Whispering Alchemists - A peaceful PVE guild for beginners and returning players

We are primarily for new and returning players, but anyone is welcome ! We have a well equipped guild house, Guild Store (not trader), active Discord channel and 200+ members.

We run a laid back, pressure-free and helpful environment where like minded players can help each other learn the ropes, group up for Random Normals, Pledges, Public Dungeons, World Bosses etc, progress and have fun. We can also give advice on all aspects of gameplay, builds, do's and dont's, tricks and tips etc and help with the transition to more challenging content if needed.

Apart from occasional giveaway's, we don't do any of the guild-typical side-show distraction events and activities such as tombola's, auctions, find the Dwemer pot etc... we just play the game <3

So if you are looking for a lower population, peaceful guild that ticks these boxes then we'd love to have you onboard :)

Simply message or mail me in-game or apply for an invite!

Edited by Rowjoh on 8 August 2021 10:47
  • veloth60
    Soul Shriven
    How active is your discord? May I check it out?
  • Rowjoh
    Hi, @veloth60

    We are a low-key smallish guild (125 members) with approx 20 online at any one time so our Discord isn't that active but there are a handful of regulars who enjoy it and it's there for whoever wants/needs to use it :)

    You are very welcome to join the guild to try it out, but if you are looking for a well populated vibrant diverse Discord environment then I have to say we are a very long way from that and to be honest it is not our primary focus.

    Edited by Rowjoh on 28 June 2021 08:25
  • o0Velius
    I’m interested, @o0Velius is my in game @ name.
    Transferee from Xbox, and have been looking for a guild ever since.
    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • Rowjoh
    hi @o0Velius

    Thank you for your note - Invitation sent :)
  • PeachVsEggplant
    Invitation, please?
  • Rowjoh

    hi there,

    I cant invite you to the guild because all your guild slots are filled - you can only join a guild if you have a slot free :)

    If you still want to join us, then leave one of your guilds and either post back here, or message me in-game :)

    Edited by Rowjoh on 24 March 2021 11:25
  • Almyria
    Hey there! Your guild sounds great. I'd love an invite if you have room? ESO name is @Almyria. Thanks!
    Only the Darkness is Eternal. For even in the brightest daylight there are always Shadows
  • Rowjoh
    hi @Almyria,

    Thanks very much !

    invite sent and is pending for when you log-in :)
  • Rowjoh
    Hi @GyphonsTusk

    Invite sent :)
  • Rowjoh
    Invite sent @Umberdrive :)
  • Freyja
    Hey! I'd love an invite if you have room? ESO name is @Freyja. Thanks!
  • Rowjoh
    hey @Freyja :)

    invite sent ! hope you can join us :)

  • Wolfenbelle
    Hi Rowjah,

    I started playing ESO in 2014 prelaunch, but stopped in 2018 after moving across country from L.A. to Charlotte, NC. I recently started playing ESO again. I have 860 CP and 3 vet chars. Main is a Templar. Played as a Stamplar since day 1 in 2014, now converted to a Magplar. I've always done DPS, but have done the healer role occasionally.

    I also have a vet Sorcerer and Dragonknight. I have a level 27 Warden and level 18 Nightblade. I would be happy to join new players or more experienced players to help them level up characters.

    Also, I'm in the AD faction in case that matters.

    I'm interested in your guild because you said it's low-pressure. That's important to me because I don't have good eye-hand coordination so I tend to not be as sharp in group content as better players. I'm just not as quick as others. But I happily take direction and try hard to be helpful to the group. Yet in the past I often was yelled at and scolded for not doing things exactly as the group wanted. I don't want to go through that again.

    For that reason (to avoid groups), I never leveled up Undaunted. My Templar is just short of reaching level 7 and I'd love to at least get her to 7. I also almost never got (or get) meta gear.

    I'm a 9-trait crafter in blacksmithing, woodworking, clothing, potions and enchantments. So I'd happily craft things for other group members as long as they supply the mats.

    Also, I have big, medium and large houses that group members would be welcome to use. My Coldharbour estate has all the crafting stations, style station and transmutation station. It also has a trial-level dummy and several regular dummies.

    Please let me know if you need any additional information or if I need to complete an application.


    Freyja Wulf (my in-game name)

  • Rowjoh
    Hi Wolfenbelle !

    I've only just seen your post - really good to know !

    I have sent you an invite so hope you can join us ! -if you can then as soon as we are both online I'll message you to see if I can help you and supply you with anything you might need :)
    Edited by Rowjoh on 6 June 2021 22:25
  • Rowjoh
    Thanks for the nice message @Wolfbane77 !
  • SimeonTregarth
    Hello. My situation is very similar to Wolfenbelle's. I have hand tremors which make it hard to control the mouse with very much precision but I really enjoy the game. Due to the tremors I have done very little grouping but would like to try out the end game group content in a low pressure environment. My main is a level 50 magplar with 475 cp. An invitation would be muchly appreciated!

  • Rowjoh
    Hi @AnghusMacLaren

    thanks for your post - I have sent you an invite so providing you have a guild slot free you can accept it :)

    Look forward to catching up with you when I'm next online :)
    Edited by Rowjoh on 4 August 2021 16:34
  • AzuraFan
    I'd like to join. ESO name is @scrubbrush. Thanks!
  • Rowjoh
    Hi @scrubbrush :)

    will send you invite when I'm next online in a few hours time ! :)

    Edited by Rowjoh on 5 August 2021 06:05
  • Sinatron
    Where do I find my @name?
  • Rowjoh
    it's @JADRON :)
  • Rowjoh
    But you need to leave one of your other guilds before you can join another - you have filled all 5 of your guild slots.
    Edited by Rowjoh on 5 August 2021 17:25
  • Sinatron
    Sounds perfect for me. Very intrested.
  • Raiven739
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I'm a returning player and your guild sound like what I'm looking for. I'd like to join if you have room @Raiven739.
  • Rowjoh
    hi @Raiven739

    Thanks for your message - I have sent you an invite so when you are next online you should be able to pick it up :)
  • Vonnegut2506
    I would be interested; I tried finding you in the guild finder, but that thing is a mess. My in-game name is @MMOldTimer.
  • szvenz
    I'm interested "Szven" is my name.
    Thank you
  • Synthrian
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there, I'd be interested in joining if you are still recruiting. My user id is @synthrian
  • Rowjoh
    hi @Synthrian

    Thanks for your post ! - you have been invited :)
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