Can't you pre-craft for the enchanting/gear writs also? Then you wouldn't need to visit any crafting stations, correct? I haven't gone the pre-crafting route yet, but am planning to, once I get my 7 new alt crafters leveled up.I use LWC and Summon Assistant and Junk Handler. Takes me just over 2 minutes in Alinor per character. I have never liked Vivec, cant get into the rythym of that place. Vulkhel Guard or Rawkla or Deeshan are my change of scenery alternatives. I off load everything needed to my banker assistant. Then, on one character I do Guild Store listings. My speed farmer gets all the Surveys and Treasure Maps.
I activate the Writ Boards
Pop my banker who hands me the potions and foods.
Hit the Enchanting and Gear Stations where LWC automates crafting.
Drop off the results.
Pop my Merchant then the Banker
Then Log to next character
Outside of events that salt the Reward Coffers, I rarely do crafting writs on more than the character I play each day. I used to cycle through 8 to 10 every day. Now since I have almost a full ration of Alts that can do writs, it is too much time to spend on chores.
Can't you pre-craft for the enchanting/gear writs also? Then you wouldn't need to visit any crafting stations, correct? I haven't gone the pre-crafting route yet, but am planning to, once I get my 7 new alt crafters leveled up.
It’s the load screens that are the killer. Takes longer logging out and in than it does doing the writs