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Not particularly amused by this choice of side quest in Galen

  • Deanathrae
    I rather liked it, but then I enjoy ToT.

    Still, it does make sense to have it as a card game in a gambling hall, in-game. The card game involves a lot of gambling, which one discovers as one plays through its story.
  • Malthorne
    I have ZERO interest in every playing ToT. I will never even pick up the introductory quest. Like others have said, it’s main reason I waited to buy High Isle at a 50% discount.
  • DP99
    Yes, I was surprised that they even thought that it was a good idea to put this into the quest. I have tried the card game with the tutorial, but have yet to figure it out to win a single game against even a novice NPC. I'm just not good at card games.

    And, I didn't know that you could skip it! I played the game in the quest and of course, I lost. But, then they tell me that you can continue the quest in another way, which should've been the way to do it from the start whether you've tried the game or not!

    I did not like this at all!
  • KlauthWarthog
    I played ToT for about an hour when High Isle released, and did not like it. I have since played it for about another hour and a half, and... still do not like it.
    The lack of an option to just skip the match altogether and go directly to the alternate path was a massive turn-off for me. I do not want to have that game shoved down my throat.
  • carly
    It surprised me as well. I'm also not good at card games but I did give it a try and was losing badly so I conceded the game and was happy there was an alternative way to complete the quest - which was a fun little adventure. I'm fine with them including it as I know there are some people that do play TOT and enjoy it. At least they gave us an option.

    And can I just say I am loving this new zone, it's just gorgeous!
  • ZOS_Icy

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • LouisaB75
    I thought the ToT was already part of side content actually. I found, some time ago, one random side quest which was play a ToT match with a ghost who could not move on until someone beat her. At the time I was still novice level and could not try a game with her. This thread reminds me that I can go back and try that now... if only I could remember where it was. I think - but could be entirely wrong - that it was somewhere in Grahtwood.
  • Holmarion19
    Fillia, the ghost and one of the founders of Tribute, can be found here:
    Look for the eye symbol in the South of the area for Sweetbreeze Cottage
  • Virys1967
    There are many card games available online and I chose to play Elder Scrolls because I hate card games.
    Now it's being added to my quests and I'm being forced to play the darn thing whether I want to or not by one of my favorite characters of all things...
    It's like forcing a DPS to heal the group or a tank to do all the damage in a dungeon.
    It's not what I signed up for, I don't find it fun, I don't want to learn how to be good at it, my character wasn't created to do it, and I'm wishing it was over the whole time I'm being forced to do it.
    *end rant
  • fall0athboy
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    That’s weird because I was kind of glad to see the game kind of acknowledged by established characters. Until then it felt like it was in its own bubble, separate from the world.

    I was also happy it did not require playing another player.

    If it means anything, I think the AI was set to easy, so if you learn the game quick via the tutorial it should not be too hard.

    Not sure the AI for it was set to easy. I'd argue it was like, difficult 4, out of a scale of 10, 10 being the hardest, and 1-2 being the Novice NPCs around the world.
  • Grandma
    its pretty selfish to want an entire aspect of the game to never have to cross your sight because you just dont like it whereas theres lots of people who would love more of that. you dont have to do every quest
    GH / 3/04/2021 / Elemental Catalyst Necromancer
  • Araneae6537
    Grandma wrote: »
    its pretty selfish to want an entire aspect of the game to never have to cross your sight because you just dont like it whereas theres lots of people who would love more of that. you dont have to do every quest

    Not at all! I think many PVE players would be upset if they had to participate in a battleground to advance a questline. BGs are a separate game option for people to engage as they choose, and so it should be with this card game.
  • spartaxoxo
    Grandma wrote: »
    its pretty selfish to want an entire aspect of the game to never have to cross your sight because you just dont like it whereas theres lots of people who would love more of that. you dont have to do every quest

    Not at all! I think many PVE players would be upset if they had to participate in a battleground to advance a questline. BGs are a separate game option for people to engage as they choose, and so it should be with this card game.

    I think you didn't have to play it to advance the quest line, was just an option. I quite liked it but I also like ToT.
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