Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Payments to ZOS denied (with Paypal and other payment methods)

  • schnickipinzi
    I´m surprised this hasn´t got more traction until now. I got my subscription via giropay now, but would prefer Paypal by a mile. And for many people Paypal may be the only way to pay, as credit cards aren´t that common here in the EU imo.
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    GorHanis wrote: »
    Couldn't buy crowns, got the same issue and after this acc maintenance, Paypal is no longer a payment method. Really?
    ZOS say something...

    Right? I'm not willing to use anything but PayPal for for this. Until this is sorted, I'm sadly have to pause playing as this game's inventory management is a hot mess without ESO+.

    How does something like this even happen?
  • daim
    Right? I'm not willing to use anything but PayPal for for this. Until this is sorted, I'm sadly have to pause playing as this game's inventory management is a hot mess without ESO+.

    How does something like this even happen?

    I'm on the same boat. Not willing to use anything else than Paypal with ESO.


    Originally this was posted on tech support forum but it was moved here for some reason..
    Still don't know if general is much better as it gets flooded all the time. Personally I browse the Recent threads most of the time anyways.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on 13 October 2021 12:36
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • HowellQagan
    Right? I'm not willing to use anything but PayPal for for this. Until this is sorted, I'm sadly have to pause playing as this game's inventory management is a hot mess without ESO+.

    How does something like this even happen?

    PayPal can be crazy and change random things that may break payment flows. Seriously, some of the things I've seen them having done on merchant side in the past years makes me pull my hair out sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if ZOS hasn't had any part in this.
    That annoying dude on PC-EU.
  • GorHanis
    PayPal can be crazy and change random things that may break payment flows. Seriously, some of the things I've seen them having done on merchant side in the past years makes me pull my hair out sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if ZOS hasn't had any part in this.

    I had no problem with Paypal, using separate sub-card for internet shopping... easy solution.
    Never seen problems you're talking about.

    As I said earlier many EU players PP is the only solution. Cause of the banking regulations or someone just want to protect his/her banking informations.
  • frogprincess_q4
    I'm adding myself to the list here as someone who has a recurring sub through PayPal and it's suddenly stopped working, but I can't even access the payment page as it's refusing to admit that it has already saved my billing address details and that it doesn't need to save them again. I've tried so many times and on multiple browsers and it hangs up on being "unable to save my billing address".
  • Finnisterre
    Finally got a response from Customer Support! Which was "Delete your browser cookies." Great.

    Someone on Reddit reported that the Paypal option has been completely removed from the payments options. So if that's your only payment method.... tough. No ESO+ for you, even though you've done absolutely nothing wrong.

    Reddit thread:

    Their Twitter response when asked about this issue:

    I'd love to see an official statement from ZOS on this matter, because right now it feels like a zero priority.

    Is anything actually being done about this?

    Edited by Finnisterre on 14 October 2021 02:09
  • daim
    Finally got a response from Customer Support! Which was "Delete your browser cookies." Great.

    lol :D
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Well, guess I ain't buying that mermaid statue then. :|
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • MorganaBlue
    Paypal payment is disabled and I'm unable to buy Crowns.

    Refuse to use any other payment method, so thanks for looking into this and fixing asap - will not renew my ESO+ which expires very soon or otherwise spend money on the game unless I can pay with Paypal.
  • GorHanis
    Any news? It's been five days ago... delete cookies, change browser etc. are not working. Thx!
  • sidebyside
    Any news regarding this?
    I am unable to renew my subscription until this is fixed as it doesn't provide any additional payment method other than credit card.
  • old_scopie1945
    Wanted to buy some crowns today and had the same problem with PayPal. So ZOS won't be getting my money today and probably any day soon by the looks of things. Is this just an EU problem? I see this has been ongoing for almost a week now.
  • daim
    It's bizarre. You would think this is a priority issue but there's not even any communication about it.
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • old_scopie1945
    Sounds like ZOS may have a dispute with PayPal. After all they have withdrawn the PayPal option.
  • DLow
    Soul Shriven
    You'd think they'd be interested in our money. Seems like they're not. Great, I'll just stop paying then. Maybe things would change if everybody decided to do so...
  • MorganaBlue
    I went from having the PayPal option removed to not being able to pay with any other form of available payment because

    Error: Saving billing address failed.

