Life before death
Light beyond dark
Good over evil
Since beginingless time, darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purified light...
By the Divines’ Radiance I am that light.
I will protect those who cannot protect themselves
I will illuminate darkness wherever it hides
I will remember those who have been forgotten, and I will bring all people together.
Prepare the way!
NA-PC | US East | Neutral | Holy Order RP
Divine Conclave is seeking holy knights, cunning spies, sagacious wizards, rebel scum, and everything in between to fight evil and serve the Eight Divines as we prepare the way for the prophesied Heir of Alessia. We are an 18+ good-aligned Heavy RP guild and a part of the Sokan Gaming Community.
Currently in our fourth year with over 200 members, we are one of the most active roleplay guilds in ESO with something happening every evening.
Daily Events – Adventures, quests, ceremonies, debates, duels, academy, social, and tavern roleplay, with more than 30 scheduled events each week!
Mentor & Disciple – Choose a mentor, make friends, and learn the ways of the Conclave.
Holy Orders – Adventure across Tamriel alongside the Templars, Inquisitors, or Magisters, each with its own style of roleplay. Campaigns feature an ongoing story and experienced DMs.
Paths to Victory – Specialize as a Warrior, Rogue, or Mage. Pick your abilities, then enter the arena and compete to become a Champion of the Conclave.
Sect Politics – Join the rational Hallowed Heart, the progressive New Dawn, or the orthodox True Path for in-character political struggles that can steer the course of the guild.
By the Eight – Dedicate yourself to one of the Imperial deities and advance in the clergy. Recover holy relics and run for High Priest.
Roll Initiative – Spar against comrades-in-arms or battle fearsome Daedra using our own d20-based combat system. Easy to learn, with hundreds of possible builds.
Virtue System – Gain attributes (Fortitude, Cunning, and Judgment) as you rise through the ranks, and maintain them through Seminary classes.
Brand new and veteran roleplayeres are welcome to apply! The Divine Conclave accepts a variety of characters with the following expectations:
- 18+ (mature themes, no public ERP)
- Devotion to the Eight Divines
- No vampire, werewolf, or necromancer characters (these are fine for out-of-character game builds)
To get started, look us up in Guild Finder, or head to our website and fill out
a short application. Become a part of a great community and leave your mark on our guild’s story!