Issue resolved, got the problematic items via in-game mail and was able to complete archievement :-)
But be sure to log in and submit a ticket at using a non-Feedback/Bug category such as "In-Game Support" and "I have an item issue" as the in-game bug-report is not considered a bug report.
You have to use the mentioned website and if you do then problems are solved quickly.
I've also encountered this broken achievement, the first shield and helmet appear in the display case but aren't credited under the achievement. Other relics I've placed do not appear in the displays and are not credited either.
Support ticket is # 210102-008014
JackRipley wrote: »I have a completely different issue with this relic system. I was able to collect all of the relics, but none of them would show up in their display cases when I put them in. Likewise, the achievement would refuse to acknowledge them as having been found and put on display.
I don't know how to make a proper support ticket for this particular issue, but I did make a bug report ticket: 10103-000879.
Still no news since December 6th.
I have all the screenshots proving that I deposited the objects correctly.
Give us the Wrothgar Relic Hunter achievement while we wait for the patch!
I have done this achievement in it's entirety and a bit more while testing every week or so if the problem had been solved. I don't even care about the achievement I just want the costume. I was originally really frustrated with the idea of having to gather all the relics again because of a bug, but seeing how long this is taking (2+ months already for me) I'd rather do that than wait longer.