What's up with god-like PvP builds?

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Time and time again I face guys with god-like builds who are both way way tankier than me and have a much higher damage output. I've seen nightblades, sorcerers and even a necro who I just couldn't face 1v1, it's like I don't do any damage at all and a few hits from them are enough to drain my resources and kill me. They also seem to have infinite sustain. I would expect that tankier builds would do less damage, and high burst builds would be less tanky. But no, these are just vastly superior in every single way.
Admittedly, I'm a noob who's using a cookie-cutter stam DK tanky build, most gold equips, running mara, bloodspawn, plaguebreak and markyn. I've seen other stam DK builds and other change a few gears and skills here and there but I don't feel those would make a huge difference tbh. And ofc they usually have very high K:D ratios so it's clearly not just me they're killing very easily... So what's up with these god-like builds?
Edited by Jasus5457 on 25 March 2023 12:30
  • OBJnoob
    So... I hate to tell ya, but your gear looks pretty good. Bloodspawn, check. Maras, check. Plaguebreak-- okay, makes sense. Markyn, sure why not.

    You could maybe swap plaguebreak for rallying and swap Markyn for sea serpent and be "more meta," but you're absolutely good to go with what you got.

    Which makes me think perhaps the difference may be in your skills. May I ask what your bar setups are, which weapons are on what bar, and what your problem seems to be in your opinion? Is it sustain? Damage? Healing?
  • Jasus5457
    OBJnoob wrote: »
    So... I hate to tell ya, but your gear looks pretty good. Bloodspawn, check. Maras, check. Plaguebreak-- okay, makes sense. Markyn, sure why not.

    You could maybe swap plaguebreak for rallying and swap Markyn for sea serpent and be "more meta," but you're absolutely good to go with what you got.

    Which makes me think perhaps the difference may be in your skills. May I ask what your bar setups are, which weapons are on what bar, and what your problem seems to be in your opinion? Is it sustain? Damage? Healing?

    First bar is dual swords with fossilize, whirling blades, molten whip, noxious breath, flames of oblivion and ferocious leap. Left sword is sharpened and the right one is precise, both with shock enchantment.

    Backbar is sword-and-shield (also tried with frost staff) with race against time, resolving vigor, coagulating blood, volatile armor, igneous weapons, corrosive armor.

    I try to build up for the ulti and create 3 charges for the molten whip so that I burst with ulti, use molten whip and then whirling blades. Sometimes I just spam molten whip when I see that they are too tanky and the burst won't kill them, or spam whirling blades if hp is below 50%.

    I feel that may sustain is poor and that I get killed too easily. The damage is not nearly enough to kill these type of players either.

    Here is my full build.
    Edited by Jasus5457 on 25 March 2023 14:06
  • OBJnoob
    Okay good answer. I'm going to be a little lazy and respond without having clicked the link yet. I'll check it out later, but I have some tips for you just based on what you've said.

    First off-- I can't imagine a DK wearing what you're wearing has a lot of crit. I would definitely change the precise sword to nirnhoned and put it in my main hand. This will help your damage a bit. Second off, having two shock enchants mean they share a cooldown and you basically only have one. Change them both, honestly. One fire and one poison. This will help your damage slightly (because now you have two working glyphs instead of one,) and will also increase your sustain by giving you more chances to apply poisoned or burning, which interacts with the DK combustion passive. You may miss the concussed and minor vulnerability-- keep one shock damage enchant if you really want (I wouldn't,) and pick which resource is harder to maintain for the other enchant. If your stam runs low pick poison... Fire for magicka.

    I'm a big fan of D-Leap personally but consider using Corrosive if your penetration is low because you're using two swords. Or conversely change your sharpened sword (now in your off hand,) for a sharpened mace.

    IF you switch to Corrosive as an ultimate then you can perhaps drop Noxious Breath from your setup. Which is important because I think these days it's nice to have a heal on your front bar. Coag should stay backbar since the missing health bonus is still effective regardless of weapon damage. Vigor goes to the front bar in my opinion, to benefit from your nirnhoned sword, and to make it easier to cast roughly every 4 seconds so you can stay on offense longer. If you want to keep using Noxious and D-Leap then that's fine. Consider giving up whirling blades then. A D-Leap + fully charged whip combo really should suffice as an execute. And Fossilize is hard enough to break free from that your whips should land and you won't need spinning that much.