    So people in EU can't pay for their subs or buy crowns now even with alternate forms of payment because they can't get past that step in the payment process. Yes, I saw your service announcement:

    I tried on three different browsers.

    Please note that if we can't get past the "saving Billing address failed" issue to even attempt to use another form of payment, you're going to lose subscriptions and significant amounts of money daily, reason for which I confide in a speedy af solution to the problem, thank you for your attention. :)
  • old_scopie1945
    I went from having the PayPal option removed to not being able to pay with any other form of available payment because

    Error: Saving billing address failed.

    So people in EU can't pay for their subs or buy crowns now even with alternate forms of payment because they can't get past that step in the payment process. Yes, I saw your service announcement:

    I tried on three different browsers.

    Please note that if we can't get past the "saving Billing address failed" issue to even attempt to use another form of payment, you're going to lose subscriptions and significant amounts of money daily, reason for which I confide in a speedy af solution to the problem, thank you for your attention. :)

    Not only coin but good will as well. As if we from the EU haven't had enough of being treated like second class citizens as it is.
  • Finnisterre
    Still no response from ZOS, and Customer Support finally confessed that they don't have a fix and will "update when there's more information." If you break Customer Support, do you win a prize?

    Can my prize be ZOS actually acknowledging there's a problem, and expressing what (IF, and that's a big IF, anything) is being done about it?
  • GorHanis
    "More infomation"... this is like when "some people have issues" and almost all of EU can't log in. :)
    IMO if they need more info after 6 days, then they doing something really wrong.
    Sorry ZOS, but this company-style "pc" communication is a disaster...
    At least say something about the issue.
    I have some idea what the problem might be, but if you don't tell us anything, we can only guess.

    Lot(!) of ppl can't buy anything and an event is currently running... this is the only fact.
  • Lady_Lindel
    My husband just had this happen to him today. He can't even open transmute crystals cause no ESO+ and is now over the limit. Beyond ridiculous.
  • Lady_Lindel
    So, still no response. Husband still can't play. No point in subbing so am cancelling the subs.That's 3 subs gone. Well done Zenimax.
  • Corbiel
    Working for a large company myself, I am really surprised and annoyed by the unprofessional way Zenimax handles this issue:

    1.) No information in advance. I was surprised by a simple "Transaction failed" - E-mail, after 3 years of payment with paypal. Like most of the people here I first thought that the problem was on my side, which was kind of a shock. You do know that a problem will affect your customers, and decide to let them research themselves, and make the write tickets? And what about people who had planned in advance, like doing DLC dungeons on vet with friends? Only that those DLC were included in ESO+.

    2.) No official statement until when this problem will be solved. Or at least that you care about us customers and are sorry.

    3.) No real effort to provide a solution for the customers who do not have an alternative to paypal, or for who it is complicated or insecure to switch to another way of payment. It feels like going to a shop you have frequented for years, and when you want to pay the shop assistant tells you "Sorry we don't accept cash or cards any longer, Bitcoin only. Decided it this morning". A solution could be a 3 or 7 days extension of ESO+ until the issues have been solved. Or just crafting inventory + DLC access. Not doing anything is no solution.
  • old_scopie1945
    Corbiel wrote: »
    Working for a large company myself, I am really surprised and annoyed by the unprofessional way Zenimax handles this issue:

    1.) No information in advance. I was surprised by a simple "Transaction failed" - E-mail, after 3 years of payment with paypal. Like most of the people here I first thought that the problem was on my side, which was kind of a shock. You do know that a problem will affect your customers, and decide to let them research themselves, and make the write tickets? And what about people who had planned in advance, like doing DLC dungeons on vet with friends? Only that those DLC were included in ESO+.

