Okay I'll take some bites.Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »I do not advocate slavery personally, so being a Dunmer there I will not get one even if the game permits me. But I will advocate and protect the right to own slaves there because I am a Dunmer there.
I think you've found your own little paradox there. Would you as a person advocate for the right of human traffickers to ply their trade? Do you support the rights of slave owners in parts of the world where that's still a thing? If not, then your Dunmer is acting contrary to how you as a person act - because it makes sense for him in the fictional society in which he lives. That aspect of how you play your character is closer to what we're talking about than the principles you're arguing for.
YesVaranisArano wrote: »Crime and Punishment, yeah?
Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »Okay I'll take some bites.Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »I do not advocate slavery personally, so being a Dunmer there I will not get one even if the game permits me. But I will advocate and protect the right to own slaves there because I am a Dunmer there.
I think you've found your own little paradox there. Would you as a person advocate for the right of human traffickers to ply their trade? Do you support the rights of slave owners in parts of the world where that's still a thing? If not, then your Dunmer is acting contrary to how you as a person act - because it makes sense for him in the fictional society in which he lives. That aspect of how you play your character is closer to what we're talking about than the principles you're arguing for.
No paradox here. Personally I won't neither advocate nor accuse them. It is the business of the people of those parts of the world. Regarding the game - please read those lines I've written again. Thanks for the rest of your message, I understand what you mean and the difference of our approaches - VaranisArano has explained it ultimately.YesVaranisArano wrote: »Crime and Punishment, yeah?! My hat is off to you, VaranisArano. Always a pleasure to talk to an educated man. I guess we could have lots of subjects to discuss. Thanks! Thank you for sharing your point of view too, it made everything clear to me regarding the matter we've been discussing. I recalled my play sessions in Diablo 3 (sorry for such a reference here) - I've always played it Hard mode. Every death is permanent there, so I do understand what you mean. Video games are not the thing I switch on my imagination the way you do. I see it pointless to write a backstory for my character there while I cannot include it inside the game itself. If I only could do it!..
Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »Cygemai_Hlervu wrote: »I didn't. Moreover I can't understand those who did it after all that sacrifice to Molag Bal. After all the evil the Necromancers have done. We all are supposed to fight those abominations and destroy them entirely, not join them! Since the Devs made that class playable I avoid or murder any Necromancer I meet in the game. No cooperation with those s'wits. I wonder what makes you all join them? It's a pure insanity. They must be sentenced to a penalty of death, followed by Rites of Forgetting and disposal of remains in the Pyres of Purification - at least as a retaliation act. Behold the price of blasphemy.
Both of my necromancers developed their crafts before they were sacrificed to Molag Bal. One of them was recruited by the Worm Cult, and when she turned them down they sacrificed her instead. She has no love for them or really any evildoers, but that doesn't mean she's going to stop using the powers she's developed just because that's what the baddies use. Frankly she kind of enjoys the idea of using their own dark arts against them, because those guys were jerks.
You probably have a point with the other one, but she doesn't much care what you or anybody else thinks.
Necromancy is a crime almost everywhere unless you are a Telvanni mage practicing those beasts and tailless apes. The game and its lore have already given us all the possible roles - we just have to choose which one to play. There's no way to join the Worm Cult and I cannot recall even a single dialogue line mentioning us to join their ranks. Also there's no way to join House Telvanni. So how are you supposed to be the one you say you are, the way different from just fantasizing it?
MythicEmperor wrote: »Yes, it is “fantasizing,” but that is the entire purpose of RP ... Roleplaying is like authoring a book.