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AoE needs to be toned down in PvP - Whats your solution if not a cap ?

  • chrisub17_ESO104
    RivenVII wrote: »
    Balance individual skills based on their impact on the game and make damage higher in the center and lower on the outside. Rewards good skill placement and doesn't just make it nuke everyone unless they're stacked really close, which should be punished.

    I think this is a great idea. I think they might have not done this simply because it's a complicated solution to implement well. This is a problem I've worked on personally.

    So for every aoe spell that has a radius, you have to perform what's called a neighbor query to get everyone that is effected. You also have to do these to get all the players that are within range of you as you move around the world also. It's easily one of the most cpu intensive operations done on the server side in pvp.

    Adding outward expanding rings of damage would hugely increase the number of these calculations that have to be done. One extra calculation for each 'ring'. That's going to add up.

    I'm not saying they should not do that, just that it's definitely not the easy path.

  • Samadhi
    moXrox wrote: »
    Most of you will know this video, if not watch it please:


    Here's a slightly off-topic question now.
    Which addon are the "killing blow" popups part of anyway?
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • valkaneer2b14_ESO
    moXrox wrote: »
    In other words most people who did comment here have no solution.
    Constructive criticism. Get in organized groups. Check for stealth groups before charging into keep. You get the skill pretty early in the game. Would have saved them a lot of deaths. Nope. Gotta nerf stuff instead.

    Who says that these 30 people were not already in organized groups or guilds.

    And furthermore, why should someone who is not organized in a guild or group kill almost all players in this castle.

    The AoE ability is so cheap that you dont need a strategy, no skill and not even organized groups.

    moXrox is like.... "Um... you guys have no solution regardless of what you say..... The only answer is my answer, and that is an AoE cap.... Anything else is NOT constructive cuz I say so... So only the premise I made can be the correct answer...... "

    Answer is simple, 100% damage at the center and then it tappers off the farther from the center out it goes. But.... that was already suggested in another thread. Which I am pretty sure you posted in. Admit it man, your just trolling ppl.
    Edited by valkaneer2b14_ESO on 27 April 2014 01:36
  • Pryda
    Samadhi wrote: »
    moXrox wrote: »
    Most of you will know this video, if not watch it please:


    Here's a slightly off-topic question now.
    Which addon are the "killing blow" popups part of anyway?

    PSBT in an older version.
    Sorcerer on Auriel's Bow EU - & (1-50 & VR leveling guides + PvP Videos)
  • Oblongship
    moXrox wrote: »
    At the moment the very high dmg ouput of AoE abilities in PvP can decimate a whole group of 25+ players in just seconds by 3-4 players.

    Most of you will know this video, if not watch it please:

    The video shows that there is no really bigger tactic or skill in it.

    A lot of people dont want to see an AoE cap with 6 units, alright.

    What is your solution to fix the AoE in pvp currently then ?


    Make the radius smaller...anything in the circle is affected no cap.

  • Varivox9
    I think the solution is obvious isn't it?

    BALANCE specific skills. Blanket nerfs will do nothing but promote *** pvp "tactics" (if you can call it that) like we see in GW2 (which doesn't charge a sub fee I might add).

    My sorc's lightning flood is fine as is, so why should that get nerfed because the vampire ultimate is op? My nightblade uses a path that does decent damage, should that also be nerfed because the vamp ulti is currently abusable?
  • Samadhi
    Pryda wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »
    moXrox wrote: »
    Most of you will know this video, if not watch it please:


    Here's a slightly off-topic question now.
    Which addon are the "killing blow" popups part of anyway?

    PSBT in an older version.

    Ah, that explains it.
    Thank you for the insight.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • CrashBlack
    Soul Shriven
    This does not need a solution. Most people LIVE for the chance to kill the zerg. Even if they are not able to, dont take peoples dreams away!

    Easy to counter when people start getting used to it.
  • Dudis
    Couple of fixes...

    -Nerf Cost Reduction so you can't keep ults up permanently (vamps)
    -AoEs could have falloff dealing less damage the further away from the centre you are (it worked in DAoC, sort of :P)
    -Higher cost so you can't spam
    -Nerf "secondary" effects that make you invincible for the duration (for example Vamps life leech / invisibility)
    -Make some of the AoEs easier to spot so you can move out of them
  • Bloodvax
    You get ample notice to move the hell out of the big red aoe circles. Bad PUGS keep getting wiped cuz they stand in AOES picking their noses then cry about how OP it is
    Bloodvax- Vet Templar underpowered crafter
    Molly Mesita-OP NB
    Lizerd Wizard-Lowbie PVP toon
    AOC Big Deal Emperor of the Forum Trolls
  • niocwy
    I agree that's just some AoE that need to be adjusted, not all of them.
    Look at my profile picture. Visualize that muffin...smelling it...taking a bite...
    Are you hungry now ?
  • Isa
    Soul Shriven
    Concerning the cap AoE, an addon has been done to check what abilities are concerned. Several abilities already have an AoE cap.

  • Lexander
    reduce AoE damage by half and make it cost more mana

    no cap is needed but instead now u need a brain to know where do u use AoE and where u dont instead of spamming it all the time
  • valkaneer2b14_ESO
    moXrox wrote: »
    At the moment the very high dmg ouput of AoE abilities in PvP can decimate a whole group of 25+ players in just seconds by 3-4 players.

    Most of you will know this video, if not watch it please:

    The video shows that there is no really bigger tactic or skill in it.

    A lot of people dont want to see an AoE cap with 6 units, alright.

    What is your solution to fix the AoE in pvp currently then ?


    I went back and re-watched that video, I paused it as they were finishing and counted at least 7-8 people there in that group not 3-4 like you try to make it out to be. Why should 7-8 people not be able to wipe 25 people when they are standing there not playing defense?
    Edited by valkaneer2b14_ESO on 27 April 2014 14:29
  • Baphomet
    The premise of this thread is that there is a problem with AoEs in general, but there isn't one - only ignorance and lack of skills.
    Edited by Baphomet on 27 April 2014 14:42
    - The Psijic Order
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  • thelg
    It is not just GW2. Shadowbane had an identical problem 100+ people stacked in one spot. Unless you had similar number you could not damage them

    IF AOE need adjustment it is simple.

    Add casting time to Impulse 1 sec?

    Add drop off in damage from the centre. DAOC got this right I don't understand why they don't implement simple solution like this again
  • Asava
    What's next after aoe caps? Single target abilities get reduced damage when more than 6 faction players are within 25m of each other? Situational awareness is key in pvp. If your head isn't on a swivel then expect to die because you weren't paying attention to your surroundings.
  • firestorm_rmb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    There is no solution for something that isn't broken. You whiny *** *** need to learn to spread out and not take *** to the face. Get on with your lives and actually, actively try dodging.
  • chrho83rwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    From my point of view there are 3 things that need fixing:
    1. Some secondary effects (not the damage component) need to be capped, e.g. life leech (instead of 10k health per sec, cap it at dunno 300hp per sec) to avoid becoming immortal. But not the damage component!
    2. Cap Ultimate gain per cast so that you cant spam Ultimates
    3. Vampire passive should only effect Magicka costs, not Ultimate costs (or at least at a reduced rate) to avoid spamming of Bat swarm

    These points will stop bomber groups to become unkillable by the Zerg but the Zerg is still vulnerable against stupidity.
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