We are primarily for new and returning players, but anyone is welcome ! We have a well equipped guild house, Guild Store (not trader), active Discord channel and 200+ members.
We run a laid back, pressure-free and helpful environment where like minded players can help each other learn the ropes, group up for Random Normals, Pledges, Public Dungeons, World Bosses etc, progress and have fun. We can also give advice on all aspects of gameplay, builds, do's and dont's, tricks and tips etc and help with the transition to more challenging content if needed.
Apart from occasional giveaway's, we don't do any of the guild-typical side-show distraction events and activities such as tombola's, auctions, find the Dwemer pot etc... we just play the game

So if you are looking for a lower population, peaceful guild that ticks these boxes then we'd love to have you onboard

Simply message or mail me in-game or apply for an invite!
Edited by Rowjoh on 8 August 2021 10:47