[PC-NA] The Divine Conclave (18+ Holy Order Heavy RP Guild)

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Life before death
Light beyond dark
Good over evil
Since beginingless time, darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purified light...

By the Divines’ Radiance I am that light.

I will protect those who cannot protect themselves
I will illuminate darkness wherever it hides
I will remember those who have been forgotten, and I will bring all people together.

Prepare the way!



NA-PC | US East | Neutral | Holy Order RP

The Divine Conclave is seeking holy knights, cunning spies, sagacious wizards, rebel scum, and everything in between to fight evil and serve the Eight Divines as we prepare the way for the prophesied Heir of Alessia. We are an 18+ good-aligned Heavy RP guild and a part of the Sokan Gaming Community.

Currently in our fourth year with over 200 members, we are one of the most active roleplay guilds in ESO with something happening every evening.

Daily Events – Adventures, quests, ceremonies, debates, duels, academy, social, and tavern roleplay, with more than 30 scheduled events each week!

Mentor & Disciple – Choose a mentor, make friends, and learn the ways of the Conclave.

Holy Orders – Adventure across Tamriel alongside the Templars, Inquisitors, or Magisters, each with its own style of roleplay. Campaigns feature an ongoing story and experienced DMs.

Paths to Victory – Specialize as a Warrior, Rogue, or Mage. Pick your abilities, then enter the arena and compete to become a Champion of the Conclave.

Sect Politics – Join the rational Hallowed Heart, the progressive New Dawn, or the orthodox True Path for in-character political struggles that can steer the course of the guild.

By the Eight – Dedicate yourself to one of the Imperial deities and advance in the clergy. Recover holy relics and run for High Priest.

Roll Initiative – Spar against comrades-in-arms or battle fearsome Daedra using our own d20-based combat system. Easy to learn, with hundreds of possible builds.

Virtue System – Gain attributes (Fortitude, Cunning, and Judgment) as you rise through the ranks, and maintain them through Seminary classes.


Brand new and veteran roleplayeres are welcome to apply! The Divine Conclave accepts a variety of characters with the following expectations:
  • 18+ (mature themes, no public ERP)
  • Devotion to the Eight Divines
  • No vampire, werewolf, or necromancer characters (these are fine for out-of-character game builds)
To get started, look us up in Guild Finder, or head to our website and fill out a short application. Become a part of a great community and leave your mark on our guild’s story!

The promise of the Era to Come
A Conclave that cares for you
The Divines’ plan and purpose to guide you

Prepare the way!


Banner Art: The Nine Divines Stained Glass by lukkar
  • Verse_D
    Frostfall Spotlight

    Six were chosen by moth-flown prophecy to guide the Divine Conclave. The Prophet-Martyr spoke truths doomed to be misunderstood until they had already come to pass, but those whom he elevated to lead carried true insight into how the world would be changed.


    ‘This Crusade is far from over. We have been close before and we will be again, for today is an obstacle not an end.’

    Braghul gro-Ruumsh
    Title: Exarch | Age: 60 | Race: Orsimer
    A pragmatist, highly educated and fashionably attired, focused on bettering the world in which he is but a part.


    ’It is always darkest before dawn.’

    Ashtu Del'sa
    Title: Master-at-Arms | Age: 31 | Race: Redguard
    A scarred predator who has channeled his rage over past injustices into duty and love to his new family.


    ‘Don’t let fear hold you back from moving forward.’

    Aramania Del'sa
    Title: Commandant | Age: 31 | Race: Imperial
    More a rogue than a soldier, driven to guard others from the struggles that defined her youth.


    ’It is refreshing to be invisible.’

    Nadia Alaza
    Title: Grand Archivist | Age: 34 | Race: Redguard
    A sheltered Ash’abah librarian and swordswoman who prefers to know others through the stories they leave behind.


    ‘Hey, guys, I’m Phin. How about I introduce you to some of our mentors.’

