Time and time again I face guys with god-like builds who are both way way tankier than me and have a much higher damage output. I've seen nightblades, sorcerers and even a necro who I just couldn't face 1v1, it's like I don't do any damage at all and a few hits from them are enough to drain my resources and kill me. They also seem to have infinite sustain. I would expect that tankier builds would do less damage, and high burst builds would be less tanky. But no, these are just vastly superior in every single way.
Admittedly, I'm a noob who's using a cookie-cutter stam DK tanky build, most gold equips, running mara, bloodspawn, plaguebreak and markyn. I've seen other stam DK builds and other change a few gears and skills here and there but I don't feel those would make a huge difference tbh. And ofc they usually have very high K:D ratios so it's clearly not just me they're killing very easily... So what's up with these god-like builds?
Edited by Jasus5457 on 25 March 2023 12:30