Wrothgar Relic Hunter: Items Spawned Inside Their Display Cases. Now unable to get the achievement.

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  • SkinnyBE
    darigaaz87 wrote: »

    Are you talking about the three costumes you get by giving the curator the bear skull? Because oddly enough I've managed to get them, even if I didn't got the achievement, on my main. I just needed to do every quest related to the museum, included the Sorrow questions and the ogre art sidequest. Probably this is another bug.

    Would be nice if we could get someone looking into it and confirming this so that at least ppl know what to do... Pretty sad that a company with 100Mil turnover per year is unable to provide support to paying customers.
  • Reedx
    I have sendt a bug ticket aswell, hope this get fixed in time and that we all get the aid we in need for

    My reference number 210114-001384

    Kinda a bummer when instead of keeping some of the relics for rp fun a year ago i would had the Wrothgar Relic Hunter by now x)







    Maker of Drama & Lover of Roleplay
  • SkinnyBE
    So no reply? No support? No fix? What are we actually paying a monthly fee for? I'll continue creating a ticket every day...
  • ManM
    I'm having the same issue. Happy I found this thread. My ticket number is 210115-004270
  • Athloner
    Soul Shriven
    First, my english its not very good. (I sended 2 tickets and support does not fix my bug)
    Hi, I can't get the "Wrothgar Relic Hunter" achievement because placing the "relics" doesn't appear on the shelves and they disappear from my inventory (and I have to search the world for them again). Try to collect them a SECOND TIME and I get the same problem.
    EDIT: Now i tried to get AGAIN for the third time and the problem is the same (except for quest relics because its impossible get again for bugged quest) because i need you fix my bug.
    I find it a shame that I paid that plus + expansion of ESO to get a game full of bugs.
    I demand that you solve my problem as soon as possible !!!

  • TaMmEh
    Ticket numbers 210117-000517 and 210117-000558

    I also commented on the thread in the bug report section of the forum about this too. Seems like they dont even want to know about it.

    I can collect the items, but as soon as I put them on their stands, they dont show and just return to the wilds, ready for me to collect.. again..

    Can you actually give an update on what you're doing to fix this instead of ignoring everyone?
    PC - NA Server - Evanora of the East - DPS Templar 1401CP
    PC - NA Server - Mallechi - DPS Nightblade
    Xbox One - NA Server - DPS Nightblade
  • SkinnyBE


    Don't let them close you ticket or have them move it to feedback, create a new one when they do until they fix the issue.
  • SkinnyBE

    Another update...

    Key phrase is 'We are unable to render further assistance with the Wrothgar Master Relic Hunter Achievement at this time, so we have encouraged you to await official announcements on the matter'


    [Edited to remove Bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on 24 January 2021 14:33
  • SkinnyBE

    Another update....
  • SkinnyBE
    This was September 2020, 4 months after the initial message in this thread:
    Hey folks,

    We wanted to let you know that we have seen your reports and we are investigating this issue.

    In the meantime, if you have not already, please open up a ticket with us at help.elderscrollsonline.com If you'd like us to check in on your ticket's status for you feel free to put your ticket number in this thread.

    Today is January 2021...

    Ok so we provided ticket numbers, we have opened tickets as requested here... Please do check the status...

    Funny thing is that you ask to open a ticket and the reply in the ticket is saying to post here on the forums... Are you sure you all belong to the same company?
  • SkinnyBE
    @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_Adrikoth @ZOS_AntonioP In case you have missed this 'most viewed' thread in your forum...
  • Wendigo_Astur
    I just opened another ticket as item missing instead bug related.

    Ticket number is: 210118-002665
    My "Relic Hunter" achievement in Wrothgar is bugged so "Hero of Wrothgar" gets blocked too.

    When i put any relic in museum it doesnt show and the relics respawn again in map. Also in achievements the relics didnt appear as marked.

    I finished all map and problem persists. Also have tried with all relics and more than once with some of them.

    Hope you can help me.

    Thanks and best regards.
  • Araneae6537
    I have been able to pick up relics in Wrothgar but could not deposit the First Chapter at the Orsinium museum; it appeared to already be there and I did not get credit for it and the relic is still in my inventory. I will submit a ticket online after I check the relics I’ve collected on another character too, just in case any of them work.
  • SkinnyBE

    They put great effort in trying to close my ticket without actually providing any information or support, if only the development team would put the same effort in fixing it :smile:
    SkinnyBE wrote: »
    @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_Adrikoth @ZOS_AntonioP In case you have missed this 'most viewed' thread in your forum...

