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Is ZOS sundowning ESO?

  • Tandor
    Khajiit always laughs when he sees the term "ESO Content Creators". As if they do anything actually creative, instead of just waxing idiotic on yub tub.

    Where is this content? Can khajiit play within it, or wear it perhaps?

    It means nothing to me either. They stream the game with a commentary that is scripted to generate the most hits and revenue, nothing more.
  • Carcamongus
    ZoS is decidedly changing course with the game, but we need to give devs time to actually present their new work before we can try to draw conclusions. Dedicating a quarter to fixing game issues doesn't seem to fit the sundown narrative, but on this too we need to wait and see.
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • Tandor
    I'd love to know of any MMO that has introduced a new class while sunsetting (sundowning if you prefer) the game at the same time. It's palpable nonsense.
    Edited by Tandor on 2 February 2023 20:59
  • Shagreth
    ZoS is decidedly changing course with the game, but we need to give devs time to actually present their new work before we can try to draw conclusions. Dedicating a quarter to fixing game issues doesn't seem to fit the sundown narrative, but on this too we need to wait and see.
    My sentiments exactly regarding ZoS, they did cut a bad expansion early, the game also has tons of issues but they did promise a glorious year like we've never seen before with Necrom, I choose to believe them.
  • Androrix
    I feel like I saw this exact same thread a month ago.
  • Alpheu5
    Fata1moose wrote: »
    Shagreth wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    JakelDK wrote: »
    Recently I have been hearing ESO contentcreators talking about Zos "sundowning" ESO and moving on to different projects. I really hope thats not the case. Im all for them expanding their list of games, but i hope they keep ESO alive. Anyone out there with more insight/informed predictions who can put my gamer heart at ease XD ?
    All the best.

    We've talked about this before, but we have no intention of "sundowning" ESO at this time. There are plenty of stories left to tell and the team is eager to work on those. We do have another project in the works, which is public information. But ESO has no plans to slow down.
    That is very reassuring, thank you.

    Is it? The game is losing two dungeons and a zone this year. Not only is there less content, they’re re-using assets from the oldest chapter.

    I'm willing to go through a content drought if it means they can work on things that will extend the lifetime of the game. If you look at the numbers around late 2016, the implementation of One Tamriel didn't introduce any new content but basically brought ESO out of the realm of obscurity by completely overhauling the old adventuring system to what we still have today.


    And why wouldn't they reuse assets from Morrowind? They're still high quality and the next chapter takes place in a geographically similar location, so it makes sense for us to see familiar flora and fauna in addition to whatever new stuff they added. Plus we're getting Apocrypha and all the new bits and bobs that come with it. Say what you will about how ZOS handles gameplay and mechanics, their worldbuilding has always been a strong point.
    Edited by Alpheu5 on 2 February 2023 22:02
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
    Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
  • shadyjane62
    At this point it doesn't matter if they are sundowning ESO. I didn't buy the last chapter and won't buy this one.

    For me they are accomplishing whatever sundowning means.
  • Jaimeh
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    We've talked about this before, but we have no intention of "sundowning" ESO at this time. There are plenty of stories left to tell and the team is eager to work on those. We do have another project in the works, which is public information. But ESO has no plans to slow down.

    PRAISE THE DIVINES! *coughs* I mean, whatever, I don't care... :tongue:

    Seriously though, I hope ESO continues to grow and grow--it's such an amazing game, and I'm looking forward to new stories/locations/adventures/trials in the future.
  • JakelDK
    Androrix wrote: »
    I feel like I saw this exact same thread a month ago.

    Well I'll admit i didnt go a month worth of pages back to see if i could finde the same topic. But the admin, who responded earlier also said they've talked about it before.
    Edited by JakelDK on 2 February 2023 22:46
  • zaria
    You would have to be a complete fool to scrap an MMO with the Elder Scrolls IP tied to it.
    The only logical reason to do this would be if they were working on another Elder Scrolls mmo, which I think they are not.

    They are certainly borrowing staff from the ESO team for the new game, but they won't kill ESO for it. ESPECIALLY if the new game is an original IP. That would be a quick way to lose a lot of money.
    I totally agree if the people involved are rational actors.
    But we seen how easy its to waste an high number of billions a year on greed, short term profit and ideology. You can select 3 if you want.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • zaria
    Khajiit always laughs when he sees the term "ESO Content Creators". As if they do anything actually creative, instead of just waxing idiotic on yub tub.

    Where is this content? Can khajiit play within it, or wear it perhaps?
    This one allways expect its something she has to grind
    But she prefer other sort of content

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Marcus684
  • Jaraal
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    JakelDK wrote: »
    Recently I have been hearing ESO contentcreators talking about Zos "sundowning" ESO and moving on to different projects. I really hope thats not the case. Im all for them expanding their list of games, but i hope they keep ESO alive. Anyone out there with more insight/informed predictions who can put my gamer heart at ease XD ?
    All the best.

    We've talked about this before, but we have no intention of "sundowning" ESO at this time. There are plenty of stories left to tell and the team is eager to work on those. We do have another project in the works, which is public information. But ESO has no plans to slow down.