    Phinean Vextineous
    Title: Consular | Age: 35 | Race: Imperial
    A bookish warrior, kind to those new to the Conclave, shy in front of a crowd, and willing to see any quest through to its end.


    ‘When I look back on my past, it is not with shame. They were lessons that lead me to where I am supposed to be in my life now.’

    Tiye Jorahl
    Title: High Chancellor | Age: 65 | Race: Bosmer
    Vivacious and lively with a heart filled with love and compassion for those who need help, be they animal or people.

  • Verse_D
    Sun's Dusk Spotlight

    The Divine Conclave’s headquarters is the ancient estate of Revakdein, located on a spur of the Crescent River near Arenthia in Reaper’s March. The region is a melting pot of Imperial, Bosmer, and Khajiit culture, and officially a part of the Aldmeri Dominion. The Divine Conclave carefully guards its neutrality so that we may operate in distant lands and welcome new comrades-in-arms from all over Tamriel.


    Within there is a chapel to Saint Alessia and the Eight Divines where new pilgrims take their oaths, a library where the history of our Order is taught, and a hall of debate where we decide our future together.


    The air about Revakdein is heavy with the weight of history. It harbors many secrets, not least of which is the Aeonstone which illuminates its outer pool. Brothers and sisters of the Conclave meet often in the nearby tavern for drinks, music, games, and conversation.


    The Dragonfires have gone out in Cyrodiil, but the Conclave found an ember still burning in the icy north and brought it with them to Revakdein. The Aeonstone that permeates the estate amplifies whatever magic it absorbs, including that of the remnant Dragonfire. These are but sparks compared to what once burned in Imperial City, but they are enough to protect our Holy Order, reminding us always of the noble past that has been and can be once more should we prepare the way for the Era to Come.

  • Verse_D
    Evening Star Spotlight

    The Divine Conclave believes that good roleplay happens when the decisions you make about your character have consequences and weight. We don't believe that roleplaying in an MMO should mean missing out on the experience of representing a character's abilities within a stat system.

    The three Virtues are one of the systems we use to facilitate narrative-building roleplay, allowing characters to specialize and shine. You can unlock and choose your Virtues on reaching certain milestones, such as advancement in rank or initiation as a Warrior, Rogue, or Mage. The system is simple to explain but deep enough to permeate all our events, from adventure campaigns to duels to academy classes.


    Fortitude measures your strength, constitution, and endurance. A character with greater Fortitude can perform feats of brute force or athleticism, shows greater perseverance in the face of adversity, is better at intimidating others, and can focus more power into their magic.


    Cunning measures your charisma, dexterity, and perception. A character with greater Cunning shows finesse in combat, speaks with a silver tongue, and is skilled at tracking and artistry. They are natural acrobats with a finely-tuned sense of balance.


    Judgment measures your intelligence, wisdom, and insight. A character with greater Judgment may apply their knowledge of the world to healing injuries, finding patterns, and solving puzzles. They might identify the crackle of magical lightning, the glow of a rune, or the alchemical components in a mixture.

    The Divine Conclave's Virtue system allows for a diversity of characters within the Elder Scrolls setting: the willowy arcane scholar with maximum Judgment, the blockheaded ex-Legionary with all Fortitude in her shield arm, the jack-of-all-trades spellsword with points in all three Virtues, and plenty more.

    So what kind of character will you play?


  • Verse_D
    Morning Star Spotlight

    I am Leona Paleus of Chorrol, Paragon of the Divine Conclave, Silken Eloquence, Voice of Debate, Adoring Orator, Mage, Chancellor of the New Dawn, Curate of Dibella, Lead Loquenti of the Inquisitors.


    Varen’s Rebellion brought Leona’s family from Chorrol to Imperial City, and the Planemeld forced Leona to Hammerfell and Craglorn, where her skills as a healer garnered the attention of a group of bandits called the Greycloaks. Freed by a Paladin of the Divine Conclave, the young woman pledged her service to the Holy Order, using her skills to aid those unable to defend themselves.

