I just reached Bal Foyen with a new character and there's about 8 different characters running around. They got similar "ui#7830" as their xbox gamertags and similar character names running around making iron ore appear out of thin air just to farm it. As I write this message i am confusing one of them by interacting with the iron ore that spawned clicking into it but not backing out so this bot is literally running around me in circles confused as to what to do.
Clicking on their xbox accounts already looks suspicious as it says they are currently "logging in" to the game. They have 0 games, 0 achievements, 0 friends, 0 followers and posted nothing on their profiles or social section on the profile. Come on devs if we as regular players can't cheat or exploit what makes it right for all these bots to be allowed to run around and exploit.
Clean up your game. Its starting to go downhill really fast and at this rate your game will be played by nothing but bots instead of real players.
Issue out some hardware bans or account bans or somethin.