If you want the non-mobile version of the links Veranis gave take the "m" out so it reads //en.uesp
While we never really see any unicorns in ESO there are Indriks which are nature spirits that are kind of like Spriggans, but they're native to Nirn instead of the Hunting Grounds. In the March of Sacrifices dungeon where we go to the Hunting Grounds to participate in one of Hircine's hunts we go after an Indrik instead of a Unicorn.
I haven’t played eso that long, like some fans have! This game has been around long before it has even been an online game. Does anyone know what happened to Dwarfs, unicorns and mermaids? Do you think eso would bring these creatures back to the game like dragons? Anyone know the history on these creatures? Did mermaids even exist in this world? I think I love this game!!! Lol
VaranisArano wrote: »
Ah, I never noticed that about those links. Thanks!
LettuceBrain wrote: »Is the plural for dwarves in ESO dwarfs or something? Or does no one care to use the right plural?
Fun fact. The "correct" plural for dwarf IS dwarfs, their things are dwarfen. We've all been influenced by a single author's choice.
The great JR Tolkien deliberately changed it in the Hobbit (maybe to follow the elf/elves/elven convention). His editor repeatedly challenged this, and in a ballsy move Tolkien bragged "I wrote the english dictionary!" (he worked on it, and Tolkien is about as big a word nerd as ever lived).