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Are you in favor of an item/gold wipe due to imblance introduced by the duping exploits?

  • VampiricOmen
    No. I have worked for every item I have, save for purchasing a few motifs off of other players whether through the guild store or the trading system and even then, that was with gold I earned whether through quests or selling items to vendors. To be painted with the same brush as those cheaters who obtained items and or gold illegitimately would be a very, very strong argument to unsubscribe. I am an avid fan of Elder Scrolls and MMO gaming in general, so it is a rare occasion that I quit a game before losing interest. Other than the fact that this would be completely unfair to legitimate players, the cheaters would likely not learn their lesson if millions of gold was introduced into the economy.

    Basically, it's a very passionate no from me. Surely there are other ways to tackle this problem without affecting every last Tom, Richard and Harry.
  • Ketobbey
    No. I have worked for every item I have, save for purchasing a few motifs off of other players whether through the guild store or the trading system and even then, that was with gold I earned whether through quests or selling items to vendors. To be painted with the same brush as those cheaters who obtained items and or gold illegitimately would be a very, very strong argument to unsubscribe. I am an avid fan of Elder Scrolls and MMO gaming in general, so it is a rare occasion that I quit a game before losing interest. Other than the fact that this would be completely unfair to legitimate players, the cheaters would likely not learn their lesson if millions of gold was introduced into the economy.

    Basically, it's a very passionate no from me. Surely there are other ways to tackle this problem without affecting every last Tom, Richard and Harry.
    After reading your comment I want to change my Undecided to a "no" as well. I to have worked for every bit of everything I have.
    Ketobbey On SoundCloud <-- click to hear the unique music I produce. And it's my own music. I don't sample or DJ I produce from scratch. The music you will hear is perfect for running around ESO. There is a playlist with 1 and a half hours worth of my music for you to listen to. Enjoy and thanks for all your support.
  • Falmer
    Umm.. no. Mass wiping innocent players which makes up 99% of the games population for the criminal actions of a few is just plain wrong.

    That would quickly end the game and half the people would just quit. Most of us actually do things the proper way.

    Hunt down the offenders with a vengeance. Ban them, their friends, family. Ban people who owe them money too if you like.

    However, you don't punish the bulk of the population for the poor decisions of a very small minority. That kind of thinking is why we have such corrupt politicians in the real world.

    Punish the offenders not the victims.
  • Zennia
    Soul Shriven
    I'll say no at this point while also saying that if it turns out later that the exploits have irreparably damaged the game economy (I don't believe they have), a wipe would not make me quit.
  • aldlv13
    this is a very bad idea
    people who are determined will always find a way around the rules and i would imagine a vast majority of players have not exploited glitches or bugs to get their gear. i imagine most of the players have, as i have, earned their gold and gear through blood sweat and tears. it is completely unfair to the players who arn't cheating to lose everything because of some other players cheating
    "Altmer. They act all high and mighty until you leave them in a pool of their own blood." -Blademaster Owyn
  • Beryl
    I keep reading in the guild chats and on the forum about some mysterious imbalance as a result of duping exploit. The truth is - I never seen any evidence of such imbalance in game. All 5 trade guilds where I belong to have reasonable value for items which matches my personal experience from just questing. Most of money I have is coming from quests and selling loot to NPCs, only minor profit I get from selling rare item. I believe that majority of players have a playstyle similar to mine. We don't really care that someone became instantly rich by duping something and we definitely do not want to suffer because of their actions.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    How about we just ban anyone who touched anything duped. Problem solved.
  • IronbarSinister
    Soul Shriven
    I know it is the new black to see everything as if it is the end of the world, but please think first before posting those things.

    Best statement ever.