    Well... Ok now we at least know that you did not miss it but are actively ignoring this thread, it is ok, I myself would also be ashamed if I would have to be in your shoes. However... What is not ok, is that you also close threads for the same issue and that you point ppl to the same thread you are ignoring, that is... well... fill it in yourself.
  • SkinnyBE

    Another day... another attempt to close the ticket.
  • Xocolatlite
    Soul Shriven
    jle30303 wrote: »
    I sent a bug report using the in-game report system, and have had no feedback at all.

    So, how and where EXACTLY - which support / report system, and which category and sub-category - should I report this bug in order to receive an actual reply?

    I have the same problem: I have placed 16 artifacts, enough for the "Wrothgar Relic Hunter" achievement, but all 20 are in their places in the museum - and the other four are NOT in their correct places in the wilds of Wrothgar, where they should be (I have been there and checked), they are all in the museum despite the fact that I never put them there.

    My "bugged" four are:

    Eye of Zthenganaz
    Guthrag's Mask
    Liquid Silver
    Trinimac House Idol

    Given that everybody who has this problem, seems to have anywhere from 1 to 4 artifacts bugged in this way, I suspect that the actual moment of the bug is EXACTLY upon receiving the "Wrothgar Relic Hunter" achievement: as in, the act of awarding this achievement sets a flag to make the museum "complete" in some way, and all 20 artifacts are placed there, and removed from their proper places: and that the people who have 17, 18 or 19 artifacts correctly placed, did so because they were carrying multiple artifacts at once at the moment they returned to the museum with their 16th, and thus actually possessed the 17th, 18th or 19th in their current inventory, so they could place them.

    Which, in turn, implies that a potential workaround, until the bug is fixed (if it ever is), is to place the last FIVE (or more) artifacts all at once: but most players won't know of this (although it is certainly what I shall be doing with any of my other toons on my account, if I bother playing through Wrothgar with them.)

    I would suggest a temporary fix, that will fix any currently-bugged players: IF an artifact is present in the museum, then reading the plaque below it should tick it off the "Wrothgar Relics" list if it is not already ticked (i.e. if the artifact has somehow got there without the player having recovered it properly), and check the list for completion so that the player can be awarded the "Wrothgar Master Relic Hunter" achievement if all 20 exist this way.

    This isn't what's going on here. When I first discovered this bug, I tested it extensively on different characters with an addon that marked the locations of each of the relics. The relics were moved to the display cases shortly after loading into Wrothgar, in many cases after finding and placing only one relic.
  • SkinnyBE
    In the real world when a customer support is not able to provide support for an issue to a customer, they generally pass the ticket to someone who is able to provide support. @ZOS_ConnerG when this issue was first reported and in the months that follow ppl have received support and have received items so what is different now? If only you would provide information...
  • SkinnyBE
    Even information as in 'we face technical difficulties in resolving this issue' would be something. Reach out to your players who spend a lot of time to get an achievement for the head piece that we want. If you are unable to fix the issue, then provide an alternative way for us to get what we should have gotten in the first place. Ok, it is about an achievement in a game to get a head piece in a game, but it is also about an issue with your software for which we pay to use and for which we should receive support. Your silence and sending people to threads in which there is no information that is helpful and having them create 'feedback/bug'(= recycle bin) is treating your customers badly. Yes in a normal situation we submit a bug report, there is an investigation and there is a fix, in this case I think we are past that point.
  • Xocolatlite
    Soul Shriven
    Customer support tried to fix the issue for me by giving me copies of the bugged items, but it didn't work. I placed them, got the notification they were placed, but they still didn't count. There really is nothing they can do about it short of a patch, I guess.
  • jle30303
    Confusing the issue is that there seem to be TWO SEPARATE bugs here.

    (1) The bug in which items are moved to the museum without ever having been placed there. This means that they are not available to be picked up in the wild.

    (2) The reverse bug, in which items are placed in the museum, text flashes across the screen indicating that this has been done, but it is not marked in the Achievements, the item does not actually appear in the museum, and in fact reappears in the wild.

    It appears, from what I can see, that (2) seems to have started happening more recently - possibly it was the result of an attempted but botched fix to (1)?

    The result has been that some people are in a bugged state where, not only do the items NOT appear in the wild because they were put in the museum (as a result of (1) above), but even when the help team manually give the player the relevant items, the attempt to put them in the museum now fails and the items disappear (as a result of (2) but, since (1) has not been fixed, they are still in the museum and do not reappear in the wild EITHER?