    What about Cyrodiil? There have been no meaningful improvements in years. Performance issues and bugs have persisted unabated. Population caps continue to shrink. No plans for improvement or development have been announced, other than the rotating RFTW sets seemingly introduced to counter the current meta of the day.

    What are the plans for Cyrodiil? Can you be the first to speak about them?
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • FeedbackOnly
    fizzylu wrote: »
    I've heard quite a bit that ZoS probably has ESO people working on their new MMO, but as far as I know it was never actually confirmed.... from what I saw, most people were just coming to that conclusion because of how High Isle and the past year in general seemed to go for ESO. Can't blame them for thinking/feeling that way either. I will say, if they are cutting from ESO for a new title.... that's some questionable handling of the game.

    It's a phone game
  • TaSheen
    fizzylu wrote: »
    I've heard quite a bit that ZoS probably has ESO people working on their new MMO, but as far as I know it was never actually confirmed.... from what I saw, most people were just coming to that conclusion because of how High Isle and the past year in general seemed to go for ESO. Can't blame them for thinking/feeling that way either. I will say, if they are cutting from ESO for a new title.... that's some questionable handling of the game.

    It's a phone game


    But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending.

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- three accounts, many alts....
  • Amottica
    Rasoma wrote: »
    "Content" creators will say what they want to drive clicks and views - do not believe a lot of the hype that they say cause it simply ain't true.

    Exactly. Content creators are just drumming up business and often that can mean creating controversy. Few have actual insight into what Zenimax is doing and those who do know better than to destroy that relationship.

  • SilverBride
    This is just one of many reasons I don't watch content creators.
  • JakelDK
    Amottica wrote: »
    Rasoma wrote: »
    "Content" creators will say what they want to drive clicks and views - do not believe a lot of the hype that they say cause it simply ain't true.

    Exactly. Content creators are just drumming up business and often that can mean creating controversy. Few have actual insight into what Zenimax is doing and those who do know better than to destroy that relationship.

    The main guy i remember talking about this is lucky ghost. He strikes me as a good and credible guy who enjoys ESO and wouldnt create negative speculation for the sake of views. But reading all the anwsers in this thread i think his theory about ESO sunsetting is just mistaken.
    We all must not be watching the same youtubers caus i find the ones i watch to be real helpfull
  • Amottica
    JakelDK wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Rasoma wrote: »
    "Content" creators will say what they want to drive clicks and views - do not believe a lot of the hype that they say cause it simply ain't true.

    Exactly. Content creators are just drumming up business and often that can mean creating controversy. Few have actual insight into what Zenimax is doing and those who do know better than to destroy that relationship.

    The main guy i remember talking about this is lucky ghost. He strikes me as a good and credible guy who enjoys ESO and wouldnt create negative speculation for the sake of views. But reading all the anwsers in this thread i think his theory about ESO sunsetting is just mistaken.
    We all must not be watching the same youtubers caus i find the ones i watch to be real helpfull

    I am sure they are a nice person and put on a good show. However, being mistaken does hamper that credibility.
  • fizzylu
    It's a phone game

    It's already been stated in an interview that they have 200 devs for whatever the new game is and that it's a "very large scope project".... if they are referring to a phone game with that then I'm amazed, and not in a good way haha but as far as I know, they've never confirmed what the game is.... people are just assuming it's an MMO from the few details they have discussed about it (lots of devs, they mentioned the story getting reworked, etc). I can't say where people are getting phone game from, but I have heard that as well.... just significantly less and I have yet to see any actual information to back that up at all. But who knows haha
  • robwolf666
    JakelDK wrote: »
    Recently I have been hearing ESO content creators talking about Zos "sundowning" ESO and moving on to different projects.

    CCs don't know anything as fact, it's just speculation, theory and rumour. There will inevitably be a day ZOS pulls the plug, the most important thing, to me, is that they give us a way to continue playing what we've paid for offline - at least those of us who actually bought the dlcs rather than have free access through ESO+.
  • Elsonso
    JakelDK wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Rasoma wrote: »
    "Content" creators will say what they want to drive clicks and views - do not believe a lot of the hype that they say cause it simply ain't true.

    Exactly. Content creators are just drumming up business and often that can mean creating controversy. Few have actual insight into what Zenimax is doing and those who do know better than to destroy that relationship.

    The main guy i remember talking about this is lucky ghost. He strikes me as a good and credible guy who enjoys ESO and wouldnt create negative speculation for the sake of views. But reading all the anwsers in this thread i think his theory about ESO sunsetting is just mistaken.
    We all must not be watching the same youtubers caus i find the ones i watch to be real helpfull

    Lucky Ghost is not the only one, though. Whether the streamers are all feeding off the same energy, or whether they have come to these conclusions independently aside, it is something that has come up a lot more since Update 35. From my perspective, ZOS has been making a number of errors lately, and it isn't surprising to me that their core streamer support is getting nervous.

    I have seen a number of streamers branch out into other games, giving less time to ESO. ESO was never the powerhouse game for streaming, so when the studio is off doing... questionable things, they are right to pay attention to which post their horse is tied to. In the end, this can be good for the streamer. It is little benefit to ESO and ZOS.

