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12th person disconnect

When is this going to be fixed? Every time, on PlayStation, the 12th person joining a trial group is always disconnected and has to jump through the "your account is already logged in" hoops/bs. So sick of this nonsense!
Edited by vivisectvib16_ESO on 10 January 2021 22:09
  • Wolfpaw
    When is this going to be fixed? Every time, on PlayStation, the 12th person joining a trial group is always disconnected and has to jump through the "your account is already logged in" hoops/bs. So sick of this nonsense!

    Sorry, I feel your pain.

    Cyrodiil player here, imagine sitting in queue for 30min-1h to join as 12th player to be kicked from game, only to relog and a have multiple outcomes: re-queue, can't reach voice/comms server, character already logged in, & of course 12player start loop over.

    Contact Sony also, you pay them to play ESO.
    Edited by Wolfpaw on 11 January 2021 19:18
  • Pauwer
    I can confirm this happens to everyone joining groups. Happens to me every day and i see it happening to others in every group i'm in. But as far as i understand, in zos side this is not registered as an issue at all yet. Despite daily tickets and posts.
  • Pauwer
    This happens to 11th person too sometimes. I was on queue for campaing, asked lfg on guild. Got invited as the 11th member: instakick from server for "spamming". I log back in, i'm in the group and still in queue for campaing. I wait for 45 minutes for the queue to go and the campaing ready pops up. I accept and what do you know, i get a black screen. So i turn the game off and log back in. I'm still the group, but not in the campaing. I join queue again, to position 78. Said goodbye to group and QUIT THE GAME. Can this thing please be looked at now??

    [Edit to remove profanity]
    Edited by [Deleted User] on 18 January 2021 20:40
  • Ellimist_Entreri
    @vivisectvib16_ESO @pauwer

    Couple of questions:
    1) Any chance of a video of this issue in action, I know it won't provide much additional information beyond your description of the problem, but it might show the specific timing of when the problem happens & help track down a fix.
    2) Have you put in a /bug (in-game), & bug report Customer Service ticket? I would suggest doing both, explaining the issue and including your video link in both as well.

    Beyond that, I would post the support ticket in this thread and with any luck one of the forum Admins can give both it and the issue a solid bump for you!

  • Pauwer
    I post tickets in game all the time about it, but they are never answered. This is why i ask if everyone would do so too, so others would also let them know they have this issue. That it is not "my grouping issue" I can take a vid, but i really don't have anywhere to upload.
  • Ellimist_Entreri
    Pauwer wrote: »
    I post tickets in game all the time about it, but they are never answered. This is why i ask if everyone would do so too, so others would also let them know they have this issue. That it is not "my grouping issue" I can take a vid, but i really don't have anywhere to upload.

    You can upload videos to youtube for free, and posting the ticket here as I suggested would allow the forum Admins to look into it for you, often times when ticket is overlooked the Admins can help get the ball rolling (they just need to know what ticket # to poke ^_^)
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Workaround: If you are in the que, you can join the group as #12 BEFORE you travel to Cyrodiil and load in without problems. Most are letting the crown know they are under 5 or 10 in the que and checking to see if the group is full.
    (It used to be the opposite, you would load to a black screen if you grouped with players in Cyro before you loaded to Cyro)
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Wolfpaw
    Pauwer wrote: »
    I post tickets in game all the time about it, but they are never answered. This is why i ask if everyone would do so too, so others would also let them know they have this issue. That it is not "my grouping issue" I can take a vid, but i really don't have anywhere to upload.

    Report/submit to Sony.

    You pay Sony to play ESO.
    Edited by Wolfpaw on 19 January 2021 17:14
  • Ellimist_Entreri
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Pauwer wrote: »
    I post tickets in game all the time about it, but they are never answered. This is why i ask if everyone would do so too, so others would also let them know they have this issue. That it is not "my grouping issue" I can take a vid, but i really don't have anywhere to upload.

    Report to Sony.

    You pay Sony to play ESO.

    I understand the thread is in PS4 technical support -
    EDIT: Unfortunately it seems in this instance my suggestion from this edited post is also irrelevant, my apologies.

    EDIT 2:
    Also going to link to this thread,

    Where it seems this topic was brought up, discussed and replied to by a forum Admin as follows:
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    For the grouping issue you've run into on your character, you should open a ticket with ESO customer support for assistance.

    Edited by Ellimist_Entreri on 19 January 2021 17:26
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    If you ask anyone in a guild that runs trials, this is a known issue. We're PAST the point of US having to open tickets for it as if it's an individual thing. This should be on the docket to be fixed, but ZOS gonna ZOS.
  • Rittings
    This might get fixed in 2023... lol. Seriously though...I’m serious,
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