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Your identity and your thought on Imperial City

We know that IC is a place with PvE and PvP. In general, do you classify yourself as a PvPer or a PvEer? Do you like IC?

(We know that most people play SOME PvP and SOME PvE, please try to identify yourself per your own understanding)
No improvement on Cyrodill servers -> no ESO plus renewal.

Your identity and your thought on Imperial City 124 votes

I'm mainly a PvPer, I like IC
jarlragnarNemeliomDjinn_al_zahirTBoisJackeyBrrrofskiAlucardoDojohodaThe_LexNordSwordnBoardgeonsocalScallanAki-RalWaltherCarrawayVanagrandIngrollbutterrum222GiljabrarFawn4287Cirantille 32 votes
I'm mainly a PvPer, I don't like IC
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESOmarke1Sanctum74Sandman929max_onlyLady_Lindelmaster_vanargandJierdanitxylena_lazarowZabagadVizirithWaywardArgonianShomenuchiPauwerLightYagamirbfrgsp 16 votes
I'm mainly a PvEer, I like IC
XelyumpaulsimonpsMyrnhielmeekmikoGreasytenguHippie4927colossalvoidsNoxiousBlight 8 votes
I'm mainly a PvEer, I don't like IC
DarcyMardinHanokihsElsonsoStreegaInaMoonlightcmetzger93code65536Veloth_RedothrilAntonShanWise_WillM_Volsungtim99macsmoothibkickinRinging_NirnrootLugalduemikaelaElendir2amBlinxalberichtano 20 votes
I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I like IC
driosketchSolarikendelta_mysticKadoozySporvanIcy_NelyanVevvevLarianaKatahdinmeekeyceeDalsinthusFischblutfred4PuzzlenutsStamickaGrimlok_Sjaws343JaraalMarcus_AureliusNachoProblem 24 votes
I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I don't like IC
lolo_01b16_ESOJanus_CruentiContraptionsorion_1981usub17_ESOSorakatplink3r1tinythinkerStarshadwDocFrost72vesselwiththepestlePeacatcherWildRaptorXMKintrNord_RaseriThePedgeApostateHoboWyrd88Andre_NoirSirvaleennukk3r 24 votes
  • LightYagami
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I don't like IC
    I'll classify myself as a PvPer, and I don't really like IC.

    The main reason is that I found there are too many NPC mobs around. Having some NPC mobs should be fine but there are just too many of them.

    Anyway it's just my own subjective feeling. Please vote for yourself. :)
    No improvement on Cyrodill servers -> no ESO plus renewal.
  • Icy_Nelyan
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I like IC
    I love so much IC, I can do only PvP, only PvE or a mix of both, I like to have a Place like this with a sort of open PvP and can rely not only on May character skills but Also on the enciroment potenti al (boss and mob damage).
    Also the scenario Is incredible, It gives You so much opportunities with LOS and Hide ti be able to sturdy a good tactic to fight tour target.
    As a side note there are cheats all around, from a role play POV and Also with the addition of moster seta (and hopefully more things to come), opening a chest taking tel'vars and others valuable Is so fun to me, considerino you are in a PvP zone so Is Dangerous, this makes the PvE side way more fun; there are Also PvE events which are Cool and in a PvP zone Is more interesting.

    I love IC way more the Cyrodill, and as I consoder muself a balanced player I love to PvP and I play a lot of PvP and IC Is the fight Place for me.
  • Hanokihs
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I don't like IC
    I'm not into PVP, but if I was ever going to get into it, IC is the absolute last place I'd go. Too sweaty in there, especially without an event going to dilute the tide of dinguses who like to attack people minding their own business/trying to explore.
    If you're gonna come into a PVP zone, expect to get attacked by other players. That's called playing the game.
    And to anyone who has this mindset, enjoy continuing to have virtually nobody play in IC. Sorry, don't particularly feel like organizing a group of 23 11 other people to run in a massive circle and play capture the flag, while enemy players gank me at roaming bosses. Thanks for making it a misery.
    "I haven't really played much yet, but lemme tell you all about how the game should include X and be a lot more like Y!" - Half the posters on this forum.
    "I've been here for years, and lemme tell you all about how they should never change or evolve Z, because then the game would be ruined forever." - The other half of posters on this forum.
  • xylena_lazarow
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I don't like IC
    IC was great before they messed with the respawns. Memorial was a huge nonstop tri faction brawl.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • M_Volsung
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I don't like IC
    I only do PVE, absolutely nothing else.
    "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
    Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
    Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
    Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

    —Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
  • Greasytengu
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I like IC
    It was awesome when there were loads of people in there. Every trip to the center was a grand adventure with plenty of memorable fights and when there was a lull in the action you could go kill a boss or something.