    Try to find a better way to get major brutality than from Igneous Weapons. The only answer available to you might be potions but give it some thought. Igneous isn't a particularly useful skill in PvP. Use Flare in its place for passive major protection.

    Other than that... Just realize some players are very good and just can't always be killed 1v1. No shame in stalemating a duel these days. Happens all the time. And in battlegrounds it isn't always efficient to tunnel-vision one target and focus them down. Rather-- try to keep track of the larger battle and contribute bursts to groups of people that may already be struggling.
  • OBJnoob
    Okay I looked at your build but it was difficult cuz I'm on a phone. The picture was too small and when I blew it up it got kinda pixelated. I'm not familiar with build editor websites either, so I have to ask, what does "multi-effect enchantment," mean on your jewelry? I think this may be a point to work on, but can't be sure because I don't know what it means.

    Also your magicka sustain is super low. Your stam recovery isn't great either, but since you can heavy attack with melee weapons and gain resources from frequent DLeaps this is probably fine. I think you might want to change your food to Witchmothers. Your max stats are pretty high-- I think you can afford to lose some stamina for some magicka recovery.

    Also, depending on what your jewelry enchantments turn out to be, consider changing them to weapon damage. Minor Brutality on DK means you benefit greatly from adding weapon damage. Get literally as much as you can.
  • axi
    Long story short, experienced players are noticably stronger than average PvPer. Even in excatly the same setup in a 1v1 You can be outplayed like a kitten by skilled player to the point You wont scratch him and he will be able to control whole fight. Knowing You claas and enemy class, good weaving, predicting enemy moves, reacting quickly, adjusting to the flow of fight, using Your offense windows and setting them up properly are just some of the things You learn with time, that give You massive adventage over the enemy who havn't mastered those.
    Edited by axi on 25 March 2023 15:28
  • axi
    @OBJnoob multi effect enchant is new name used for old jewelery weapon/spell dmg enchants since now they grant both+mag/stan regen.
  • OBJnoob
    That answer confuses me @axi did you perhaps make a typo? You're saying they are weapon damage enchants, right?

    In which case great. I would change that one Robust piece to be Infused also, and depending on OPs sustain issues make one stam or mag recovery. Nirnhoning the main hand weapon will basically make up for this and result in same damage but more sustain.

    But only if needed! 3 infused weapon damage is probably best.
  • axi
    OBJnoob wrote: »
    That answer confuses me @axi did you perhaps make a typo? You're saying they are weapon damage enchants, right?

    In which case great. I would change that one Robust piece to be Infused also, and depending on OPs sustain issues make one stam or mag recovery. Nirnhoning the main hand weapon will basically make up for this and result in same damage but more sustain.

    But only if needed! 3 infused weapon damage is probably best.

    They are former increase physical harm and increase magical harm enchants.

    As for sustain on a DK I've found that ever since whip recived split cost and hybrydization happened, tri reduce cost glyph works nice. Golden infused lowers all abilities cost by 213 and it's doublef for whip sińce it have both mag and stam cost.
    Edited by axi on 25 March 2023 15:44
  • OBJnoob
    You said former increase physical harm enchants now give both mag and stam recovery. I think you didn't mean to say that. Moving on though because it isn't super important to understanding...

    Yes, one tri-recovery glyph may be in order I agree.
  • axi
    OBJnoob wrote: »
    You said former increase physical harm enchants now give both mag and stam recovery. I think you didn't mean to say that. Moving on though because it isn't super important to understanding...

    Yes, one tri-recovery glyph may be in order I agree.

    I said mag/stam as in mag or stam. I would use mag+stam descriptoon if they would give both but I get Your confussion.

    As for glyph i meant tri reduce cost not tri recovery. Glyph that lowers health, mag and stam cost of abilities.
  • Jasus5457
    Thanks for the very detailed answers, there's a lot for me to change for sure.
  • OBJnoob
    Naw bro your build is good. Small changes with a long explanation LOL. Practice blocking but not too much... Good to go.
  • kadar
    Other than build maybe just mechanics? LA weaving, dodge/weapon swap cancel, line-of-sight... How do you do with those kind of things?
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