    Effervescent and loquacious, and bad at keeping secrets – unless they pertain to love – she was named the Chancellor of the New Dawn, the most progressive of the Conclave’s three sects.

    “We cannot sit by and allow change to come to us. We must actively seek to bring about the reformation of the world we live in, creating a place of mercy, redemption, and kindness for everyone...”

    Edited by Verse_D on 13 February 2022 17:23
  • Verse_D
    Sun’s Dawn Spotlight

    I am Runs-with-Calipers, Paladin of the Divine Conclave, Acolyte of Dibella, Spotter of the Rogues, Knight of the Templars Vanguard, Guardian of the Sacred Band, Ecclesiastic Lance, and Benevolent Soul.


    This story began when a Nord found a newly hatched Argonian crying in her broken eggshell near the corpse of her mother. As soon as her great crest of white feathers had grown out, she threw herself from the shelter of her mountainous adopted home into a life of adventure that veered in and out of criminality, justifying each misdeed with a noble end and keeping little of the rewards.

    Even after taking the oaths of the Conclave, she restlessly prefers excitement and company to peace and quiet, often fidgeting with her claws or brushing her thick scales, and while she loves to be amongst people, she hates to be the center of attention. Outward humor and curiosity deflect attention from memories too painful to endure, for herself most of all.

    “I do not know how your scales grew to be so sturdy, and how your heart grew to be so warm but someday, I will find my way through my own storm of constant pain and when I emerge, covered in the ash of this awful place, I hope that my scales shine like yours.”

  • Verse_D
    Rain’s Dawn Spotlight

    To exert its will across Tamriel, and beyond, the Divine Conclave employs a diverse and remarkably talented number of groups, collectively known as the Orders. Each attracts a particular type of servant of the Eight.

    The Mandate to Prepare the Way for the Heir of Alessia will not fulfill itself, and our Orders endeavor to see it through.


    The primary function of the Inquisitors is intelligence gathering. Externally, their skills garner valuable information for the operations of the Divine Conclave, while internally, they root out and shine a Holy light on corruption within our own ranks. They are adept planners who use guile, subtlety and creativity to solve problems that brute force by way of muscle or magic cannot.

    Their focuses are Investigation, Exploration, and Espionage.


    The Scholarly Order of the Divine Conclave, the Magisters deal with objectives with long-term consequences. They engage the world through diplomacy, seeking allies and securing relations on behalf of the Divine Conclave, to see the Mandate fulfilled. Through research, development, and experimentation of the arcane the Magisters safeguard the Conclave and its interests.

    Their focuses are Diplomacy, Research & Development, and Magical Investigation.


    The Templars act as the military might of the Divine Conclave, defending our membership and interests from the enemies of the Divines. More focused on martial might than the other Orders, they are typically made up of warriors, battlemages, combat healers, and tactical operators.

    The Templars are divided into two units:


    The Vanguard serve as the Conclave's more directed and proactive military force, often charged with covert assignments known only to them, the Apostles, and the leaders of the other Orders.

    With missions like undermining political rivals, assassinating well-guarded enemies of the Mandate, and sabotaging the operations of powerful opponents we can not afford open war with, the Vanguard are expert at accomplishing tasks quietly and efficiently.

    Their focuses are Investigation, Tactical Response, and Preemptive Action.


    The Vigilant are the defenders of the faith, called to action when all other means of peaceful contact are exhausted. They train constantly in their fields of expertise, and stand ready to heed the call to battle should the need arise.

    War is not for the faint of heart, and only the most stalwart of the faithful are worthy of serving within the Vigilant. They face enemies mortal and fantastic, most often when defending innocents, or during Holy Crusades, and wield righteous fury in the name of the Eight.

    Their focuses are Rapid Deployment, Protection, and Rescue.

    Credit for artwork to Dale and DoizeDemos.
  • Verse_D
    Midyear Spotlight

    I am Bernhard Abendroth of Evermore, Beloved of Cayanna, Aegis of Stendarr’s Light, Bearer of Retribution, Priest of Stendarr, Praefect of the Templars, Steel Vigil, Myrmidon Crusader of the Warriors, Deacon of the True Path, and Paladin of the Divine Conclave.