    Im not a fan of the respawning changes, but I am glad they separated IC from Cyrodiil's population cap.

    I think IC's biggest issue is staying power. After you get what you want from there, you have no real reason to go back. There is no long term goal for the factions and no reward for spending time there. I wonder if it would be more active if there was a scoring system in place.
    " I nEeD HeAlInG!!! "
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I don't like IC
    Early IC was fun for a little while, but after the quest and gear your just farming hajikos to sell. The fight are almost always extremely one-sided. And it was even worse when I finally went back to get my mythic leads. Population is dead on ps4 beyond a small group or two.

    There's simply no good reason to be there except as a rare griefer looking to ruin someone farming bosses for a lead.
  • kingsirdrmr
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I like IC
    It's not that I love IC, but I don't hate it. Out of all PvP in this game, it serves the least of a purpose while also needing the least work to its core loop. I like the PvPvE setting, the maze-like map, the "open season" ruthlessness of PvP there; If I had to get ganked or fight some shadow-hopping proc spazzer, I wouldn't be mad if it was in IC. But many of the IC rewards were implemented when the game first came out and are long outdated, or are situational based on how balance in a major patch turns out, or can be acquired without really playing IC with or against others (stacking district dailies, farming bosses during dead hours, etc). I wish there was more reason to frequent it. More people to contribute to chaos like during Midyear Mayhem.
    For the Queen! | PC/NA, Cyrodiil, IC, Quests, CP 2000+[*] Tyaminal-rabi | Khajiiti Sorceress [*] Vita-rabi | Khajiiti Warden werewolf[*] Dr Good-and-Sexy | Argonian Warden[*] the Southern Mare | Redguard Necromancer[*] Sally Two-Horns | Orsimer Nightblade
  • Pauwer
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I don't like IC
    In group it's ok, but i hate it solo. Mainly because while killing a boss, some hero comes and kills me when i'm low health and stuff like that. I'd be fine if there were no bosses or some sort of immunity to players while fighting them. The mobs are no issue.
  • Jameson18
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I like IC
    Hopefully the new monster sets revive it some, but it won't last.

    There needs to be a campaign reward like in cyro. Give people reasons to go there at least a couple days each month etc. Or put it on a 7 day campaign and have some kind of decent yield.

    Further add to rewards for fragments perhaps. Give some more stuff purchasable via telvar etc.

    If I had more reasons to be there, I would live there. Its an incredible setup. There's just no reward for continue return.
  • DocFrost72
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I don't like IC
    I love the zone, I dislike the goals there.

    Might like it better if I could choose a pve or pvp version, disable TV gain in pve version. As it stands, any serious efforts to clear the zone end in me getting blown up while I try to fight a story boss, or catch a completely defenseless quester while hunting for the donkey that flipped memorial flag for the 15th time.

    It's interaction between pvp and pve that makes the zone special, and when it works it's awesome. When it doesn't, it's just bare frustration. Can't think of another zone like that tbh.
  • fred4
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I like IC
    I normally call myself a PvPer, but I know people who play Cyro or BGs, who you have to drag there to play with you in IC. I'm probably actually balanced. I like making Tel Var. There is also a nostalgia factor as my first character grew up in IC.
    It was awesome when there were loads of people in there. Every trip to the center was a grand adventure with plenty of memorable fights and when there was a lull in the action you could go kill a boss or something.

    Im not a fan of the respawning changes, but I am glad they separated IC from Cyrodiil's population cap.

    I think IC's biggest issue is staying power. After you get what you want from there, you have no real reason to go back. There is no long term goal for the factions and no reward for spending time there.
    Pretty much all of this. However in regards to rewards, I know that's how many people see it, although I don't think it's quite true. I make builds and have a fierce Hakeijo habit. I also stack up my potion ingredients in IC. I used to sell the excess, except nowadays Chromium and Dreugh Wax is so much more lucrative (if you have many chars doing writs). Certainly before IC became it's own campaign, the place was a tremendous source of income for the few people who actually went there. Soloing bosses was the norm after midnight. Nowadays there is almost always a farm group. The problem is that Tel Var are shared. Regardless of how many people go, there are only so many you can take out of IC. There are diminishing returns for the individual. I am actually kind of thankful for that, because it keeps IC largely lag-free. You may want more people there, but would you really?