  • Chalybos
    Mine's supposed to be a "No". Damned page was still loading/refreshing, so I derped it. That's what I get for doing this at work.
  • Viblo
    With them currently data mining, banning, and actually wiping individual accounts of gold and items, I don't think a full wipe is necessary. With the system of guild banks and guild stores instead of an auction house it is really easy for them to track and ban individuals. Hopefully you are not an innocent member of one of these guilds because they are currently doing complete guild wipes along with individual accounts. The impact it has had to the economy as a whole is very minimal due to no auction house. There will be bugs/exploits that will show themselves again in the future. They will not do a full wipe now or later. They are taking care of the current mess the best they can. Billions of gold has already been taken out of the system that was collected from bugs/exploits. The system they have in place makes tracking/data mining very very easy. A plus to not having a global auction house.
  • reggielee
    No to the wipe.

    these cheaters will leave soon enough as there is nothing left for them to achieve in game, they most prob all did the leveling exploit and got to lvl 50 too, so I bet in a month or two they will have moved onto other games to cheat with as these types have the attention span of gnats as well as the morality.

    in time the economy will even out, crafters will find new markets for their stuff, pvp will always be lopsided. In 6mths active noncheating players will also have the upgraded inv/banks, fast mounts too.
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Splicer
    Soul Shriven
    Unless there is some sort of guarantee that the problem won't simply reassert itself after the wipe, I think it would be pointless to do so.

    Plus, almost every MMO has gold sellers and other cheaters that will take advantage of any and every exploit that they can find. In the long run, it has a small impact on the in-game economy, because most people are playing this game to enjoy playing it rather than paying for an "I Win" button.

    I would rather Zenimax focus its efforts on finding exploits and removing them. Once the majority of exploits have been patched, the economy will eventually level out in the long term.
  • Jeremy
    Gisgo wrote: »
    Sure lets waste everyone's playtime because a few cheated.


    Exactly how I feel.

    If you want to turn Tamriel into a ghost town, then by all means start punishing all of us because of what a few cheaters have done.
  • Mansome
    Gonna change mine to a no as well. So long as they don't implement an auction house before they do the mass banning.
  • UnknownXV
    It's been evident to me that the notion of losing your items and gear is too distasteful for people these days to ever accept it as a fix for a crippled economy. However I also don't think people appreciate how ruined the economy is because of it. It'll be a long time before we recover from the massive amounts of legendary and epic upgrade mats that were duped. Reducing their value at least tenfold in a few hours.
  • Natjur
    They can't even if they wanted too. Besides a lot of that gold has been converted into tradeskill exp and they can't remove that without a wipe.

    The bug was back in early beta, they never fixed it, it was reported many times. Yes the players should be banned, but it was the dev's fault. A item wipe would not fix it and would just *** off the 80% of the pop who DID not do anything wrong.

    Just means there are lots of cheap stuff on the market.

    Also how is a wipe going to 'fix' thoses who went from 0 to 50 enchanting in a few hours? So many non trade skillers maxed to 50 trade skill on this 'bug' and they are going to get away with it.
    Edited by Natjur on 22 April 2014 19:34
  • Chalybos
    A "crippled economy" can be fixed. It takes time, but it's fixable. An account that is cancelled because of a full wipe is gone. That's not fixable, and the effects on the playerbase, particularly those who would be affected and didn't do anything wrong, that's a case of the cure being worse than the illness. Shortsighted.

    "Here, Mr. Jones, I know that there's going to be a long recovery, but we expect that in time you'll regain full usage of your arm. You'l even be able to play piano again."
    "Gee, thanks doc, but you know I really don't want to have to do six months of therapy. Cut it off at the shoulders, 'kay? Thanks, I appreciate the effort a lot. And that saves me from having to get the piano tuned."

    * and dammit, it's supposed to be a "no" vote ....
    Edited by Chalybos on 22 April 2014 19:29
  • Lox
    I voted NO.

    The reason being that this sort of exploit has happened before in many other games, the overall impact on gold / economy isn't really that big. However, the perceived impact by the individual player if they did a wipe would be far more significant.
  • Viblo
    UnknownXV wrote: »
    It'll be a long time before we recover from the massive amounts of legendary and epic upgrade mats that were duped. Reducing their value at least tenfold in a few hours.

