Perhaps this isn’t the place to post this, forgive me as I’ve been away from the forums for quite some time.
I just wanted to say, I haven’t truly enjoyed Cyrodiil since I started playing the game until now. For once, I actually know what killed me and why, I can see my errors and learn from them.
Yes, there are some sets I’d like to see added back like Bright-Throat’s and Rattlecage (I play mag), but as a general consensus, I think this test is the BEST thing to happen to Cyrodiil to date, and greatly overshadows every other change that has been made previously.
THIS is the Cyrodiil we want. THIS is the Cyrodiil we need.
I absolutely love this test, and wish you proc players would come join us.
P.S. I would love to see a “No CP No Procs” option in all manners of PvP ***with allowed sets selected by the community*** That way we can allow sets like Bright-Throat’s, Vicious Death, viable monster sets, and ban things like that cancerous Vateshran Staff and Crimson
Edited by Jabassa on 17 February 2021 23:07