    I wrote the following previously, outside of these forums:

    Ever since IC became it's own campaign, the place has been transformed. There are many more people there. I say this as a player who has spent half their playtime in IC, since it's inception. The problem is IMO that players are not incentivised to spread out. The sewers are abandoned, because there is hardly any reason to go there. Most of the action revolves around boss farming and the flags. Because bosses are usually all down, this typically causes players to coalesce into one zerg at the current boss. Most of the PvP is concentrated on the inner circle, where the flags are.

    When IC first came out, what is now Key Fragments were 6 different artefacts that dropped from different mobs. Agility, Willpower and Endurance were the hot new items and were valuable. Districts and sewers have concentrations of different mobs in different places. This caused players to spread out, depending on what they were farming. The big walking bosses didn't drop such an insane amount. There were no flags to bump their bonus up. There were no flags to incentivise farming Tel Var upstairs as opposed to the sewers. You could not buy Hakeijo with Tel Var. Hakeijo dropped (rarely) from Molag Bal, if I recall correctly. Maybe a few other places, but it was rare as Nirncrux.

    ZOS made a mistake. They changed IC, before opening it up. They introduced the flags and the additional Tel Var multiplier from the flags. At the same time they got rid of the original key fragments. Yes, the introduction of buying Hakeijo and Apothecary Parcels with Tel Var created new incentives, as did (to a lesser extent) buying IC dungeon sets with fragments. However population-wise, nothing much changed. I don't know anyone who was truly happy about the introduction of the flags.

    It was only when IC was made into it's own campaign that the population increased noticeably. Never underestimate just how casual the game is. Everyone wants instant action, me included. No one wanted to ride to the center of Cyrodiil to go to IC. They would get side-tracked in Cyrodiil and severely obstructed when their faction didn't own a keep next to an IC entrance. I wonder what would have happened, had ZOS made IC into it's own campaign, before introducing the other changes.

    Depending on the hot new item for this zone (Willpower, Agility, Endurance) was probably never sustainable, given how much the meta keeps changing. However ZOS have homogenised IC by only leaving Tel Var as the valuable commodity. There is only one best way to farm those, and that's what people go for. I know of no one who expressly comes to IC for the key fragments. They are merely a byproduct, however ZOS could, at the very least have retained 2 types of fragments, one for WGT and one for IC Prison. They could have probably retained 6 types, to be honest, since Agility / Willpower / Endurance are not completely useless.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • fred4
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I like IC
    While playing in IC right now, it occurs to me that there is actually an objective there, whereas Cyro has none. My home campaign is Blackreach and the score is Blue 80K, Red 35K, Yellow 47K. The campaign is well and truly won by Blue with 10 days to go. Even Gray Host has been pretty unbalanced lately. Once that happens, what objectives do you have in Cyro? Take keeps? For what? In IC the objective is always to take resources and make more Tel Var. Tel Var are worth more than AP. When trying out new builds is the name of the game, as it is for me, I always need more Hakeijos or gold to buy stuff. When you PvP for it's own sake IC has a leg up on Cyro too, due to being mostly lag free. So I don't get it. What's not to like? Yes, I remember when IC was new and the sewers were as populated as upstairs. It was great, but that comes with everything new and shiny. Every zone has a problem with long-term viability, inbetween events, when it comes right down to it.

    That said, if they could incentivise the sewers in particular, that would be great. The walking sewer bosses need to offer substantially greater rewards for the sheer hassle of killing them. The fixed sewer bosses could be made more powerful and offer better rewards. The old key fragments could be re-introduced and the 3x WGT and 3x Prison sets could be split among different fragments. Those fragments have actually shot up in value recently, so someone must be farming those sets.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • Grimlok_S
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I like IC
    I like the zone, I like the risk-reward and potential to profit.

    I dislike how easy it is for faction stacks to pile up.

    Once you start winning fights your faction naturally starts piling up on you due to boss spawn timers and flag control, there's nothing you can do to spread them out without calling in opposite faction bombers.

    Would be nice if IC was no-faction, mercenary style with small group caps.
    Light Attack Hero

    Class context
    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
  • VaranisArano
    I like PVP and PVE, but I generally like to PVP when I go to a PVP-enabled zone, and I prefer to keep the PVP out of my PVE-only zones. Imperial City is fully designed for PvPvE, and so it was never going to be my favorite.

    I've done the Imperial City Questline, and I've done some IC fishing, but Cyrodiil is what I enjoy most.

