directed towards the dungeon boss for smashing my character. Then one of the players left the group.

    Another example of a mostly true story of a misunderstanding in the in-game chat relating to communication.
    Edited by wilykcat on 16 August 2023 00:00
  • Kusto
    Can't really blame players for wanting the best and fastest rewards in game (100k xp easiest than any activity and 10 transmutes) by running random normals. Zos dropped the ball with this one.
  • SilverBride
    The only things I communicate when in a PUG are "chest" and "Thanks for group." I'm there to run a dungeon, not to socialize.
  • Soarora
    CrashTest wrote: »
    You're assuming everyone speaks English or whatever language you're speaking. ESO is a global game so even being on the NA server doesn't guarantee everyone knows English.

    People can say hello in their language, showing everyone they do not speak English and are exempt from the "need to communicate" unless someone can use a translator.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • SeaGtGruff
    "Hello, welcome to the random dungeon group. Everyone say your name and tell us what role you'll be playing in the group."

    "Hi, I'm Joe. I'll be racing ahead of the group and ignoring everyone. Bye!" (turns and races ahead)

    "Hi, I'm Mary. I'm going to be hea"

    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Aislinna
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    "Hello, welcome to the random dungeon group. Everyone say your name and tell us what role you'll be playing in the group."

    "Hi, I'm Joe. I'll be racing ahead of the group and ignoring everyone. Bye!" (turns and races ahead)

    "Hi, I'm Mary. I'm going to be hea"


    LOL, Joe greeted the group much nicer then many would.
  • Rowjoh
    Good manners, courtesy, and etiquette are the building blocks of a healthy society whether it be real life or virtual, and can open the door to opportunities.

    Making a point about lack of manners in ESO wont have much effect at all, but it doesn't make it wrong to do so.
  • SkaraMinoc
    When a new dungeon comes out, I solo it first and complete the quest at my own pace including learning boss mechanics and completing all the secrets. Then I go join dungeon queue.

    Dungeon queue is for completing dailies and farming gear. You can say hello at the beginning or ask for the quest but if you're not speedrunning the dungeon then you're slowing others down. Please respect other player's time.
    PC NA
  • Soarora
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    When a new dungeon comes out, I solo it first and complete the quest at my own pace including learning boss mechanics and completing all the secrets. Then I go join dungeon queue.

    Dungeon queue is for completing dailies and farming gear. You can say hello at the beginning or ask for the quest but if you're not speedrunning the dungeon then you're slowing others down. Please respect other player's time.

    Dungeon queue is for completing dungeons. Normal queue may be known to be the spot for gear farms and dailies, but not so much veteran. There's a difference between running as a group and sprinting ahead without a care in the world. Heck, I slot rapids on one of my tanks in trash-- but I run veterans. I avoid normals for the same reason most people complain about normals: the speedrunning.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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