    So, to ZOS: There are now TWO Wrothgar Relic Hunter bugs, where there used to be one before. Fix them both!
  • Xocolatlite
    Soul Shriven
    @jle30303 You're correct, and I was mistaken. I see now that there seem to be a couple different kinds of bugs being discussed here, all of which break the same achievement. I never imagined when I first posted this thread that it would take so long for a fix.
  • VerboseQuips
    One of my good friends, who started playing last year, does have this issue too, and customer support hasn't provided any solution either. If I understood well, some items cannot even be put back on pedestals as they are already on them and it hasn't been counted for the achievement.

    Not only does it prevent him to get collectibles and achievements, it also locks access to an entire side quest!

    That this issue has been going on for months, in a DLC for which he had to pay extra crowns for, is baffling and a real shame, and as he was angered by the lack of solution to this issue, he told me he would probably stop buying any new chapter or DLC, and stop playing altogether when he finishes the Guild and Glory pack, considering that he doesn't want to support a company that not only doesn't fix its bugs, but adds new ones in older content.

    Fix your damn game, ZOS, you're losing players here!
    My characters:
    Main and crafter: A Breton magicka templar named Erwann Sorril
    Alt 1: A Bosmer sorcerer named Tuuneleg
    Alt 2: An Imperial dragonknight named Gaius Tullius Hastifer
    Alt 3: An Argonian vampire/nightblade named Observe-le-Xanmeer
    Alt 4: A Nord werewolf/dragonknight named Sigurd Hurlevent
    Alt 5: A Breton sorcerer named Gilian Sorril (he's Erwann's younger brother)
    Alt 6: A Khajiit nightblade named Jolan-dar
    Alt 7: A Nord warden named Sigurmar Hurlevent (he's Sigurd's younger brother)
    Alt 8: An Altmer templar named Oioriel
    Alt 9: An Argonian stamina Warden named Danse-avec-les-Rainettes
    Alt 10: A Redguard templar named Neemokh af-Corelanya
    Alt 11: A Nord stamina sorcerer named Olga Écoute-Vent
    Alt 12: A Breton magicka Warden named Ian Sorril
    Alt 13: A Dunmer magicka necromancer named Ilmoran Dren
    Alt 14: An Orc stamina necromancer named Norgol gro-Borziel
    Alt 15: A Nord magicka necromancer named Thorgen Givresang
    Alt 16: An Imperial magicka dragonknight named Publius Valeirus Hastifer (Just call him "Valerio" - he's Gaius younger troublemaker of a brother)
    Main in NA (For collaborative events): A Breton magicka nightblade named Titouan Sorril (long-lost brother of Erwann and Gilian)
  • SkinnyBE
    I can only say that the only thing we can do for now is keep creating tickets when they do not reply or when they move it to 'feedback' again. Those will eventually pop op in a report and some people will have to explain internally to their hierarchy.

    So please everyone keep creating tickets, update them when they provide the standard reply 'this is a currently known ongoing issue that is being investigated' and recreate with reference to the old when they move it to feedback.
  • Wendigo_Astur
    So... staff said in this thread we must create a ticket as missing item becouse feedback tickets has no effect... stupid thing.

    BTW they just moved my "missing item" ticket to feedback section, so no effect... stupid thing again.

    So not only you dont solve bugs, you lie and make us feel like stupids... well, say goodbye to any euro from me about crown stuff... well played ZOS.
  • SkinnyBE
    In every company there are 2 types of people: You have the ones who care about what they do, have pride, care about the reputation of the company and understand the importance of customer satisfaction. Then you have the ones who are there to take home their pay check and nothing more. I think is is obvious from what we have seen here which ones we are dealing with. I'm sure there are still people in ZOS who belong to the first group, we just need to find a way to get this to their attention. Anyone got any suggestions?
  • SkinnyBE
    Hi all, just to let you know that I'm still updating my tickets or creating new one until we get a clear answer/information/fix. Please do the same.
  • TwinLamps
    I have bug with these as well.
    I collect relics from their spots in world and when I try to place them they just vanish from my inventory yet don't get placed in their museum slots.
    Awake, but at what cost
  • Fandriil
    Nothing new. Maybe we get help tommorrow with Patch :)
    Edited by Fandriil on 25 January 2021 20:13
  • urim316
    Soul Shriven
    Me as well the same Issue.
    Ticked NR: 210126-004103
  • thegreatme
    Considering today was the first patch we've had since early december you'd think they'd have had time to fix this by now, especially with how short the patch notes were this time around.

    Still broken. Nothing about it in patch notes.

    Really majorly sucks for those of us who want the costumes and literally can't get them because of this bug.
    Thank You ZoS!:
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