    ZOS definitely needs to be paying attention, though. They depend upon streamers and influencers to do a lot of word-of-mouth marketing for them. It looks bad when this same group of volunteers starts saying the game is bad or dying. :smile:

    None of this means that the game is dying. All it means is that ZOS needs to do better going forward. I think they got complacent.
    Edited by Elsonso on 3 February 2023 11:18
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Danikat
    Tandor wrote: »
    Khajiit always laughs when he sees the term "ESO Content Creators". As if they do anything actually creative, instead of just waxing idiotic on yub tub.

    Where is this content? Can khajiit play within it, or wear it perhaps?

    It means nothing to me either. They stream the game with a commentary that is scripted to generate the most hits and revenue, nothing more.

    "Content creators" started out as an internal term used by people working on sites like Youtube to distinguish users who make their own original videos from those who just watch and those who upload existing stuff. For those websites it's an important distinction because the sites themselves don't make anything, so they rely on content creators to give everyone else a reason to come to their site. A lot of their business model is based on supporting and rewarding content creators, knowing they will then take care of bringing in other users.

    Because of cross-promotion and probably staff moving around it spread to social media and eventually into everyday use.

    But I agree that when talking about games it's confusing, because 'content' in a gaming context normally means things to do within the game so 'content creators' sounds like it should be a sub-set of the actual developers - people who make content for the game, not for 3rd party websites.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Jaimeh
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Lucky Ghost is not the only one, though. Whether the streamers are all feeding off the same energy, or whether they have come to these conclusions independently aside, it is something that has come up a lot more since Update 35. From my perspective, ZOS has been making a number of errors lately, and it isn't surprising to me that their core streamer support is getting nervous.

    I also think a lot of streamers are using sensationalist statements like that to attract viewers, it's not necessarily click-bait (although that definitely happens frequently), because they might have some valid reasons to back the statement, but in most cases it's hyperbolic and they are reaching and grasping at straws. Also, like the above comment said, if a creator sees that a certain topic has traction and gets a lot of views, they'll immediately jump on the bandwagon, regardless of whether they believe in it or not. And in this case (ie., doing something for the views, that doesn't reflect reality reliably) they can actually cause harm to a product, especially if they have a big following, because they can negatively influence people.
  • DMuehlhausen
    JakelDK wrote: »
    Recently I have been hearing ESO contentcreators talking about Zos "sundowning" ESO and moving on to different projects. I really hope thats not the case. Im all for them expanding their list of games, but i hope they keep ESO alive. Anyone out there with more insight/informed predictions who can put my gamer heart at ease XD ?
    All the best.

    How is this a question? I mean honestly...they have over 15M accounts across all platforms. I'd assume at least half of those pay monthly. That's nearly 100M / month the game brings in just from accounts. They bring in 10s of Millions more from crate / crown purchases. I wouldn't be surprised to find out this game brings in 250M+ a month.

    This is what content creators do, specially when something gets changed they don't like. Oh game suxxorz and is bad "Game Company name" slowly killing product. You should all quit now, game haz no future!
    Edited by DMuehlhausen on 3 February 2023 13:41
  • Kiralyn2000
    "A 'content creator' said..." is the new "I saw it on Facebook!" :D
    How is this a question? I mean honestly...they have over 15M accounts across all platforms. I'd assume at least half of those pay monthly. That's nearly 100M / month the game brings in just from accounts. They bring in 10s of Millions more from crate / crown purchases. I wouldn't be surprised to find out this game brings in 250M+ a month.

    Remember, this is a b2p game without a required sub. Unless they say "current" or "active" accounts, they're likely counting every single one ever created. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of those 15M accounts haven't logged in months/years.
  • Four_Fingers
    Well it is true that it will be over "someday", nothing is forever.
    But ESO has several more years left, unless they shoot themselves in the foot.
  • Danikat
    "A 'content creator' said..." is the new "I saw it on Facebook!" :D
    How is this a question? I mean honestly...they have over 15M accounts across all platforms. I'd assume at least half of those pay monthly. That's nearly 100M / month the game brings in just from accounts. They bring in 10s of Millions more from crate / crown purchases. I wouldn't be surprised to find out this game brings in 250M+ a month.

    Remember, this is a b2p game without a required sub. Unless they say "current" or "active" accounts, they're likely counting every single one ever created. I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of those 15M accounts haven't logged in months/years.

    I agree. I don't think the game is any risk of shutting down or running out of players soon, but I think it's a huge over-estimation to assume that half of all accounts ever created are paying a monthly sub.

    Although having previously heard that only about 2% - 10% of players spend any money on the average free-to-play game I was surprised to find sources saying between 60% and 90% of MMO players will spend money. But that's still limited to active players, not all accounts ever created and includes people who once made a single purchase then never bought anything else. (Here's one of the articles.) I can't find any sources (in a series of quick google searches) on the percentage of players who buy an optional subscription but I'd be surprised if it's more than 10% of all accounts.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • SilverBride
    There is way too much importance given to the personal opinions of a handful of people for no reason other than the fact that they make YouTube videos and stream.
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