    Tens of thousands of these have already been removed from the game and more will be after each small patch. With tens of thousands of guilds and guild stores there are very few that were affected. This would have been a major issue if we had a global auction house but since we don't. It was only a minor bump that is being flattened out each patch by the developers (banning and material deletions are occurring each patch, if someone hasn't been gotten to yet just give it time). I am already starting to see the rumblings on other sites of those that have been banned. Zenimax is doing it's job very well and I applaud the way it is being handled. In a month's time, there will be no indication that there was ever a duping exploit.

    Also if they did a full wipe they wouldn't have the data to track down the people like the currently are being tracked and banned. Some of these instances take time to track but they will get to those that exploited eventually. Data mining is a beautiful thing.

    Edited by Viblo on 22 April 2014 21:12
  • temjiu
    Looks like this is a null vote anyways...

    they have decided to take action, and have already banned accounts suspect of taking advantage of the bug. so I guess it doesn't matter what the vote ends up as...they will simply ban the offenders and move on.

    In time the impact of this event will diminish considerably as the economy smooths out

  • Zaxq
    surely the most serious offenders will be fairly easy to spot and ban?

    For obvious reasons.
  • aldlv13
    i havnt noticed any kind of "crippled economy" personally so i am guessing this must have been going on since day one for that to be a valid arguement
    "Altmer. They act all high and mighty until you leave them in a pool of their own blood." -Blademaster Owyn
  • LadyInTheWater
    I could care less.

    I'm not a cheater, so I wouldn't mind seeing the cheaters get their just desserts.

    I also don't have enough gold/items to care if they're wiped or not.

    I think the only people who will care are either the cheaters (and they deserve it anyway), and the rich (and I don't care what happens to them anyway).
    The moment you call someone stupid, or try to display your opinion as "fact", you lose all credibility.
  • crusabella
    People need to give up on this rollback dream. In the list of crazy things the developers wouldn't do this nonsense is close to the top of the list.
  • Jonnymorrow
    I think they should look at players with maybe 200k gold and just wipe their gold to 20k and put them on a list to have their items checked. Evidence of duping = ban forever.

    They need to get this people and items/gold outta the system quickly otherwise it will only cause more damage.
  • Digiman
    Too hard lined. Since their is no global AH then it really wouldn't effect us. Plus their are so many huge gold sinks in the game that most would blow it on that if the Zenimax didn't have the records of where to trace the gold sent from mail. Honestly I really doubt this will bork the economy as much as GTA5 did and they had to make a stimulus update to support the economy recently.

    At most this will only effect a small number of guild AH that can adjust and fix it in their own circle. A full wipe would only infuriate players that have actually scrimped and saved, and with a game so buggy a launch that people PAID to play it wouldn't help keep those loyal players around.
    Edited by Digiman on 23 April 2014 12:22
  • VampiricOmen

    I'm neither a cheater nor a rich player and I do care. Ignoring the fact that if the aforementioned theoretical amount of 10,000 gold was wiped from my account I'd be in the negative, I have spent hours harvesting nodes to accumulate the supplies I have. While I cannot say if this would bother other people, it would certainly bother me if the time I spent collecting items was undone by the actions of a few, greedy players.

    In response to the topic as a whole;

    Punish those that exploited this bug, remove the gold from those that gained it illegitimately, even ban them if such an exploit is deserving of a ban. But please, do not extend this punishment to all players to ensure the economy is stabilised. I am quite unaffected by this exploit and did not even know it existed prior to reading this thread... but to see that a possible fix would be to target everyone? How is that feasible, when it could potentially encourage people to move onto a different game? As I said before, it would be the one and only nail in the coffin for me to quit if such a thing happened. I love this game, but being punished for something I didn't do just doesn't fly well with me, regardless of the environment.

    In saying that, I do not have suggestions for a different solution. Surely however, ZeniMax has the ability to investigate this matter... let those employed for such tasks fix the issue. If it takes gold or items out of the economy, so be it, but indiscriminately targeting everyone isn't the right solution for this problem, in my honest opinion.
    Edited by VampiricOmen on 23 April 2014 12:52
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