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Drops in this game are insane.

I decided I needed to level up 'bow'. Obviously, for that I need to get a bow.
So I went out on my little Sorcerer and started to harvest some beech to make one.

The second node I came to had a mob sitting on it so I had to despatch that first.
Guess what it dropped?

Honestly, there's no point in crafting anything at all. (Maybe at higher levels?)
'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Cabot
    That's the way it usually happens, but in my case, it happens right after I made the new bow.

    You will be better off with home-made ones though, once you can add a nice trait during construction and a decent enchant glyph on it as well.

    Or, you can just go around with the thought, "Oh look, a mob guarding a mining node...I'll kill it and then get the ore to make new boots." Looting the dead mob will garner new boots for you.

    edit=fixing poor typing skills
    Edited by Cabot on 17 April 2014 09:46
  • ZiRM
    I've had so many awesome drops. Thank gawd because I hate crafting.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • arrowzagub17_ESO
    Well I am glad the rdg was nice to you. I have yet to find a dropped bow that was better then what I could make and I just hit 39 last night.
  • killedbyping
    Nothing special here. It doesnt matter what you do before VR.
    There no sense in wasting time to gear up no matter how by crafting or farming in this and many other games.
    It is only have sense in games where your level progression are epic slow. When you can stay on same level for few days of gameplay.
    Here in ESO you can easy ding 2-3 level for just a few hours of playing.
    So all the items you looted or crafted literaly become trash comparing to what you can have after few hours or next day.
    Edited by killedbyping on 17 April 2014 12:39
  • Brennan
    Nothing special here. It doesnt matter what you do before VR.
    There no sense in wasting time to gear up no matter how by crafting or farming in this and many other games.
    It is only have sense in games where your level progression are epic slow. When you can stay on same level for few days of gameplay.
    Here in ESO you can easy ding 2-3 level for just a few hours of playing.
    So all the items you looted or crafted literaly become trash comparing to what you can have after few hours or next day.

    I would expand on this by also stating that the only reason to craft new gear is to avoid repair costs. Crafting a new weapon and set of armor every two levels seems silly to me. For Orichalum I made one set at 26, another at 30 because I was getting my ass kicked, and muddled through to 34 (with busted up level 30 armor) just so I could craft my best in tier L34 armor.

    Congratulations on the drop. If you want a better bow look for a good Woodworker. We can sell you one pretty cheap. You will find I respond very favorably to my favorite food - breakfast food. You make breakfast. I'll make your bow. :smiley:

  • kewl
    I have a dedicated crafter who feeds alts with gear, weapons, pots and food. I can craft one set of light for my DPS Sorc, who then passes it down to my Templar healer. My crafting DK passes his heavy to my Tank DK. Each of them enjoys blue, at lvl gear, with a total of two set bonuses. Very little of what drops off mobs can compete with that.

    It takes some organization, but it’s worth it. Especially when my Sorc spits flames on a pack of mobs and the group says, “Whao…how did you do that!” Thank you kindly, Ashen Grip.
  • killedbyping
    Thats exactly what i meant. I dont even repair my gear usualy. I just decon it as soon as i find new one or the same\almost the same item.
  • Food4Thought
    I don't ever repair gear either. Hell, I hardly ever even do an upward convert to green. I simply craft new gear every two levels. I'll save all my upgrade resources for when it matters at end game crafted gear.

    Slap on a trait, pick up an enchantment from a vendor and odds are you will be lookign to decompose the equipment before the enchantment even needs a recharge.
  • Primus9
    Yeap, you never even have to use the merchants for buying either, only selling. They should reduce the weapon/armour drop rate and increase gold drop rate.
  • Demli
    Primus9 wrote: »
    Yeap, you never even have to use the merchants for buying either, only selling. They should reduce the weapon/armour drop rate and increase gold drop rate.

    But deconstructing dropped items is the easiest way to level crafting! And you get to stock up on upgrade items and trait gems. I play with a friend who is doing Clothier, Enchanting, and Alchemy. I do Blacksmith, Woodworker, and Provisioning. After a round of questing when bags are full, we trade everything we've picked up for crafting. So we each get double the gear and resources to decon/craft. It's awesome.
  • Metrobius
    Primus9 wrote: »
    Yeap, you never even have to use the merchants for buying either, only selling. They should reduce the weapon/armour drop rate and increase gold drop rate.

    This would suck. Deconstructing gear drops is how most people level their crafting, and get the mats to improve gear. not to mention drops for researching traits.
  • Censorious
    I've got woodworking and clothier as primary crafts - but I've never needed to use them. I get all my stuff from drops. The quality is 'adequate' and I'm busy stockpiling improvement materials for when I need them (presumably at level cap these things will be needed - I hope)

    It isn't worth wasting materials on crafting anything at low level, not while I can go out and pick up equal quality for the sake of killing a few mobs.
    Even after supplying my own needs, there's still plenty left over to deconstruct.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Darkholynova
    Equipment drops too often and degrades too quickly. I've never felt the need to repair my gear while leveling. Equipment being so readily available undervalues low/mid level crafting. Plus the large surplus of skill points means that everyone can master every craft, but since mid level gear is pointless to invest in... 99% of equipment made is deconstructed.
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