Marcelovski wrote: »
Just wanted to confirm I got one from the purple PvE-daily box. Nothing from greens so far.
I suffer from the same problem! Playing ToT on 4 chars for the daylies and got ( heavy cards and 5 Scraps of the Spearhead0s Colours yet.
I hate playing ToT from the bottom of my heart and it really sucks that ZOS gives us new ToT achievements apart from the upgrade card one.
The drop chances are simply to low. That needs to get buffed asap.
Did you get any of these from NPC reward coffers or only from pvp ones?
Personofsecrets wrote: »Cool achievements. Maybe we should start putting our TOT cards into card sleeves.
Both. Even from the green ones
When you say "both" - do you mean "both" dailies? And dailies only? (I know, each daily has up to 3 matches each, one with 3 npcs, one with 3 players) or do random matches beyond the dailies ( and their specific coffers) count as chances? And by random I mean matches beyond the dailies, which also reward coffers in the mail. Thank you.
Personofsecrets wrote: »You should all be abusing the broken RNG in Elder Scrolls Online.
Always open a number of coffers at the same time. The container opener add on can help.
Eventually you will be seeded to get these fragments and, when you are, you will pull a whole bunch because of the games issue in resetting seeds quickly between drops.
Yesterday I completed my Card Conjurer with 4 pulls from 16 boxes.
It doesn't matter how you got the coffer - NPC or PvP match. The chance depends only from purse's quality. The highest drop chance is from the golden boxes which can be looted only from the daily quest with 3 PvP wins. You also can get it from purple, blue and green boxes. However, the lower the quality of the box, the lower the drop rate.
The fastest and not so painful (if you hate pvp, but you want a golden box) way to get the achievements is to take a character (I took 3 - it's faster), take both daily quests on them, do a full pve quest every day, and also complete one random match with a player - you only need one win to get a purple box, as well as to make progress on the quest.
This way you do not spend too much time every day on pvp dailies, loot 2 purple boxes on one character (for a random pvp match and for a pve daily) and once every 3 days you get a golden box and also you will still have a little time for real life heh.