    2.) No official statement until when this problem will be solved. Or at least that you care about us customers and are sorry.

    3.) No real effort to provide a solution for the customers who do not have an alternative to paypal, or for who it is complicated or insecure to switch to another way of payment. It feels like going to a shop you have frequented for years, and when you want to pay the shop assistant tells you "Sorry we don't accept cash or cards any longer, Bitcoin only. Decided it this morning". A solution could be a 3 or 7 days extension of ESO+ until the issues have been solved. Or just crafting inventory + DLC access. Not doing anything is no solution.

    ESO is a great game but Zenimax is another thing. [snip]

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 18 October 2021 12:31
  • GorHanis
    I didn't expect a reaction in the last two days.
    Almost nobody works weekends in the "video game industry" customer services, that's ok, but what about the whole last week? While an event is running and I wanted to buy exp. scrolls?
  • votan73
    I'm adding myself to the list here as someone who has a recurring sub through PayPal and it's suddenly stopped working, but I can't even access the payment page as it's refusing to admit that it has already saved my billing address details and that it doesn't need to save them again. I've tried so many times and on multiple browsers and it hangs up on being "unable to save my billing address".

    First I had this problem with the billing address, too.
    For everybody having this problem:
    You have to accept cookies first.
  • Idinuse
    daim wrote: »
    FYI! Getting: Error: The transaction was not authorized. Please check the provided information again or contact your payment provider for assistance.
    And then: Error: There were issues with your recent transaction attempt. Please check the provided information again or contact support at

    from your website after selecting Paypal as a payment method. Is this a long time problem or just now problem ? Paypal seems to be working fine and your site didnt even direct me to Paypal's page before the error came up.

    Edited the topic title from Paypal to Payments to ZOS denied (with Paypal and other payment methods) to better describe the situation

    Same here (EU resident) with my monthly subscription (PayPal), recurring payment, no cookies no web sites, which I've had more or less since 2014/2015 (not PayPal all the time), but I haven't bothered trying to renew, so thanks ZOS, I guess... ;)

    No I will not be submitting a ticket or doing any extra labor for me to be able to give you my money at this point, which you "rejected" (in fact it would rather seem ZOS was rejected by PayPal to withdraw, but anyway). Rather ZOS, feel free to submit me a ticket or PM with an apology when this has been fixed...

    What would be nice, regardless of what went wrong here (ZOS or PayPal), is filtering costumers like us in this thread that had a PayPal payment or similar "rejected" for no monetary reasons and give us a month free while you sort this out since we pretty much seem unable to re-purchase ESO+ at this point, even if we wanted. It's called good will in business terms.

    (Remarkable thing to happen to ZOS and customers in the middle of a New Game exodus imo.)
    Edited by Idinuse on 18 October 2021 13:17
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • pkostadinov
    My ESO+ PayPal subscription ended with "transaction failed" two days ago and I'm not willing to change my payment method, so that means I will stop playing until this issue is resolved.
    It would be nice if we had some update or ETA on when the issue will be resolved.
  • MorganaBlue
    votan73 wrote: »
    I'm adding myself to the list here as someone who has a recurring sub through PayPal and it's suddenly stopped working, but I can't even access the payment page as it's refusing to admit that it has already saved my billing address details and that it doesn't need to save them again. I've tried so many times and on multiple browsers and it hangs up on being "unable to save my billing address".

    First I had this problem with the billing address, too.
    For everybody having this problem:
    You have to accept cookies first.

    not true, - in this order over the past two days I have dumped cookies, refreshed DNS, re-started PC, turned off ad blocker, re-accepted cookies and still get the same error. I submitted a ticket for this issue 2 days ago and haven't even received a BOT reply - ticket status 2 days later is "waiting for an agent".

    Still gettting the Error: Saving billing address failed. message. Pls. fix, thank you

    Edit for typo
    Edited by MorganaBlue on 18 October 2021 15:02
  • Corbiel
    Free ESO + trial? Well done, Zenimax. Hope you will have fixed the payment issues by the end of the trial :)
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