    I'm somewhat sympathetic to the questers who hate PVP but want to experience a great story - I would support a PVE-only Imperial City that has zero duplicated rewards and only allows players to do the quests.
    That being said, I have zero sympathy for people who want the same achievements, fish, skyshards, tel var, leads, boss drops, and other rewards of the Imperial City without any of the risk of PVP. If you want the same rewards as PvPvE IC, then you need to play it as a PvPvE zone as the Devs designed it.
  • Vevvev
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I like IC
    For what is it it's okay, but it tries too hard to blend PvE and PvP together. Once I got the things I wanted I didn't really see a reason to go back. If I wanted PVP I'd go to Cyrodiil, or if I wanted PVE I'd go to anywhere else.

    What I do like about it is the story, the environment, and the random things you'll run into. I liked the concept of roaming world bosses a lot and wish we had more of them tbh.
    Edited by Vevvev on 9 June 2021 21:30
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • jarlragnar
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I like IC
    IC is fun, you can make lots of money from IC but you do get from time to time the hardcore PvP people who macro you to death, your character freezes from the macros, then they whisper you telling you suck after they just killed you in 2 secs but you don't see one animation skill go off. Also its always the same people in IC. I can fight the same 5 people everyday for a year and still hardly see anybody new in IC.
  • alberichtano
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I don't like IC
    Mainly PvE-er, but I do some PvP.

    I would have loved IC if it wasn't so drabb trying to do what is essentially PvE-quests while being hunted by PvP griefers.

    No, not all PvP-ers in IC are bad, I have met a few who, like me, go for the "live and let live"-philosophy. Some have even let me live when I was fishing near their flags.

    But too many are the kind that sneak up on you while doing a boss-fight, or mid doing something with the quests. And that is just frustrating as all heck. :-/

    I wonder if it wouldn't have been better with a PvE-version of IC for those who, like me, want to make a difference between questing and PvP-ing.
  • tinythinker
    I'm balanced in PvP and PvE, I don't like IC
    It was awesome when there were loads of people in there. Every trip to the center was a grand adventure with plenty of memorable fights and when there was a lull in the action you could go kill a boss or something.

    Im not a fan of the respawning changes, but I am glad they separated IC from Cyrodiil's population cap.

    I think IC's biggest issue is staying power. After you get what you want from there, you have no real reason to go back. There is no long term goal for the factions and no reward for spending time there. I wonder if it would be more active if there was a scoring system in place.

    I've had some fun there but I'm not a ganker or 1Vxer and 99% of the time it's empty except for some telvar farmers and gankers who know the place like the back of their hand, then 1% of the time it's one faction zerg at a time dominating throughout the day during Midyear Mayhem.

    If it was sustainable between those extremes it might be worth it. It has a very cool design.

    Some may recall that it was originally connected to what was happening in Cyro but didn't affect Cyro. Now it's totally cut off and independent, so having new objectives, new challenges, and some kind of scoring or tracking system with bonuses and rewards might help. But that's a sizeable investment of design and implementation required of ZOS for something they no longer charge money for.

    edit: misspelling
    Edited by tinythinker on 27 June 2021 19:50
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    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Greasytengu
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I like IC
    It was awesome when there were loads of people in there. Every trip to the center was a grand adventure with plenty of memorable fights and when there was a lull in the action you could go kill a boss or something.

    Im not a fan of the respawning changes, but I am glad they separated IC from Cyrodiil's population cap.

    I think IC's biggest issue is staying power. After you get what you want from there, you have no real reason to go back. There is no long term goal for the factions and no reward for spending time there. I wonder if it would be more active if there was a scoring system in place.

    I've had some fun there but I'm not a ganker or 1Vxer and 99% of the time it's empty except for some telvar farmers and gankers who know the place like the back of their hand, then 1% of the time it's one faction zerg at a time dominating throughout the day during Midyear Mayhem.

    If it was sustainable between those extremes it might be worth it. It has a very cool design.

    Some may recall that it was originally connected to what was happening in Cyro but didn't effect Cyro. Now it's totally cut off and independent, so having new objectives, new challenges, and some kind of scoring or tracking system with bonuses and rewards might help. But that's a sizeable investment of design and implementation required of ZOS for something they no longer charge money for.

    IC needs to be more than a place to farm Telvar. The hard part is how to do that while appealing to both the PVP and PVE aspects of the zone.

    Maybe the scoring could revolve around bosses killed, one boss could yield 1 point, with Molag Bal being worth 5, but you only get points for them if nobody dies during the fight.

    The Emp analogue could involve taking all of the top districts. Perhaps having 'emp' would put a barrier around your alliance's first sewer zone that is impassable to other alliances, thus throwing the PVErs a bone and allowing for unimpeded point growth if left unchecked by the other alliances.

