You know what they COULD do that would be actually awesome?
Create more content for what we already have!
More stories with the Dark Brotherhood!
More stories with the Thieves Guild!
Mages Guild, Psijics, whatever, just make episodic novelettes to add value to the awesome stuff that is already present in game.
[IN PROGRESS] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – January 26, 2:00PM EST (19:00 UTC) - 6:00PM EST (23:00 UTC)
So... anyone that needs to double-check their accounts are properly linked are out of luck until AFTER the stream ends.... Brilliant timing of the maintenance!
DarcyMardin wrote: »
Seriously. I just went to link a new account to Twitch and got this message.
Oh good. I can’t wait to see an hour of chat spam about “how do I get the frog?” And “when do the frogs come?”