From the PTS notes today (6.3.3):
The Wrothgar Museum objects will now show up in the wild and in the museum properly, based on your progress through the Achievement.
proprio.meb16_ESO wrote: »
Nope... either this has not be released yet or it's not working... i've all items not showing in displays, just picked one, put it into place and on achievement list all items are still grey.
Threemoons wrote: »
Bleh. Maybe drop the quest and restart?
proprio.meb16_ESO wrote: »
There is no quest for this issue... it's one of those collect achievements which have no related quests which can be dropped.
I'm just filing in another ticket...
Threemoons wrote: »
IIRC didn't you have to talk to the curator first? It's been a while...
Threemoons wrote: »
IIRC didn't you have to talk to the curator first? It's been a while...
proprio.meb16_ESO wrote: »
If i had to talk with him i already did... according to uesp some sort of quest is started as long as i read a note, not clear when it finishes, anyway i dont have it active... can't remember but i've most probably already done it, it gives you the book with relics to search for (
VladiriusDiablo wrote: »Do we know when the Fix will be pushed out? cause I just spend the last 6 hours finding all those relics, with no sleep, *** ton's of coffee, picked every single one up, went into the museum with triumph to only find not a single bit of progress was tracked and felt like collapsing on my desk to go to sleep.
Which is exactly what I am going to do now, but that was just wasted time of six hours trying to find all those and running on a 1% speed mount getting from east to west end of the map bit by bit.
thechiefisback wrote: »Ticket number: 210217-002289
I collected the items but some won´t even show up when I placed them. But every time I got a white writing on the screen when I placed them, that I collected them. Still all the items are grey in my achievement like I didn´t collect them.
Wendigo_Astur wrote: »From post about patch notes on Update 29:
Well I have collected all and I managed to put them to their places. For Agra Crun and Uzdabikh, I still can't obtain them since I already finished the quest. So I am still unable to get the achievement. Hope they find a solution for this.
With my bugged Cloudrest Savior and Hel ra Citadel War horn achievement, I currently can't get 105 achievement points on my main, very unfortunate.