Yesterday I found that retrieving a linked-child furnishing causes all other furnishings linked to that parent to be severely displaced and undo does not restore them. Selecting and then moving or storing linked items has not caused any such issue, but with some shelves and cupboards it is impossible to select the items manually. In the future, I will be sure to unlink items before retrieving anything as it is quite frustrating when a careful arrangement of numerous items is obliterated.
Xbox/NA here, and having the same issues. I spent more time than I care to admit building a custom fish tank only to have pieces randomly move over and over again. I fix it, and something else moves. It got to the point where I either had to live with the fact that this game has countless bugs that will most likely never be fixed, or else just delete the fish tank.
Thought I was in the right forum and maybe one of you know what's happening.
I have a lot of items linked. Turn on a candle, a scene changes or a curtain goes up or down. There are a lot of triggers for scene changes with our Christmas Play.
Now, anytime someone enters the house, there are 16 triggers going off by themselves. This is a pretty big problem for what we do. They are supposed to only go off by my command.
I have tried reinstalling, going back to older builds, redo the complete install, changed permissions to visitors, etc.. and nothing seems to be working. I think in the past, the option of lighting a candle was also under "YOU ONLY" but now it reads "anyone".
It almost seems like it's refreshing all the states by restarting the triggers.