    Beneath the sullen stoicism he wears like a soldier’s cloak, Bernhard is a compassionate and deeply pious champion of Stendarr. He lost his parents to the depredations of Durcorach the Black Drake and served for many years in the Mournothic Order – one of High Rock’s innumerable knightly coteries – before his initiation to the Divine Conclave.

    Large for a Breton, grim and gray-haired, he remains a fierce combatant with a longsword and shield. In his devotion he sees signs of the Lord of Righteous Might and Merciful Forbearance in every occurance, and by a former soldier’s strict diligence he has ascended to the rank of Priest within the Divine Conclave.

    “Oh Lord Stendarr, blessed are you who give us mortal men your strength to persist in this unblessed world. Give us your forgiveness in an unforgiving world, so we may act as your hand of retribution, to bring justice where there is injustice, and to smite those who oppose your Divine Will.”


  • Verse_D
    Second Seed Spotlight

    The purpose of Sect roleplay is to bring philosophical, theological, and political aspects into your character's life in our Holy Order RP guild. It is a catalyst for conversation and conflict. This conflict is purely in-character, but it can have a lasting impact. The Sects draft and vote on the laws that govern us, which we call Edicts. They name our Holy Texts and our Saints. They choose our High Priests, who lead the Clergy, in an open election that happens every three months.

    Each character must choose a Sect that best represents their ideals – the rational Hallowed Heart, the orthodox True Path, or the progressive New Dawn. Through debate, persuasion, and policy, the three Sects attempt to exert their influence and direct the Divine Conclave according to their principles.



    Rationality – No unconditional surrender to whim and intuition.

    Security – Accept the realities of Nirn. Ensure our survival and prominence for when the Heir arrives.

    Consensus – All voices are equal. Finding group solidarity in sentiment and belief.



    Devotion – Show our faith through deeds, not just words.

    Diligence – Follow through with the Nine Commands regardless of the challenge.

    Restoration – Embrace the truth of Alessia and Reman to bring what was lost back to the Empire.



    Reformation – Looking to a better future, and actively working to bring that vision to the present day.

    Mercy – None are so broken that they cannot be saved.

    Open-Mindedness – Accept the world in its diversity.

    Think of your own character. How would they wish to influence life in the Conclave? What rules do they think should govern us? Who do they wish to lead us? What do they want our Holy Order to achieve in the world as we strive to 'Prepare the Way'?

  • Verse_D
    Sun's Dusk Spotlight

    I am Faustina Torrantia Elledara Melissa Marcelle of the Highlands, Grand Magistrix, curate of Julianos, bearer of Sine Ratio, Steadfast Crusader of the Warriors, Tribune of the Hallowed Heart, Fuchsia Fortress, Sage, and Paladin of the Divine Conclave.

    Even before the anchors fell, Faustina knew she could not remain in the family vineyard outside Chorrol, no matter how anxious her parents were to keep her there. Her curiosity drew her to learn more from the world than books could convey. But life one of Daggerfall's mercenary companies was not what it had seemed: her fencing skills were not well suited to street brawls or battlefields, nor did the romance she had struck up with a young Breton turn out quite as passionate as it had seemed in their letters.

    The company met its end when an investigation turned up a pack of werewolves that it was utterly unprepared to face. Faustina only escaped by feigning death, waking into convalescence in a School of Julianos where she buried her guilt in books and arcane practices. This is what she brought to the Divine Conclave, to her appointment over the Magisters Order: her magic, her knowledge, and her drive to never lose another comrade-in-arms.

    “The truth I believe Julianos encourages us to seek goes beyond the constraint of what is simply before us to observe and reach in the experiences that bind us all as Men and Mer. Fiction can sometimes enlighten us to these truths in ways that history and law cannot. That was like... pretty much it. Um. Yeah.”


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