    IC has a unique mix of open and enclosed spaces, its a shame to see the entire zone be nothing more than 'that place you go to get maguffin points'.
    " I nEeD HeAlInG!!! "
  • alberichtano
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I don't like IC
    It was awesome when there were loads of people in there. Every trip to the center was a grand adventure with plenty of memorable fights and when there was a lull in the action you could go kill a boss or something.

    Im not a fan of the respawning changes, but I am glad they separated IC from Cyrodiil's population cap.

    I think IC's biggest issue is staying power. After you get what you want from there, you have no real reason to go back. There is no long term goal for the factions and no reward for spending time there. I wonder if it would be more active if there was a scoring system in place.

    I've had some fun there but I'm not a ganker or 1Vxer and 99% of the time it's empty except for some telvar farmers and gankers who know the place like the back of their hand, then 1% of the time it's one faction zerg at a time dominating throughout the day during Midyear Mayhem.

    If it was sustainable between those extremes it might be worth it. It has a very cool design.

    Some may recall that it was originally connected to what was happening in Cyro but didn't effect Cyro. Now it's totally cut off and independent, so having new objectives, new challenges, and some kind of scoring or tracking system with bonuses and rewards might help. But that's a sizeable investment of design and implementation required of ZOS for something they no longer charge money for.

    IC needs to be more than a place to farm Telvar. The hard part is how to do that while appealing to both the PVP and PVE aspects of the zone.

    Maybe the scoring could revolve around bosses killed, one boss could yield 1 point, with Molag Bal being worth 5, but you only get points for them if nobody dies during the fight.

    The Emp analogue could involve taking all of the top districts. Perhaps having 'emp' would put a barrier around your alliance's first sewer zone that is impassable to other alliances, thus throwing the PVErs a bone and allowing for unimpeded point growth if left unchecked by the other alliances.

    IC has a unique mix of open and enclosed spaces, its a shame to see the entire zone be nothing more than 'that place you go to get maguffin points'.

    Well, they tried by making the bosses the only way to get some leads for special gear.
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    I consider myself neither a PvPer nor a PvEer... I'm a crafting/housing/solo story questing type who doesn't like to group. I don't do Trials and I don't play coordinated/grouped PvP... but I really like IC. It has all sorts of activities, and all feel really dangerous because players and NPCs alike are out to kill me.
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • Xelyum
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I like IC
    I'm a mostly PvE player, I do like the idea of IC but the reality is that it falls in the same pit as older MMO games with open world PvP games fell into : waiting for someone to fight the NPCs and then jumping them for an easy kill.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind of the PvP side of things was an "opt in" kind of deal, meaning you just couldn't interact with the PvP side of things but of course, to balance it all, you'd need to nerf Tel'Var gain multiplier.
  • Blinx
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I don't like IC
    no sir, don't like it at all...
  • Cirantille
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I like IC
    It is unique

    I like its style too
  • geonsocal
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I like IC
    probably my favorite IC play is not focusing on gaining tel-var, alliance points, or doing quests - just walking the streets with one of my tankier toons looking for folks who also want to fight...

    favorite moments are getting enemies to aggro the NPCs close by us during a fight..

    second favorite thing - sniping someone to death from a district platform, it's like pvp fishing...
    Edited by geonsocal on 30 June 2021 02:40
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • master_vanargand
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I don't like IC
    IC is a place to kill beginners with Xv1.
    It's like "Dead by Daylight" where four killer aim for one survivor.
    Probably the world's first digital torture device.
  • Elendir2am
    I'm mainly a PvEer, I don't like IC
    I wouldn’t believe that there could be such place like IC in any game, if I haven’t visited it. What one need to do, to get one event ticket, hmmmm.
    On bright side, PVPs in IC are so used to ganking or zerging, that they die pretty easy. I need more than proc Crystal Fragments and Haunting curse at Cyrodill to kill some PVPs, but it is easy to clear are in IC, when you get to control some flag.
    PvP - Recruit.
    PvE - Dragon food
    RPG - A guy who thought, that he can defeat daedric prince, yet guards still chase him off when he accidentally touches some object during daily writs.
  • Alucardo
    I'm mainly a PvPer, I like IC
    IC is a soft spot for me. It's where I really fell in love PvP because it's a great place to fight, free from annoying siege and terrible performance of Cyrodiil.
    I don't go there very often anymore however because it's either vacant, or there's a huge ball group of enemy players zerging bosses and destroying everything in sight.
    So many great memories in IC.. but that's all they are now, memories :'(
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