Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Payments to ZOS denied (with Paypal and other payment methods)

  • daim
    Well done with the trial *claps* hopefully this will give you the time needed to solve this.
    Still, this leaves a lot to hope for with the future of communication .. once more.
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • Ratty1SFT
    daim wrote: »
    Well done with the trial *claps* hopefully this will give you the time needed to solve this.
    Still, this leaves a lot to hope for with the future of communication .. once more.

    The trial was planned long in advance. Last year, there was also a trial during roughly the same period.

    This is a lucky coincidence for ZOS that the trial is taking place now.
  • daim
    Ratty1SFT wrote: »
    daim wrote: »
    Well done with the trial *claps* hopefully this will give you the time needed to solve this.
    Still, this leaves a lot to hope for with the future of communication .. once more.

    The trial was planned long in advance. Last year, there was also a trial during roughly the same period.

    This is a lucky coincidence for ZOS that the trial is taking place now.

    Well duh! Here I was jumping from joy that we aren't being ingnored and someone is trying to fix it... but.. yeah...
    Maybe a break with ESO wouldn't be a foolish idea after all.
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • old_scopie1945
    I see still no PayPal available even after Maintenance. We can only dream.
  • DreamsUnderStars
    Weird, I just re-subbed using paypal.
  • old_scopie1945
    Weird, I just re-subbed using paypal.

    I tried to buy some crowns and the PayPal option still wasn't there. Just gave it another go after reading your post but still no joy.
  • GorHanis
    Weird, I just re-subbed using paypal.

    I say it for tenth times: this Paypal issue is mostly EU problem, dear "weird, I can etc, accept cookies" US or other citizen. ;)
    Delete cookies, accept cookies, change browser or payment method will not help and Paypal disabled in EU atm anyway.

    So we are waiting... and waiting.

    Edited by GorHanis on 20 October 2021 06:28
  • MorganaBlue
    Hey folks, we are currently investigating this issue. While we investigate, please use an alternative payment method. If you are unable to use another payment method, you are welcome to submit a ticket at Thank you.

    Today is the 4th day since I submitted a ticket to Customer Support because all of a sudden unable to even get past the billing address page to confirm my information and access the other forms of payment.

    I tried Bethesda Support on Twitter twice, both times informed that "My ticket is in the correct queue and an agent will get back to you shortly."

    No agent, no contact, no way to access alternate forms of payment. So while I am welcome to submit a ticket, it does no good either for the situation or for my levels of stress which are multiplying each day I remain without a reply. Please help, thank you.
    Edited by MorganaBlue on 20 October 2021 08:16
  • Lady_Lindel
    GorHanis wrote: »
    Weird, I just re-subbed using paypal.

    I say it for tenth times: this Paypal issue is mostly EU problem, dear "weird, I can etc, accept cookies" US or other citizen. ;)
    Delete cookies, accept cookies, change browser or payment method will not help and Paypal disabled in EU atm anyway.

    So we are waiting... and waiting.

    We're in Australia, so don't think it's just a EU problem
  • GorHanis
    We're in Australia, so don't think it's just a EU problem

    Ok, sorry, then it's a problem outside of US... Anyway "mostly" is not "just". ;)

    Edited by GorHanis on 20 October 2021 09:37
  • Hlanu
    A couple days ago Rich said something along the lines of them being in the final steps of figuring things out and he hopes it'll be resolved soon. Don't take this as a paypal will be back asap, but at least as a confirmation that they're working on it.
    I just hope it'll be back in time for me to get the Grim Harlequin motif and I don't miss it three years in a row. :/
    Hlanu - Redguard Arcanist
    Tahemet at-Hubalajad - Redguard Sorcerer

    PC EU
  • DreamsUnderStars
    GorHanis wrote: »
    Weird, I just re-subbed using paypal.

    I say it for tenth times: this Paypal issue is mostly EU problem, dear "weird, I can etc, accept cookies" US or other citizen. ;)
    Delete cookies, accept cookies, change browser or payment method will not help and Paypal disabled in EU atm anyway.

    So we are waiting... and waiting.

    My apologies, I didn't realize this was an EU thing. Maybe if you noted this in the OP? Seeing as you've had to repeat this.
    Edited by DreamsUnderStars on 20 October 2021 16:15
  • Ratty1SFT
    PayPal is working again now. I have just set up an ongoing membership.
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Ratty1SFT wrote: »
    PayPal is working again now. I have just set up an ongoing membership.

    Should have waited till the free trial was over.
  • pborerb16_ESO
    Got an e-mail by "The Elder Scrolls Online Support Team" today. It says:

    "We recently attempted to renew your subscription for ESO Plus but could not due to an issue in our payment system. To prevent any further failures we disabled PayPal as a payment option for your region. Those issues have been corrected and
    PayPal is available again as a payment option for your region."
  • daim
    I guess case closed then. Haven't tested myself yet, maybe someday.
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • pborerb16_ESO
    Now I've got this same e-mail (subject "Regarding Your ESO Plus PayPal Payment Method") four times! That's a bit much, isn't it?
  • Idinuse
    Got an e-mail by "The Elder Scrolls Online Support Team" today. It says:

    "We recently attempted to renew your subscription for ESO Plus but could not due to an issue in our payment system. To prevent any further failures we disabled PayPal as a payment option for your region. Those issues have been corrected and
    PayPal is available again as a payment option for your region."


    They didn't even have the decency to apologies for "due to an issue in our payment system".
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
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