So for the longest time I was EP on my main and this was at a time when EP was DESTROYING in Cyrodiil. But every time I got on all the groups didn't seem to want to take me. So I just followed the action and earned 19 Alliance levels that way (I really want Legate Black). Shortly there after DC started winning all the time and I couldn't get any AP to save my life. No groups became disorganized and rarely formed. After that I decided to swap alliances to DC and join a couple of guilds that did DC Cyrodiil. Strangely, the guilds both disbanded and the problems with EP became the problems with DC. Guys, I get it. You don't have to move to the other side of the bus for me. I know now that I am The Source of the Smell. But if I can't get legate's black I at least want my title. I am requesting "The Source of the Smell" as my title.