Have you got a patron win against another player??

  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Fixed the category to allow polls. That function should work now.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • MJ202

    I got my second patron win against another player tonight, and just like my first patron win, I was again accused of cheating. Unlike my first patron win, where the other player wasn't paying attention to patrons, this player was actually using them.

    At the start of what would be the last turn, we were both around 30 prestige. I had the favor of two patrons, while my opponent had the favor of one. The fourth patron was neutral. At the end of my opponent's turn, there were two tithe cards available in the tavern.

    Playing my cards I obtained eight gold, but only needed six for both tithe cards. Buying both tithe cards would gave me three turns at the patrons. I turned the neutral one to me, then, using the tithe cards turned my opponent's patron to neutral, and then to me.

    Game over, followed shortly by an IM accusing me of cheating. Another person blocked.

    (Full disclosure...I'm still not all that good at PvP ToT. My loses far outweigh my wins. Having two tithe cards come up at the same time in the tavern was a very fortuitous turn of events.)
    Edited by MJ202 on 11 July 2022 23:46
  • cyclonus11
    Currency Exchange + Tithe, and knocked out 3 patrons for the win. :)
  • SilverBride
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Fixed the category to allow polls. That function should work now.


    Now polls are all we can create in the ToT forum.
  • Casdha
    Hlaalu combo 2 card (currency exchange? don't remember the name) -> used gold with duke and a card for hlaalu.... my opponent accused me of cheating :D

    Yeah, I popped 3 Patrons on the same turn using Currency Exchange and the instant-use Tavern card that has the same effect. It was only made funnier because they left the tavern card there for me, and I had no way to win otherwise. lol

    Ditto, I got 4 once because I had two currency exchanges in the same hand and the tavern card.

    The ones that suck are when you have the cards but don't have enough points in power to complete that many patrons in one turn.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

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