Terrible team balancing (if there is any).
Terrible class balancing.
Mismatched numbers on teams that never get filled (4 v 4 v 3 is NEVER a fair game).
Terrible lag/delays in general.
Dodge rolls that don't dodge.
Break free taking 2-3 seconds to work, or never working at all.
Skills not locking on/targeting properly.
Skills that randomly just won't activate.
Bar swap taking 2-3 seconds to work or just never working at all.
DoTs and delayed skills continuing to damage you through death into respawn.
Not being able to play with friends in a MULTIPLAYER game.
Spawn camping - both ways.
Animations that don't remotely match their actual range.
That sorcerer rubberbanding streak bug that's still happening and was never addressed with the gap closer fixes.
Health bars not showing on some players.
Potions not working/being consumed despite playing sound effects.