So we're all enjoying our pvp thinking it's cool and what not, and it is, however to create a continuity aspect to it , i have a few suggestions that i reckon we'd all love to see as additions to the game.
1)Additional Ranks , it's silly to have so many ranks in the game and only what 10 titles? silly and doesn't really encourage players to play the same character for more than a few months.
2) If you are a pure pvp player , we need a form of progression like DAoC and WAR did with their Realm abiltiies, otherwise you're turning pvp into a massive bore, and i dare say most of the DAoC players around wouldn't have stuck with that game for over a decade if not for the realm abillity system, it's not about making your character overpowered or unbalanced ,it's a simple matter of giving us a way to Progress in pvp aswell. So yea that needs to implemented and sooner rather than later.
3)Balancing the pvp out, we need a fair balance between soloers and Group players alike, not the same old story with "focusing on a characters ability to grp". If ya wanna get a solid game going it should reward going single target in pvp , and not going AoE when fighting 1 v 1 and vice versa.
4)Reducing the campaign timer would probably be a very prudent course of action, so people cant just stack up a crazy amount on the leaderboards and be absolutely untouchable "just because" they played since launch.
5)(Not 100 % pvp related) but creating a team of players WHO will find the most relevant posts on the forums and pass it on to ZOS Developers so we can have them inspected.
Idea's and suggestions would be welcome , hope ya all agree with me atleast a Little on some of these points

Again ideas and suggestions are most welcome